Interventions - Chap 11,12 Flashcards
short-term psychodynamic therapy
a treatment approach that emphasizes bringing to awareness unconscious processes, especially as they are expressed in interpersonal relationships, and helping the client to understand and alter these processes.
: the unconscious application of expectations and emotional experiences, based on important early relationships, to subsequent interpersonal relationships.
interpersonal psychotherapy
: a treatment approach that emphasizes interpersonal elements in the development, maintenance, and alteration of psychological problems (especially grief, role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits).
process-experiential therapy
: a treatment approach that emphasizes the importance of becoming aware of emotions, understanding and expressing emotions, and transforming maladaptive to adaptive emotions.
cognitive-behavioural therapy
y: a treatment approach that emphasizes the role of thoughts and behaviour in psychological problems and, therefore, focuses on altering beliefs, expectations, and behaviours in order to improve the client’s functioning.
stepped care
: an approach to health care service delivery in which lower-cost interventions are offered first, with more intensive and more costly interventions being provided only to those for whom the first-line intervention was insufficient.
: the delivery of health care services via telephone, videoconferencing, or computermediated communications.
self-administered treatment:
treatment that the client engages in with no or minimal contact with a mental health professional.
common factors
: therapeutic elements that occur in all or most treatments and are believed to be critical for successful client outcomes.
Dodo bird verdict:
in the context of psychotherapy research, the view that all psychotherapies are equally effective.
empirically based principles of therapeutic change:
client, therapist, therapeutic relationship, and treatment factors that research has found to be associated with successful treatment.
evidence-based psychotherapy relationships:
aspects of the therapeutic relationship that research has found to be associated with successful treatment.
integrative treatment models:
theoretical models that explicitly incorporate into their framework aspects of multiple theoretical approaches and, frequently, common factors.
process-outcome research:
research that examines the relation between variables related to the process of providing psychotherapy and the outcome of therapy.
process research:
research that examines patterns, using therapist and/or client data, that are evident within and across therapy sessions.
the tendency to react against attempts to directly influence one’s behaviour.
therapeutic alliance/relationship:
a concept that encompasses the use of a client’s perception
–> accounts for 12% of outcomes
“ My therapist understood/ accepted/likes me “
causes for improvement
- regression towards to mean
- passage of time/life factors
- getting out of the house
- supportive relationship
- voice of reason
Hawthorne Effect
- participants increased output simply as a result of being in a study.
Client factors
--> influence change personality disorders psychological mindedness ego strength psuchological reactance ( tendency to act against attempts to influence
Psychological reactance
- low reactant: best with directive treatment
- high reactants: best with less directive treatemetn.