Internal Med Flashcards
Signs and symptoms of CVA of anterior cerebral artery
- paralysis of contralateral foot and leg
- sensory loss toes, foot, leg
- gait/stance impairment
- flat affect, slow, distracted
- cognitive impairment
- urinary incontinence
Myasthenia Gravis
- treatment of choice
- Pyridostigmine
- immune modulators second line
- plasmapheresis and IVIG in crisis
- sx
- confusion
- amnesia
- +/- LOC
- HA
- Dizzy
- Nausea
- difficulty concentrating
- when can return to sports
- when asx and no longer taking medications for sx
Alzheimer treatment that is neuroprotective
- NMDA receptor antagonist. Excessinv NMDA stimulation can cause ischemia.
- Best when used with cholinesterase inhibitor
Alzheimer treatment
- cholinesterase inhibitors
- Donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine
- improve cholinergic function by inhibiting esterase enzyme
Alzheimer treatment
- cholinesterase inhibitors
- Donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine
- improve cholinergic function by inhibiting esterase enzyme
- pathophys
- immune mediated
- destruction of myelinated axons in CNS
- clinical
- optic neuritis
- Heat sensitivity
- paresthesias
- muscle cramping / spasm
- bowel/bladder dysfunction
- ataxia
- tremor
- cognitive changes
- facial weakness
- facial muscle twitching
- dx
- clinical manifestations
- CSF: pleocytosis and elevated gamma globulin
- MRI: confirmation
- treatment
- Steroids for acute attacks
- plasma exchange
- Disease modifying therapy
- most commonly affected parts of boyd
- Lungs
- Skin
- lymph nodes
- overview
- noncaseating granulomas in organs and tissues
- skin manifestations
- papular, nodular, plaque-like rashes
- scarring
- change in color
- erythema nodosum
- lung
- bilateral hilar adenopathy
- diffuse reticular or ground glass opacities
- Sx: sternal pain, SOB, fatigue, dry cough, wheezing
- lung
- bilateral hilar adenopathy
- diffuse reticular or ground glass opacities
- Sx: sternal pain, SOB, fatigue, dry cough, wheezing
- elevated ACE
- treatment
- treatment
- no cure
- steroids
Chronic pancreatitis
- treatment
- cessation etoh and smoking
- small, low-fat meals
- pain: TCAs, narcotics, occasional hospitalizations for NPO
- pancreatic enzymes
- medium chain TG - easily absorbed and provide extra calories if weight loss
- malabsorption vitamins may occur but usu not clinically sx
Secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic fever post acute rheumatic fever with valvular effects
- IM PCN G q 21-28 days until age 40
Heart failure
- RF
- myopathy
- familial heart dz
- rheumatic heart dz
- hyperthyroid
- pheochromocytoma
- dyslipidemia
- DM
- sleep apnea
- substance abuse
- chemo/radiation to chest
- ratio of what indicates PAD
- falsely high reading means what
- <0.90
- falsely high ABI can occur when pt has severely hardened peripheral arteries which are non-compressible
- treatment
- address underlying dz process
- antiplatelets
- stent or sx if severe
Classic signs of acute adrenal insufficiency
- profound weakness
- severe abd pain
- peripheral vascular collapse
- electrolyte abnl
- shock
Adrenal insufficiency
- labs
- hyponatremia
- hypoglycemia
- hyperkalemia
Adrenal insufficiency
- labs
- hyponatremia
- hypoglycemia
- hyperkalemia
Adrenal insufficiency
- treatment
- glucocorticoids
- regulate NA and K
- fludrocortisone (mineralocorticoid)
How to treat systemic acidosis in status epilepticus
- watchful wait for auto-correction once seizure activity is controlled
- acidosis thought to have anticonvulsant properties
Status epilepticus
- treatment
- benzo: midazolam, lorazepam, diazepam etc
- anticonvulsant: phenytoin, fosphenytoin, valproic acid, etc.
