Intervention Terms Flashcards
Identify the Intervention Term indicated by the phrase or sentence
Pertaining to the cognitive, emotional, and volitional mental processes that consciously and unconsciously motivate one’s behavior; These processes are the product of the interplay among one’s genetic and biological heritage, the sociocultural milieu, past and current realities, perceptual abilities, distortion, and one’s unique experiences and memories.
The conceptual orientation and treatment application that builds on and modifies principles of behaviorism, taking into account some internal cognitive processes; emphasizes reciprocal relationships and the ability to learn new responses through observing and imitating others.
Social Learning Theory
The social worker’s revelation of personal information, values, and behaviors to the client; This is used in limited circumstances where it serves a therapeutic purpose or is designed to help achieve the client’s goals.
A therapeutic procedure, most commonly used in psychoanalysis and other insight therapies, in which the professional encourages the client to express whatever thoughts or emotions come to mind without providing any distracting external cues.
Free Association
Concepts, values, and techniques that emphasize people’s potential rather than their dysfunctions; Professionals help clients achieve their positive goals by developing the therapeutic relationship and processing on the “here and now”.
Humanistic Orientation
The therapeutic practice used in helping clients experiencing emotional change and distress to promote effective coping that can lead to positive growth and change by acknowledging the problem, recognizing it’s impact, and learning new or more effective behaviors for coping with similar predictable experiences.
Crisis Intervention
A rehearsal of behaviors that can be useful in a subsequent situation to fulfill some expectation of achieve some goal; also a re-experiencing of the past as one imagines being another person to elicit self-awareness and understanding of others.
Role Playing
A technique primarily used in group therapy which clients perform roles, often playing the part of themselves in various socially stressful situations and sometimes playing the parts of their antagonists.
The techniques used by professionals to suggest or demonstrate desired actions or responses to a client and then encourage the client through description, role playing, and demonstrations to behave similarly; with practice the client can then achieve the desired action outside of the professional’s office.
Behavior Rehearsal/Shaping
The conclusion of the social worker- client intervention process; a systematic procedure for disengaging the working relationship; involves evaluating the progress toward goal achievement and anticipating how to resolve future problems and find additional resources.
A technique used with individuals or families to help someone understand a symptom or pattern of behavior by seeing it in a different context; Within a family, this technique changes the understanding of the problem from an individual’s illness to a family problem.
In systematic opinion research and clinical interviews, a form of inquiry that permits respondents to give extensive answers.
Open-Ended Questions
The process of teaching clients with mental illness and their family members about the nature of the illness, including it’s etiology, progression, consequences, prognosis, treatment, and alternatives.
Questions designed to encourage the client to reveal specific information concisely and factually, without opinion, embellishment, or detail; This is often done to keep the client from digressing or providing irrelevant information.
Closed-Ended Questions
An orientation in social work and other professional practices that emphasizes the client’s resources, capabilities, support systems, and motivations to meet challenges and overcome adversity; This emphasizes the client’s assessts.
Strengths Perspective
An approach in counseling that emphasizes a warm, permissive, accepting atmosphere to encourage the client to discuss problems freely; also called client-centered therapy; The therapist prompts and encourages the client to initiate exploration and follow ideas and feelings.
Nondirective Role
The social worker’s summary judgement as to the problem to be solved; This may include diagnostic labels, expressions of the problem, existing assets, and resources, the prognosis of the outcome, and a plan to solve the problem.
Psychosocial Assessment
A technique in which the social worker clarifies and shows the client what his or her feelings are in the moment and encourages further expression and understanding of those feelings (often through paraphrasing).
Reflective Listening