Internship Flashcards
Describe how to take apgar
Heart rate
O absent
1 < 100
O absent
1 slow irregular
2 regular, crying
Muscle tone
O limp
1 some flexion of extremities
2 active movement
Response to stimulation
O no response
1 grimace
2 cough, sneeze, cry
O blue or pale
1 body pink, extremities blue
2 pink
Describe the newborn resuscitation algorithm (5)
Preterm, not breathing, poor tone
- Warm, dry and stimulate (unless < 30 weeks, wrap torso in plastic bag), clear airway if
Gasping, apnoeic (consider CPAP if ongoing respiratory distress) or hr < 100
- ventilate room air 30 - 40 breaths per minute, use oxygen it prem start at 30 - 40%
- Ventilate with supplemental oxygen as required
Hr < 60
- Continue ventilating with supplemental oxygen as required and consider intubation.
Start chest compressions.
- 0,1 - 0,3 ml/kg iv adrenaline (1:10 000), repeat every 3-5 mins
How determine corrected age?
Only do if baby born < 40 weeks gestation
Still < 40 weeks age: gestational age at birth (weeks) + age (weeks)
Eg baby born 28 weeks gestation and now 2
weeks old = 30 weeks corrected age
Born 28 weeks gestation and now 12 weeks
old = 40 weeks corrected age
More > 40 weeks age: 40 weeks + chronological age from DOB
Eg born 28 weeks gestation and now 14 weeks
old = 2 weeks corrected age
Born 28 weeks gestation and now 20 weeks
old = 8 weeks corrected age (48w on chart)
How tell if right atrium enlargement on CXR?
Ap: prominent r heart border
How tell if right ventricle enlargement on CXR?
Lateral: increased sternal contact > bottom 1/3
How tell if left atrium enlargement on CXR?
Ap: angle of carina >60 (splaying)
Lateral: prominent posterior bulge
Name and classify 7 types acyanotic congenital heart disease
Cardiac VAPE: coarctation, ASD, PDA, eisenmenger
Normal pulmonary blood flow (CAP)
- pulmonary stenosis (ejection systolic ULSB)
- (tricuspid incontinence) (common physiological, pulsatile liver if severe, pansystolic LLSB)
- aortic stenosis (ejection systolic RUSB)
- coarctation/interrupted aortic arch (continuous over back)
- (mitral incompetence) (congenital abnormal
MV or 2ndary to LH dilatation; pansystolic
Increased pulmonary blood flow (left to right shunts)
- patent ductus arteriosus (continuous ULSB)
- ventricular septal defect (pansystolic LLSB)
- atrio-ventricular septal defect (pansystolic from mitral (over apex)/tricuspid (LLSB)
regurg OR no murmur bc pressure balance quickly) - atrial septal defect (ejection systolic ULSB)
(eisenmenger syndrome)
Name and classify 9 types cyanotic congenital heart disease
5 Ts: TGA, TAPVD, truncus arteriosus, tetralogy, tricuspid atresia
Increased pulmonary blood flow (3 ts)
- transposition of the great arteries (ULSB
continuous due to PDA)
- total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (ejection systolic ULSB due to PS and/or mid diastolic LLSB due to TS)
- Truncus arteriosus (pansystolic LLSB due to
VSD, or midsystolic)
- hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Eisenmenger syndrome)
Right to left shunts
Decreased pulmonary blood flow (PPETT)
(blockage RH to lungs)
- tetralogy of fallot (ejection systolic LUSB
due to PS)
- critical pulmonary stenosis (cont LUSB due
to PDA)
- Pulmonary valve atresia (cont LUSB due to
- Ebstein anomaly (pansystolic LLSB due to
- tricuspid atresia (pansystolic LLSB due to
Normal hr neonate <28 days? (EML)
100-165 themba
Normal hr 1mo-2 years? (EML)
Normal hr 2-5 years?
70-110 themba
Normal hr 5-12 years?
Normal respiratory rate neonate?
40-60 themba
Normal respiratory rate after neonate-2 years?
Normal respiratory rate 2-5 years? (EML)
Normal respiratory rate 5-12 years? (EML)
Normal paeds SBP?
80 + (age in years) /2
Name 8 reversible causes cardio respiratory arrest
4 Hs 4 Ts
- hypoxia
- hypovolaemia
- hypoK, hyperK, hypoCa
- hypothermia
- tamponade
- tension pneumothorax
- toxins eg tricyclic antidepressants
- thrombo-embolic event
Dose of defibrillator paeds
Define physiological jaundice
24h after birth - 14 days (prem 21 days)
+ unconjugated (conjugated Bili:total bili < 20%)
Define conjugated jaundice
Conjugated: total bili >20%
Treatment hypoglycemia
5 ml/kg of a 10% dextrose solution bolus IV
Maintenance fluids for neonates </=1kg
Maintenance fluids for neonates 1-2kg
80 ml/kg/day
Maintenance fluids for neonates >2kg
60 ml/kg/day
Maintenance fluids/feeds for infants
120 ml/kg/day
Maintenance fluids for 1-2years
100 ml/kg/day
Maintenance fluids for >2 years
4:2:1 rule ml/kg/hour