International Trade Flashcards
What is a Direct foreign investment?
A company planning a foreign investment can either purchase the stock of a foreign corporation or make a direct foreign investment
A direct foreign investment involves buying equipment and buildings for a new company
What are the advantages of making a direct foreign investment (as opposed to buying stock in a foreign company)?
The advantages of a direct foreign investment include:
- Lower taxes in the foreign nation
- Annual depreciation allowances for the amount invested
- Access to foreign capital sources
What are the relevant cash flows in foreign investments?
Relevant cash flows are the dividends and possible future sales price of the investment paid to the investor
To this extend, traditional capital budgeting techniques can be used
Why is the cost of capital for foreign projects higher than domestic projects?
Cost of capital for foreign projects is higher because of increased:
- Exchange-rate risk
- Sovereignty (or political) risk arising from possible expropriation (or other restrictions), with net losses to the parent company
- The likelihood of laws requiring financing from certain sources (i.e. a requirement that foreign subsidiaries must be at least 51% owned by locals)
- Foreign operations are more difficult to manage than domestic operations
What are American depository receipts (ADRs)?
Ownership rights in foreign corporations are sometimes evidenced by American depository receipts (ADRs)
The foreign stocks are deposited with a large U.S. bank, which in turn issues ADRs representing ownership in the foreign shares
The ADR shares then trade on a U.S. stock exchange, whereas the company’s original shares trade in foreign stock markets. ADRs allow foreign companies to develop a U.S. shareholder base without being subject to many SEC restrictions
What are foreign investments funded by?
Foreign investments are funded by:
- Parent company resources
- Common stock sales in the foreign country
- Bond sales in the foreign country
- Borrowing in world financial markets
With regard to multinational corporations, what are the benefits to the home country?
Benefits to the home country include:
- Improved earnings and exports of products to foreign subsidiaries
- Improved ability to obtain scarce resources
- The typical benefits of free trade (i.e. greater product availability, a better international monetary system and improved international understanding)
With regard to multinational corporations, what are the adverse effects on the home country?
Adverse effects on the home country include:
- Loss of jobs and tax revenues
- Instability caused by reduced flexibility of operation in a foreign political system and the risk of expropriation
- Competitive advantage of multinationals over domestic rivals
With regard to multinational corporations, what are the benefits to the host country?
Benefits to the host country include:
- New investment of capital, technology and management abilities
- Improvements in output and efficiency along with the resulting stronger balance of payments
- Stimulation of competition, increased tax revenues and higher standards of living
With regard to multinational corporations, what are the adverse effects to the host country?
Adverse effects on the host country include:
- Remittance of royalties, dividends and profits that can result in a net capital outflow
- Setting of transfer prices among subsidiaries so that profits will be earned where taxes are lowest or restrictions on the export of profits are least stringent
- Multinationals engaging in anticompetitive activities (i.e. the formation of cartels)
How is Cross-border factoring used as a method of financing international trade?
A factor purchases receivables and assumes the risk of collection
Cross-border factoring is a method of consummating a transaction by a network of factors across borders. The exporter’s factor contacts correspondent factors in other countries to assist in the collection of account receivable
How are letters of credit used as a method of financing international trade?
Under a letter of credit, an issuer (usually a bank) undertakes with the account party (an importer-buyer that obtains the letter of credit) to verify that the beneficiary (seller-exporter) has performed under the contract (i.e. by shipping goods)
Thus, the issuer pays the beneficiary when it presents documents (i.e. bills of lading) that provide evidence of performance. The issuer then is reimbursed by the account party
What is the process of how a letter of credit used as a method of financing international trade?
The process is as follows:
The importer applies to its home country bank (issuer) for a letter of credit. The issuer sends the letter to a correspondent bank in the exporter’s country
The correspondent bank transfers the letter to the exporter, who is thereby assured of payment
The exporter ships the goods and delivers the shipping documents to the correspondent bank, which pays the exporter if they are in order
The correspondent bank sends the shipping documents to the issuer, which reimburses the correspondent bank and charges the importer’s account
The importer (of its broker) receives the shipping documents and presents them to the carrier to obtain the goods
What are Banker’s acceptances?
Methods of financing international trade
Banker’s acceptances are time drafts drawn on deposits in a bank. They are short-term credit investments created by a nonfinancial firm and guaranteed (accepted) by a bank as to payment
Acceptances are traded at discounts in secondary markets. These instruments have been a popular investment for money market funds
What is Forfaiting?
Methods of financing international trade
Forfaiting is a form of factoring that involves the sale by exporters of large medium to long-term receivables to buyers (forfaiters) who are willing and able to bear the costs and risks of credit and collections
What is Countertrade?
Methods of financing international trade
Countertrade at its simplest is barter - the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services rather than merely for cash
What are Treaties?
To avoid double taxation, two or more countries may adopt treaties to coordinate or synchronize the effects of their taxing statutes
Treaties are also used to integrate other governmental goals (i.e. providing incentive for desired investment)
If a U.S. statute and a treaty to which the U.S. is a party conflict, the one enacted or adopted last controls
A treaty might modify the rules in a country’s statutes that designate to which country income is sourced or of which country a firm is a resident
How are multinational corporations taxed?
Multinational corporations frequently derive income from several countries. The government of each country in which a corporation does business may enact statutes imposing one or more types of tax on the corporation
- Most countries tax only the income sourced to that country
- The U.S. taxes worldwide income (from whatever source derived) of a domestic corporation. Double taxation is avoided by allowing a credit for income tax paid to foreign countries or by treaty provisions
- In the case of foreign corporations, the U.S. taxes only income sourced to the U.S. Ordinarily, such income is effectively connected with engaging in a trade or business in the U.S. Certain U.S. source income (i.e. gain on the sale of most stock) is not taxed by the U.S.
What is Transfer pricing?
Transfer pricing is an important aspect of the tax calculation for multinational corporations that transfer inventories between branches in different countries
The U.S. tax laws have limits on the amount of profit that can be transferred from a U.S. parent to a foreign subsidiary or branch
Although there are exceptions, the basic transfer pricing rules under the IRC limit the amount of taxable income that can be claimed by the foreign subsidiary to no more than 50% of the total taxable income
Thus, transfer prices charged to foreign subsidiaries may differ substantially form those charged to domestic subsidiaries
Are there non-tax aspects to transfer pricing?
Yes, for example, limitations on taking profits out of a foreign country, or currency restrictions can be avoided by charging the foreign subsidiary a higher transfer price than that charged to domestic subsidiaries
This is because firms in developing countries are allowed to pay their accounts payable to foreign vendors but are NOT allowed to distribute profits to foreign owners
Note: The existence of tariffs in the foreign country may necessitate a lower transfer price to reduce a tariff based on the inventory value