- next step: barbiturate or general anesthetic like propofol
- 2 common causes
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- malignancy
- treatment
- bisphosphonates: zoledronic acid, pamidronate
- refractory: denosumab
Infective endocarditis
- best diagnostic test to confirm
Infective endocarditis
- MCC organisms
- IVDA: S. aureus, tricuspid valve
- Native valve: streptococci, mitral vavle
- stone size and likelihood to pass
- <4-5 mm pass with little medical management
- >8-10 mm unlikely to pass spontaneously, may require stent, nephrostomy, lithotripsy, etc.
- when is urgent urology referral indicated
> 8 mm stone
Kidney findings that require emergent treatment
- hydronephrosis with UTI
- ureteral obstruction in transplanted kidney
- dx
- helical CT
- mc type stone
Calcium oxalate
- struvite from urease predicting bacteria
- uric acid: gout
- cystine: metabolic dz
What metabolic condition does persistent diarrhea cause
- metabolic acidosis
* normal anion gap acidosis, due to loss of bicarbonate
Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
- diarrhea
- renal tubular acidosis
- early renal failure
- carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Increased anion gap metabolic acidosis
- methanol
- uremia
- proplyene glycol
- isoniazid intoxication
- lactic acidosis
- ethanol, ethylene glycol
- salicylates
CAP - how to determine if should be hospitalized?
- Confusion
- Urea > 7
- RR >=30
- BP: <= 90 / 60
- > 65 yo
0-1 point: home tx
2 point: prob admission vs. close outpatient
3+: admission, manage as severe
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- dx
- excisions biopsy: Reed-Sternberg cells
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- clinical
- lymphadenopathy - often cervical and painless
- pruritis
- fever
- night sweat
- unintentional weight loss
- ## frequent infection
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- cure rate
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- remission health maintenance
- Q3 month follow up first 5 years
- H&P, lab: CBC, lipid, ESR, glucose
- periodic eval for long term complications: breast, lung cancer, CVD, hypothyroid
Screening for HCC
- liver US q 6 months
- sx
- dx
- HBV and HCV cirrhosis
- rapidly increasing ascites
- bloody ascitic fluid
- increased AFP
Polyarteritis nodosa
- overview
- necrotizing vasculitis
- medium sized muscular arteries
- associated with HBV, HCV
Polyarteritis nodosa
- sx
- fatigue, weight loss, weakness, fever, arthralgia
- skin: tender red nodules, purpura, jivedo reticulaire, ulcers, bullous/vesicular eruption
- kidneys: HTN, renal failure
- Neuro: wrist/foot drop
Polyarteritis nodosa
- treatment
Pneumocystitis pneumonia
- organisms
- fungus: pnuemocystis jirovecii
Pneumocystitis pneumonia
- patient most likely to get it
HIV with CD4 <200
Pneumocystitis pneumonia
- clinical
- dry cough
- fever
- elevated LDH
Pneumocystitis pneumonia
- treatment
- Bactrim first line
- steroids if PO2 <70
- dx if suspicious CXR findings
endobronchial lung biopsy
Celiac dz
- screening
- confirmation testing
- IgA: Antigliadin antibodies
- IgA: tissue transglutaminase
- IgA: endomysial antibodies
- duodenal biopsy confirmation
Celiac dz
- associated dz
- Dermatitis herpetiformis
- T1DM
- Other autoimmune
- MC in Downs, Turner, Williams syndromes
Paget’s disease of bone
- pathophys
- hyper vascular bone
- causes osteolysis and then overactive osteoblastic activity = high bone turnover
- new bone/collagen is disorganized with mosaic pattern “woven bone”
- weaker, more porous, hyper vascular, prone to fracture
Paget’s disease of bone
- sx
- warmth, tenderness pain at site
- most are asx
- MC locations: skull, spine, femur, pelvis**, sacrum
Paget’s disease of bone
- dx
- XR: lytic lesions, bony enlargement, cortisol thickening, etc.
- Skull has classic “cotton wool” appearance
- elevated alk phos
Paget’s disease of bone
- tx
- bisphosphonates first line
- Calcitonin
- Supplemental Ca and Vitamine D
- NSAIDS/acetaminophen for pain
Side effect of sildenafil
cyanopsia - blue discoloration of vision - more likely with higher doses - usually temporary Also: hypotension, flushing, HA
PDE-5 inhibitors
- MoA
- inhibits PDE-5 corpus cavernosum smooth muscle relaxation = blood flow erection
If asthmatic needs to be intubated, what induction agent should be used
Ketamine: improves pulmonary function
- direct smooth muscle dilator and increases catecholamines which also dilate smooth muscles tc.
