Ch. 8: Key Dilemmas: Political Form, Culture, and Values Flashcards
Class values
Political interests shaped by social classes, such as worker or capitalist.
Connection of powers
Connection of political power among governmental bodies, as opposed to the separation of powers.
ex. Britian
Culture wars
Term that came into use during the first decade of the twenty-first century to describe sharp divisions within the American public over fundamental values as reflected in disagreements over such issues as abortion, gay marriage, prayer in public schools, euthanasia, genetic research, and sex education.
Surrendering of powers to local authorities by a central government/the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.
Economic well-being
Level of income, food, health care, and education that satisfies minimum quality-of-life standards and permits full growth and development.
Governmental system that combines central authority for nationwide concerns with state, provincial, or regional authority for local concerns, with certain powers shared by, and certain powers denied to, both levels of government.
An objective.
Interest aggregation
Means of selecting priorities in which political actors build support for specific proposals, usually by working with other like-minded individuals or groups.
Interest articulation
Expression of political actors’ needs, interests, and desires through voting, speaking at public forums, or joining political parties or interest groups.
Interest groups
Members of the public who organize in an attempt to shape public policy on issues of concern to them.
Majority rule
Power of one-half of the members plus one of any decision-making group to bind the remainder of that group to a decision.
National interest
Vital needs and fundamental interests of nations, such as security, liberty, justice, and welfare, essential for independence, prosperity, and power.
In the context of political science, a government course or general plan of action designed to solve problems or achieve specified goals.
Political actor
Individual or group that expresses and shapes public values, struggles for power, and decides issues of public policy.
Political culture
The distinguishing attitudes, habits, and behavior patterns of a political community.