Interval 3 Flashcards
-ends at the entrance of bile duct in second part of duodenum
not gut tube derivative, mesoderm derivative
- receives blood flow from celiac artery
- filters RBC and is lymphatic
Teres ligament
- round ligament of the liver
- remnant of fetal circulation
Greater omentum
dorsal mesentery remnant
extends from greater curvature of the stomach
parts of the stomach
- fundus
- body
- antrum
- pyloric canal
lesser omentum
ventral mesentery remnant
- hepatpduodenal ligament
- bile duct
- proper hepatic artery
- portal vein
*epiploic foramen: inferior edge of the ventral mesentery
If you block the splenic artery, what else becomes blocked?
Pancreas development
- in ventral (head) and dorsal (rest) mesentery
- enveloped by foregut and midgut duodenum (the head shares its blood supply with these areas)
N/B/T: blood supply from the splenic artery
transverse plane
separates the mediastinum between T4 and T5
-heart lies below the transverse plane
heart growth
- into the pericardium from posterior aspect
- has two serous pericardium layers: parietal and visceral (epicardium)
- parietal pericardium has an outer fibrous layer (because there is no wall to cling to, this is nonserous)
- heart is in the middle mediastinum
pericardial space
-potential space
How many vessels must be cut to remove the heart?
inferior vena cava (right atrium)
superior vena cava (right atrium)
4 pulmonary veins (left atrium)
pulmonary trunk (right ventricle)
ascending aorta (left ventricle)
formed by cardiac muscle
most prominent in the ventricles
Chorda tendineae
hold leaflets of valves
Right and left border of the heart
RIGHT: 3rd-6th intercostal cartilages, finger breadth from sternum
LEFT: midclavicular line in the 5th intercostal cartilage to 2nd
INFERIOR: xiphoid left to right
SUPERIOR: 2nd left intercostal space to 3rd on right
*1/3 of heart is to the right of median plane
Right border structures
-right atrium, SVC, IVC
Left border structures
-left ventricle and left auricle
Inferior border structures
-right ventricle
Superior border structures
-left and right atria, ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, SVC
Where are the visceral and parietal pericardium continuous?
- pulmonary veins
- great arteries
- everywhere else the heart is free within the cavity
- serous fluid allows frictionless beating
Innervation of parietal layers of the pericardium
-sensory branches of the phrenic nerves
transverse pericardial sinus
-between ascending aorta and PT and SVC
oblique sinus
-inferior to the pulmonary veins and left of the IVC
Coronary arteries
- supply arterial blood to the heart
- arise from the right/left aortic sinuses
Right coronary artery
- long
- courses in the coronary sulcus
- supplies the right atrium and right ventricle
- nodal branches supply SA and AV nodes
- marginal branch supplies right ventricle
- typically gives rise to posterior interventricular artery
posterior interventricular artery
- from the right coronary artery
- courses in the posterior interventricular sulcus
- supplies right/left ventricle and posterior part of interventricular septum
Left coronary artery
-short artery that originates from left aortic sinus into the anterior interventricular artery and circumflex artery
anterior interventricular artery
- courses in the anterior interventricular sulcus
- supplies right and left ventricles and 2/3 of the interventricular septum (AV bundle)
Circumflex artery
- courses in the coronary sulcus
- supplies the left atrium and left ventricle
- marginal branch arises from here and supplies the left ventricle
Right atrium
smooth-walled: sinus venarum
-SVC, IVC, ostium of coronary sinus, and openings of anterior cardiac veins
rough-walled: pectinate muscles
*poorly oxygenated blood
crista terminalis
separates the sinus venarum from the pectinate muscles
contains the fossa ovals (in the interatrial septum)
-remnant of the foramen ovale (shunts blood from lungs)
Right atrioventricular orifice
opens into the right ventricle
closed by the 3 leaflet of the tricuspid valve
right ventricle
rough walled part-trabeculae carneae
smooth walled part - conus arteriosus (infundibulum) which leads to the PT (separated by the semilunar valve)
3 papillary muscles (anterior, posterior, septal)
separated by interventricular septum (membranous and muscular)
Chorda tendineae
attach to papillary musches and to leaflets of the tricuspid valve
left atrium
smooth-walled part
rough-walled part: auricle, contains pectinate muscles
contains the left atrioventricular orifice which opens into the left ventricle (closed by 2 leaflets of the mitral valve)
left ventricle
muscular wall: trabecilae carneae (twice as thick as the wall of the right ventricle)
smooth walled: aortic vestibule - leads to ascending aorta
-2 papillary muscles (anterior/posterior) with chordae tendineae attach to edges of mitral valve
semilunar valve
at the junction between vestibule and ascending aorta
3 cusps: right, left, posterior
-aortic sinus distal to each
Papillary muscles in ventricles during contraction
contract and keep the cusps of tricuspid and mitral valves rom opening
-valves close due to increased pressure
Cardiac conduction
-wave of depolarization
SA Node
in the sinus venarum of right atrium
pacemaker (depolarizes faster than others)
wave spreads to both atria which contract
AV Node
in the interatrial septum
stimulated by depolarized atria
delays depolarization from passing to the ventricles so atria can fully contract