Cardiac biomarkers
- Detectable time
- Peak time
- return to baseline
- Troponin, Creatinine kinase, myoglobin
- Troponin: 3-12 hr, 34-48 hrs, 5-14 days
- CK: 3-12 hrs, 24 hrs, 48-72 hrs
- myoglobin: 1-2 hrs, 8-10 hrs, 1-2 days
type of genetic transmission of hemophilia A and B
X-linked recessive
Acute angle closure glacuoma
- dx
- gonioscopy: examine the angle formed between cornea’s posterior surface and iris’ anterior surface
- lab testing
- ANA (best initial, 95% sensitive)
- Anti-DNA antibodies
- Anti-smith antibodies
- sx
- fever
- lymphadenopathy
- weight loss
- general malaise
- arthritis
- malar rash
- treatment
- steroids
- immunosuppresants
- hydroxychloroquine
- drugs that induce
- hydralazine
- Procainamide
- Phenytoin
- Sulfonamides
Iron deficient anemia
- sx
- koilonychia
- atrophic glossitis
- angular cheilosis
- fatigue, weakness, HA
- pallor
- dry/rough skin
- blue sclerae
Jarisch Herxheimer reaction
- explain
Classically occurs within first 24 hours after tx for spirochetal infection, syphilis
Jarisch Herxheimer
- clinical
- fever
- chills
- malaise
- HA
- tender lymphadenopathy
- worsening infectious lesions
Jarisch Herxheimer
- tx
symptomatic: acetaminophen/ibuprofen
Best way to diagnose pneumonconiosis
Carcinoid tumor
- overview
- neuroendocrine tumor
- usu in GI, then lungs, anywhere else
- secrete hormones, often serotonin
- if symptemic symptoms, then considered carcinoid syndrome
Carcinoid syndrome
- sx
- facial/trunk flushing
- sudden/severe diarrhea
- telangiectasia
- wheezing
- palpitations
Theophylline and acute exacerbation COPD
- contraindicated
- if used for chronic treatment, continue using it to maintain therapeutic serum level
- Potential severe ADR
- hepatotoxicity
- Pulmonary toxicity
- infection
- myelosuppression
- lymphoproliferative disorders
- nephrotoxicity
** check CBC and CMP 6 weeks after changing dose
What vitamin should be started with methotrexate?
folic acid - it is a folate inhibitor
What med for rheumatoid arthritis is safe while trying to conceive?
- should stop all RA meds when pregnant but is best option if have to use something
What testing should be done for methotrexate ADR?
annual ophthalmic exam
- can cause corneal and macular toxicity
- serologic tests
- RF
- anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide ab
- best med for dry mouth
- cholinergic agent
- overview
- destruction of exocrine glands (salivary and lacrimal)
- dry mouth and eyes
- lab findings
- Anti-Ro/SSA or anti-La/SSB
- RA
- hyperglobinemia
- dx
Schirmer test
- what muscle is bx for confirmation
- Quadriceps femoris
- proximal muscle and big
- can bx deltoid if want UE
what drug can be added to statin to further reduce cardiovascular risk?
Ezetimibe: the only non-statin lipid-lowering drug that has proven to have addictive effects on prevention of CV adverse effects
TSH goal for patient post thyroidectomy
normal 0.5 - 5.0
Most common type of thyroid cancer
- meds that should be dc on diagnosis
meds that stimulate pheo activity:
- BB (without alpha blocking agents)
- glucagon
- metoclopramide
- histamine
When to start lipid screening
- male
- female
- with and without RF
- Male >= 35
- male 20-35 with RF
- Female >= 45
- Female 20-45 with RF
What HF patients need hospitalization?
