Approaches and questions differ with the type of suspect being questioned:
a) Emotional Approach
b) Sympathetic Approach
c) Kindness/Friendliness
d) Extenuation
e) Shifting the blame
f) The Mutt and Jeff or Sweet and Sour Method
g) Tricks and Bluffs:
h) Stern Approach
i) Removing the Ethnic or Cultural Barrier
j) Searching for the Soft Spot
This is a technique where the investigator, combining his skills in of an actor and a psychologist, “addresses the suspect with an emotional appeal” to confess.
Emotional Approach
This is applicable to first time offenders or those who are of the “emotional type of characteristics “ displayed by nervousness or emotional disturbances.
Emotional Approach
“Devotees of a religious group” may belong to this type.
Emotional Approach
The investigator, in his preliminary or probing “questions must dig deep” into the past troubles, plight and unfortunate events in the life of the suspect.
Sympathetic Approach
An offer of “help, kindness, friendliness”, may win his cooperation.
Sympathetic Approach
A “friendly approach coupled” with posture of sincerity may induce the suspect to confess.
The simplest technique is to assure that the suspect will confess if he is “treated in a kind and friendly manner”.
The investigator indicates he does “not consider his subject’s indiscretion” a grave offense.
The “first set of investigators must appear to be rough”, mean and dangerous.
The Mutt and Jeff or Sweet and Sour Method
The interrogator makes clear his belief that the subject is obviously not the sort of person who usually gets “mixed up in a crime like this.”
Shifting the blame
The interrogator could tell from the start that he was not dealing with a fellow who is “criminal by nature and choice.”
Shifting the blame
When they had finished the interrogation, the second investigator intervenes by “stopping the first set of investigators”
The Mutt and Jeff or Sweet and Sour Method
. By being sympathetic and understanding, he begins his interrogation. If the suspect still refuses to cooperate, then the process is “repeated until there is confession.”
The Mutt and Jeff or Sweet and Sour Method
Tricks and Bluffs:
(1) The Pretense of Solid Evidence against the Accused
(2) The Weakest Link/Playing one person against the other
(3) Drama
(4) Feigning Contact with Family Members
(5) More Tricks and Bluffs
(6) The Line-up
(7) Reverse Line-up