Interpersonal, Team, & Group Dynamics Flashcards
Group polarization
endency for group decisions to be more extreme than themembers’ individual decisions
Mr. A group polarization example, Stoner (1961)
- described scenario of Mr. A staying with a secure, modestly paying job, or leaving to try ariskier, more lucrative job- participants selected the lowest probability that would make this a worthwhile switch-group decisions were RISKIER than made by the same individual alone!-initially called “risky switch phenomenon,” but not always risky!!
Myers & Bishop, group polarization, groups discussing racial issues
-had groups discuss racial issues- high-prejudice groups  became more prejudiced - low-prejudice groups  became more tolerant!
potential cause of group polarization: normative influence
normative influence-you gain conviction if others’ opinions match yours- social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954): you compare yourself with others to determine what is correct, appropriate and desirable- it is the PROCESS of discussion (rather than the content) that produces change- [X] BUT, polarization obtained without any interaction…
potential cause of group polarization: informational influence
informational influence-new info may sway your opinions- during discussion, pro-risk: pro-caution arguments were 6:4 (Burnstein & Vinokur,1977)- it is the content of discussion (rather than the process) that produces change-likelihood is LOW ppl will share info/opinion only THEY have, emphasis on SHARED knowledge[X] BUT, groups typically rely on common knowledge, rather than sharing new info
potential cause of group polarization: self-categorization
self-categorization-group is not an external influence, but rather provides you with a social identity-membership in a group helps you define your OWN individual identity- you are not a part of the group as much as the group is a part of YOU- social influence is informational and normative: you evaluate info rationally, but values are normatively established- when you perceive yourself to be a group member, you should polarize away fromyour own personal position and toward the group norm-pro/con of this approach: flexible, explains a lot, but that loses explaining power…
groupthink definition (irving janis)
“a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive ingroup, when the members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action”
- tendency for all members in a small, close-knit group to think alike, and discourage dissent/disagreement- others’ opinions count; you compare yourself to others; uniformity/social norms may develop within a group- individuals do not want to be singled out as “different”:- dissenters must debate their position with entire group- if group fails to change dissenter’s mind, dissenter is EXCLUDED- social systems are tension systems: discrepancy between group norm and individualproduces tension (e.g., cognitive dissonance)Group: Unwritten goal is unanimity. Is individual rejected?Individual: Do you (1) influence group to change? (2) change your own opinion?or (3) reject the group?- thus, conformity is viewed positively
groupthink model
antecedent conditions -> symptoms of groupthink -> symptoms of defective decision making -> low probability of successful outcome
antecedent conditions
- Decision makers constitute a cohesive group (friends, get along outside of work)2. Structural faults of the organization.insulation of the group.lack of tradition of impartial leadership (everyone looks up to them).lack of norms requiring methodical procedures.homogeneity of members’ social background & ideology (overlaps w/ 1, middle aged white guys)3. provocative situational context.high stress from external threats w/ low hope of a better solution than leader’s.low self-esteem temp induced by…a) recent failures that made members’ inadequacies salient (maybe feel like have something to prove now)b) excessive difficulties on current decision-making tasks that lower members’ self-efficacyc) moral dillemmas: only feasible alternatives violate ethical standards
symptoms of groupthink
- overestimation of group (thinks too much of itself).illusion of invulnerability (we haven’t screwed up yet!).belief in inherent morality of group (pres. kennedy, leader of free world)2. close-mindedness.collective rationalization (past success -> future success).stereotyping of outgroups (avoid outside/contrary opinions, dirty commies)3. pressure toward uniformity.self-censorship (dissenting opinions left unspoken).direct pressure on dissenters.self-appointed mindguards (discourage others from expressing beliefs, suppress info quick from dissenters).illusion of unanimity!
symptoms of defective decision making
- incomplete survey of alternatives2. incomplete survey of objectives3. failure to examine risks of preferred choice4. poor information search5. selective bias in processing given information 6. failure to reappraise alternatives7. failure to work out contingency plans(prof says overlap between a lot of these)
how to minimize groupthink
- open mind, lol2. do not stereotype opponents3. encourage dissent (appoint devil’s advocate)4. divide into subgroups meet separately, then come together to discuss differences (CEO present, they can go into one group, that way their influence/pressure not felt in every group. if group comes up with dissenting opinion, can say “OUR group” thought…)5. have members discuss group’s deliberations w/ trusted associates, report reactions6. call in outside experts to challenge group’s views7. AFTER achieving consensus, have another meeting for members to express remaining DOUBTS
pros/cons of groupthink theory
CHECK: evidence, historical accounts of Pearl Harbor, Viet Nam war, Watergate, Chernobyl,9/11[X] empirical evidence is equivocal; groupthink found in both GOOD and bad decisions[X] subjective! how do you define a dynamic influential leader?[X] based on post hoc reports
space shuttle challenger: basics
- launch of flight 51-L first scheduled for January 22, 1986 - postponed due to:• payload changes• bad weather forecast • equipment problem• dangerous crosswinds- rescheduled for January 28, 1986- takeoff delayed until 11:38:00 am, due to ICE on launchpad (some icicles 2m long)- first problem T+0.678: smoke spurt visible from aft field joint ofright Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) (nobody noticed this in real time)- in the next 2 seconds, 8 more smoke puffs appear- T+58.788: flame appears- aerodynamic slipstream deflects flame plume onto External FuelTank- T+64.660: tank breached; hydrogen fuel ignited- T+73: structural integrity lost; liquid O2 propellant ignited- all seven crewmembers died