- dyspnea at rest
- hemodynamically sig dysrhythmias
- acute decompensation: low bp, AMS, worsening renal function
- new onset HF with congestion
Outpatient med treatment of HF
- diuretics
- ACEi
- positive inotropes
- BB
- causes
- infection
- autoimmune
- cardiotoxic drugs
- systemic inflammation
- radiation
- idiopathic
- s/sx
- asx
- HF, sudden cardiac death
- fatigue, exercise intolerance
- chest pain, pericarditis
- Nonspecific ST changes
- ECHO: nl or wall motion defects
- cardiac enzyme elevations
- Dx
- clinical presentation
- Cardiac cath and cardiac MRI to differentiate from MI
- endomyocardial bx for definitive dx but usually not done
- tx
- usually supportive bc MCC is viral
- DC drug if cause
- steroids
Cause of jaundice in thyroid storm
hepatic tissue hypoxia due to increased peripheral consumption of O2
PTU and Methimazole MoA
- Both: block synthesis of thyroid hormone
- PTU: also inhibits conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine
Thyroid storm treatment
- BB
- PTU (or methimazole)
- Iodine
- Steroids
- Bile acid sequestrant
Polycystic kidney disease
- genetics
- Autosomal dominant
- Cyst formation and kidney enlargement
Polycystic kidney disease
- Clinical
- abdominal, flank, back pain
- HTN (usu diastolic elevation)
- palpable bilateral flank mass, nodular hepatomegaly, sx related to renal failure
Polycystic kidney disease
- Dx
US test of choice
Polycystic kidney disease
- management
- blood pressure control: ACEi/ARB
- electrolyte management
- UTI prevention/tx
- pain management
- nephrectomy
Polycystic kidney disease
- complications
ESRF by age 60 = dialysis or kidney transplant
Renal cell carcinoma
- incidence
MC type kidney cancer adults
Renal cell carcinoma
- RF
cigarette smoking**
- obesity
- chemical exposure
Renal cell carcinoma
- classic sx triad
- other sx
- flank pain
- hematuria
- flank mass
- few actually present this way
- weight loss
- fever
- hypercalcemia
- night sweats
- malaise
- L varicocele in men
Renal cell carcinoma
- dx
- UA: abnl cells
- CBC: anemia/infection
- Electrolytes: eval kidney function
Renal cell carcinoma
- managemetn
surgical resection
Antiphospholipid syndrome
- overview
- hypercoagulable state
- recurrent venous/arterial thrombosis at early age
Antiphospholipid syndrome
- who should be tested
- thrombosis with no RF
- miscarriage - esp late trimester or recurrent
- heart murmur or valvular vegetation
- heme abnl
- pulm htn
Antiphospholipid syndrome
- testing
- lupus anticoagulant
- anticardiolipin
- anti-beta 2 glycoprotein I ab
Antiphospholipid syndrome
- management
- Low dose ASA for primary prevention of thrombotic events
- Warfarin for recurrent thrombotic events
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- overview
- fibrosing interstitial pneumonia
- MC in M > 50
- linked to cigarette smoking
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- pathophys
- epithelial cell damage
- impropre repair
- chronic/progressing sx
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Sx
- PE
- chronic nonproductive cough
- gradual DOE
- bibasilar crackles, digital clubbing
Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Dx
CT: structural change t lung parenchyma, honeycombing
- three types
- isotonic / pseudohyponatremia
- hypertonic
- hypotonic / True hyponatremia (MC)
disordered renal excretion of water
- hypertonic
- increased conc serum solutes
- increased tonicity draws water into serum = dilution of serum concentration
- ex. hyperglycemia, IVIG, mannitol administration
- hypotonic
- associated diseases, etc.
