International Politics and the Global Community Flashcards
Political movement seeking to achieve independence for colonies, thus permitting countries to govern themselves.
Arms control
Negotiations and agreements that limit the production of weapons by nations
Balance of power
The maintenance of peace through the even distribution of power among competing nations so that no single state or combination of states is dominant.
The distribution of power between two nation-states.
Collective security
Joining of countries into an organization to maintain international peace and law. Their collective strength deters or punishes aggression by member nations. The United Nations is one such organization.
A relaxation of tensions between nation-states.
Negotiations and agreements whereby countries agree to reduce or eliminate weapons.
Policy of exercising direct or indirect control, sometimes despotic, over others.
European Union
Regional organization built on the foundation of free trade. Seeks total European economic integration.
asserts that the barriers to cooperation and peaceful conflict resolution can best be overcome when peoples and nations work together to meet common needs and advance mutual interests. Emphasis is on such functional areas as trade, health, agriculture, transportation, and environment.
Rapid and explosive increase in integrative international economic activity—trade, investment, and banking. Built on the twin pillars of capitalism and high-tech communications.
Grand debate
Function of the United Nations whereby problems can be presented, discussed, and analyzed; ideas can be tested; and the strength of policies can be measured
Hard power
Military or economic influence. Stands in contrast to soft power, which involves less tangible elements such as persuasion, political skill, and public opinion.
Circumstance in which one nation-state has overwhelming, dominating power.
Policy of withdrawal from, and nonparticipation in, world affairs.