Interpersonal Relationships: Bio Theories of Attraction Flashcards
What is oxytocin?
- released during touching and sex
- oxytocin may intensify feelings of attachment, making couples feel closer and more bonded (Ditzen et al)
- also released during childbirth - may secure mother to child bond
- suppresses the activity of the amygdala, lowering feelings of anxiety and aggression
What theory do evolutionary psychologists use to explain the biological approach to attraction?
- natural selection - choosing a partner based on their ideal genetics to pass down the most superior genetics to the offspring
- an aspect of natural selection would be ensuring that the immune system of any offspring is as effective as possible (diverse MHC of parents)
What is MHC and what does it influence?
- the MHC (major histocompatibility complex) influences human smell and could be an example of a human pheromone (supports the theory of natural selection)
- the more diverse the MHC of the parents, the stronger the offspring’s immune system (Wedekind)
What are the limitations of evolutionary explanations of attraction?
- assumes that behaviors are inherited and universal in humans
- hypotheses are difficult to test - low ecological validity in studies
- much research is done through animal models - difficult to generalize animal studies to humans
- correlational in nature: no cause-and-effect relationship
Ditzen et al - Aim
To investigate the effects of oxytocin on couple interaction and cortisol levels
Ditzen et al - Procedure
- Sample: Heterosexual couples who were married or had been cohabiting for at least 1 year
- Couples were randomly assigned to 2 different conditions:
1. Self-administered 5 puffs of oxytocin
2. Placebo to each nostril - A double-blind technique was used
- Couples then had to discuss an issue that they usually disagree on
- The discussion was videotaped
- Cortisol levels were measured from saliva samples
- The videotapes were coded for positive and negative verbal and non-verbal behavior
Ditzen et al - Findings and Conclusion
- Participants who received oxytocin condition showed improved communication behavior than participants in the placebo condition
- Sex difference found was not significant
- After the discussion, cortisol levels decreased more in the oxytocin group
- Hormone oxytocin may have a beneficial effect on couple interaction and close relationships in humans
- Positive communication in a couple is a necessary factor in a strong relationship
- The results are in line with animal studies indicating that oxytocin facilitates approach and pair-bonding behavior
- However, Ditzen makes it clear that it is most likely not the oxytocin level alone that determines the strength of a relationship
Ditzen et al - Evaluation
- Cause and effect relationship is established
- The study was ethical
- Both men and women were evaluated so the study is not gender biased
- Only heterosexual couples participated, reducing the study’s reliability
- Depending on the severity of the issue that each couple discussed, as well as their usual tendency to fight/bicker, the nature in which they discussed the topic may have been influenced by external factors
- Total control = impossible
- Low ecological validity - took place in a lab setting
- Level of oxytocin was artifically manipulated
Wedekind - Evaluation
- The study has been successfully replicated and supported by animal studies
- double-blind experiment - minimize demand characteristics
- the study met ethical standards
- some argue that the theory is too reductionist – it over-simplifies the behavior of human mate selection by bringing it down to the MHC – ignoring cognitive and socio-cultural factors
- sample may not be considered representative as the participants were similar in age and culture