the “most important means to obtain needed information” about a crime.
interviewing and interrogation
“Both require a combination of art and skill” that must be cultivated and practiced.
interviewing and interrogation
It is the “questioning of a person believed to possess information” which is relevant to the investigation of a crime or on criminal activities
The method of “obtaining an information from another person” who is aware that he is giving a wanted information, although he may be ignorant of the true connection and purpose of the interview
is a “questioning of a person believed to be possessed knowledge” that is of official interest to the investigation
Never conduct or let anyone conduct an interview if the interviewer has not gone to the crime scene”.
it is the “development of intimacy” between the interviewer and the interviewee.
Rapport defined
1) Rapport defined
2) Forceful Personality
3) Knowledge of Human Behavior
4) Conversational Tone of Voice
5) Common Interest
6) Acting Qualities
7) Humility
It is “winning the confidence” of a person being interviewed in order that he will tell all the information in his possession
Rapport defined
The interviewer must be in “respectable civilian attire” because many thinks that uniform is intimidating.
Rapport defined
The appearance of the interviewee and other qualities such as skills of communication techniques and the “force of his language” are the mainstays of the strength of his character.
Forceful Personality
The ability of the interviewer to “determine the personality and intelligence of his subject”
Knowledge of Human Behavior
He must “go down and up to the level of understanding” of his particular subject – the interviewee
Knowledge of Human Behavior
His preliminary “probing questions should be aimed” to establish common interest between him and the subject.
Common Interest
His “ tone of voice must be conversational” , not confrontational as in interrogation.
Conversational Tone of Voice
He must possess the “qualities of an actor”, salesman, and psychologist and know how to use the power of persuasion.
Acting Qualities
He must be courteous, “sympathetic and humble” , ready to ask apologies for the inconvenience of the interview
1) Fear of Reprisal
2) Great Inconvenience
3) Hatred against the Police
4) Bias of the Witness
5) Avoidance of Publicity
6) Family Restriction
7) Bigotry
8) Cultist Indoctrination
It is “always entertained by witnesses” who lack the courage to face the suspect, his company or relatives.
Fear of Reprisal
This is “natural for witnesses who have no means to protect themselves” or no influential person to rely on.
Fear of Reprisal
The investigator’s “power of persuasion plays a vital role”
Fear of Reprisal
The ordeal of “ testifying in court is an inconvenience” on the part hands-to-mouth and to the unemployed.
Great Inconvenience
This hatred maybe due to “previous bad experience with rogue members of the police organization.”
Hatred against the Police
The witness maybe an acquaintance, friend, helper, or “benefactor of the suspect”
Bias of the Witness
There are witnesses who are “shy and they shun publicity” that will bring them discomfort to their ordinary or obscure way of living.
Avoidance of Publicity
Some “cults or religious denominations” exercise religious or moral influence on the decision of witnesses to testify
Cultist Indoctrination
“Religious or racial, tribal” or ethnic indifference
It would be more apparent when the “witness and the suspect belongs to the same cult.”
Cultist Indoctrination
“Some famous and respected families” preserve their reputations by instilling to them members the need of approval of their elders on matters affecting their families.
Family Restriction