- renal failure
- liver failure
- hypothyroid
- GI fluid losses
- Drugs: thiazide, ecstacy
- correction rate
- to avoid what
- <8 mEq/L in 24 hours
- avoid osmotic demyelination syndrome
Diabetes insipidus
- two types
- Central: MC, deficient secretion of ADH by posterior pituitary
- Nephrogenic: kidney’s resistant to ADH
Diabetes insipidus
- Central causes
- idiopathic
- head trauma
- pituitary sx
- encephalopathy
Diabetes insipidus
- presentation
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- hypernatremia if impaired thirst drive
Diabetes insipidus
- lab
- low specific gravity urine
- low urine osmolality
- high plasma osmolality
Diabetes insipidus
- dx
Water restriction test
- positive if continue to produce dilute urine with low osmolality and spec gravity
Diabetes insipidus
- test to differentiate between central and nephrogenic
Desmopressin stimulation test
- Central: urine osmolality will increase dt response to ADH
- nephrogenic: dilute urine continues, no response to ADH
Diabetes insipidus
- management
desmopressin acetate
- location
- associated with what
- Ohio and Mississippi River valleys
- spelunking, caves, bats, bird droppings
- sx
- asx
- mild influenza-like illness
- 103 days
- cough, chest pain
- often dx as atypical PNA
- sx of progressive disseminated
- fever, weight loss, cough, dyspnea, oropharyngeal ulcers, etc.
- management
- itraconazole
- amphotericin B for severe
- overview
- autoimmune dz
- vascular damage and excess production and deposition of collagen
- Almost 100% skin involvement
- common early sx
- skin tightening around fingers
- pitting of fingertips
- two main kinds
- localized
- systemic
- core treatment
- statin
- smoking cessation
- structured exercise
- Cilostazol
- EKG findings
- slurred upstroke QRS (delta wave)
- Wide QRS (>120 msec)
- short PR (<120 msec)
- treatment
- ablation
- procainamide/quinidine
- treatment outpt
- treatment inpt
- macrolide or doxy
- FQ or ceftriaxone/cefotaxime + macrolide X 5D or until afebrile 48-72 hrs
Acute exacerbation chronic bronchitis
- tx
- 2nd gen ceph
- macrolide or bactrim
Medical management of COPD
- anticholinergics - ipatropium and tiotroprium
- SABA for acute exacerbation dyspnea
- Oral abx for infections
- dx
- spiral CT
- ABG: resp alkalosis secondary to hyperventilation
- EKG: S1Q3T3
- VQ
- D-dimer: can rule out if negative and had low pre-test probability
- Angiography is definitive test of choice
- Management
- anticoagulation: heparin for acute, LMWH or warfarin after acute phase
- Factor Xa inhibitors and direct thrombin inhibitors alt options
- min 3 months
- vena cava filter: helpful if high risk recurrance
Pulmonary Hypertension
- s/sx
- dyspnea
- angina-like retrosternal pain
- waekness
- fatigue
- edema
- ascites
- cyanosis
- effort syncope
- narrow splitting/accentuation of second heart sound and systolic ejection click
Pulmonary Hypertension
- Dx
- CXR: enlarged pulm arteries
- EKG: RVH, atrial hypertrophy, RV strain
- Echo: estimate pulm arterial pressure
- Right heart cath: precise hemodynamic monitoring. >= 25 mmHg is dx
Pulmonary Hypertension
- management
- oral anticoagulant
- CCB: lower systemic arterial pressure
- treat underlying disorder
Idiopathic pulm fibrosis
- overview
- RF
- C dx among pt with interstitial lung dz
- Men 50-75
- RF: smoking, wood/metal dust, virus, DM, GERD
Idiopathic pulm fibrosis
- S/Sx
- insidious dry cough, exertional dyspnea, constitutional sx
- clubbing of fingers, inspiratory crackles
Idiopathic pulm fibrosis
- dx
- CXR: progressive fibrosis over several years
- CT: diffuse, patchy fibrosis with honeycombing
- PFT: restrictive (dec lung volume, normal/increased PEV1/FVC)
- overview
- chronic fibrotic lung dz
- inhalation dusts, lots of kinds
- Asbestosis: occupation, dx, complications
- insulation, demolition, construction
- CXR: linear opacities at bases, pleural plaques
- Bx: asbestos bodies
- complications: lung cancer, mesothelioma (esp if smoke)
- Coal workers: occupation, dx, complications
- coal mining
- CXR: nodular opacities upper lung fields
- progressive massive fibrosis
- Silicosis: occupation, dx, complications
- mining, sand, stone, quarry
- CXR: nodular opacities upper lung fields
- Inc risk TB, progressive massive fibrosis
- Berylliosis: occupation, dx, complications
- high tech: aerospace, nuclear power, ceramics, etc.
