International Institutions and regional integration Flashcards
Great depression
- Roots in the failure of the world economy to mount a sustained economic recovery after WW1
- 1929- stock market collapsed
- 1930- increased protectionism - US congress passed the Smoot-Hawley tariff - enormous wall of tariff barriers
- US exports tumbled
- Great depression
Bretton Woods
- 1944, 44 countries met
- Countries agreed to peg their currency against the US dollar
- agreed not to engage in competitive devaluations for trade purposes and defend their currencies
- Created IMF and World Bank
Internation Monetary Fund IMF
-multi literal organisation promoting international monetary cooperation and promoting temporary assistance to countries with balance of payment problems
3 prime activities
- monitor global economy
- provide technical assistance to developing countries
- Lending to countries with financial difficulties
- Requires government to implement ‘belt-tightening’
Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System
- Collapse of the fixed exchange rate
- Floating exchange rate - new agenda
- Jamaica agreement revised IMF articles of Agreement to reflect the new reality of floating exchange rates
- Inter-Government treaty
- original objectives included; standard of living, employment, real incomes, full use of resources, expanding production
- was to be followed by the ITO
Uruguay Round 1986-94
- increased countries to 128
- widening of remit
- creation of WTO
World Trade Organisation
- Has emerged as an effective advocate and facilitator of future trade deals
- WTOs policing and enforcement mechanisms
- Magnet for various group protesting free trade
World Bank
- Initial mission was to help finance building Europe’s economy by providing low interest loans
- Goals: vital source of financial assistance to developing countries
Criticisms of IMF/World Bank
- Neo-liberal approach; conditionality, Structural adjustment programmes
- Dominated by industrialised companies
- Ethics of projects
UN’s sustainable development goals
- Environment
- Sustainable industrialisation
- Responsible consumption
- Means of implementation
Regional Integration
Levels of economic integration
- trading bloc: preferential economic arrangement among a group of countries
- may take various forms: free trade area, customs union, common market, economic union, political union
Political arguments for integration
Interdependence between nations
Increases political cooperation
Reduces likelihood of conflict
Enhances world political clout
Economic arguments for integration
Specialisation Encourages FDI EOS Competition GATT exemptions
Problems for integration
Gains not universal
Regional economic balances
loss of sovereignty
Blocs may be defensive
The single market
Free movement of goods, capital, people and services within the union Principles of harmonisation -mutual recognition -harmonised sector -subsidiarity
\+ Reduces conversion costs Facilitate direct price comparisons reduction of exchange rate risk Impose monetary policy
Unable to implement independent monetary policies
Limits of fiscal policy
Shared responsibility to support weaker countries