- CXR: diffuse infiltrates and hilar adenopathy
- requires chronic steroids
- management
- supportive: O2, vaccinations, rehab
- smoking cessation
- clinical setting
- Sepsis
- severe multiple trauma
- aspiration of gastric contents
- pathophys
- increased permeability of alveolar capillary membranes = protein rich pulmonary edema
- clinical
- rapid onset profound dyspnea 12-24 hours after precipitating event
- PE: tachypnea, frothy pink/red sputum, diffuse crackles
- cyanosis, severe hypoxemia refractory to O2
- mgmt
- Tx underlying condition
- supportive: O2 via intubation with Positive pressure ventilation and PEEP
** high rate of mortality!!
- MC org in children >5
- mycoplasma pneumonia
- strep pneumonia
- treatment for atypical CAP
macrolide - azithromycin
What is used to determine if pleural effusion is exudative or transudative
Light Criteria
- pleural:serum protein
- pleural:serum LDH
- pleural fluid LDH
Light criteria (pleural fluid) - Transudate
- pleural:serum protein <0.5
- pleural:serum LDH <0.6
- pleural fluid LDH <2/3 upper limit nl
- HF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, PE
Light criteria (pleural fluid) - Exudate
- pleural:serum protein >=0.5
- pleural:serum LDH >=0.6
- pleural fluid LDH >2/3 upper limit nl
- malignancy, pneumonia, TB, PE, pancreatitis, etc
who should be screened for lung cancer
- adults 55-80
- 30 year smoking history and currently smoke or quit within the last 15 years
Carcinoid syndrome
- treatment
Solitary pulmonary nodule
- risk by size and follow up
- <6 mm - low risk - no follow up necessary
- 6-8 mm: follow via CT
- > 8 mm: serial CT if low to intermediate risk
- if high prob of malignancy, bx and excision should be considered
Lofgren syndrome
- acute presentation of sarcoidosis
- hilar adenopathy, erythema nodosum, polyarthralgia
- MC in women
Carcinoid syndrome
- dx
24-hour excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the end product of serotonin metabolism
- MC bacteria infection sp influenza
- staph aureus
- necrotizing pneumina
- gram positive cocci in clusters
Causes of acute cor pulmonale
- PE
**usually chronic (COPD)
common side effect of SABA
- tremor
- tachycardia
- hypokalemia (inc activity Na-K-ATPase pump)
- MC lab abnormality
What meds are used to rate control a fib.
- CCB: diltiazem or verapamil
- BB: metoprolol
Congenital long QT syndrome
- treatment
Medication of choice to treat a. fib with RVR in patient who also has compensated systolic HF
Supraventricular tachycardia
- treatment
- vagal maneuver: cold face, blow through straw, gag reflex
- Meds: adenosine, procainamide, amiodarone, BB
When is verapamil CI
- <1 years old
- children with HF
- suspected WPW syndrome
- wide QRS complex
what med can be used in patients with chronic stable angina who remain symptomatic?
EKG findings in hyperkalemia
- peaked T wave
- prolonged PR
- wide QRS
- eventually sine wave
What tachydysrythmythia is MC with sick sinus syndrome
atrial fibrillation
Stable pt with ventricular fibrillation - medication of choice
Min recommended anticoagulation after cardioversion for a fib
30 days
MCC tricuspid valve stenosis
rheumatic heart dz
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- overview
- autoimmune dz
- necrotizing vasculitis of small and medium muscular arteries and renal and visceral arteries
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- presentation
- cutaneous manifestations
- constitutional: fever, asthma, myalgias
- nodules: painful violacious plaques surrounded by lived reticularis “starburst”. Classically on lower legs
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- Untreated =
- CV involvement
- bowel infarction and perforation
- renal failure
- high morbidity and mortality
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- Dx
deep wedge biopsy of suspicious nodules
Polyarteritis Nodosa
- Treatment
What cholesterol medication can exacerbate gout and elevate blood sugar?
- Common: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash
- bone marrow suppression
- common ADR
hepatitis and hepatic toxicity
- overview
idiopathic inflammatory myopathy
- common F >50
- presentation
- proximal myalgia/weakness
- pharyngolaryngeal weakness: dyspnea, pysphagia, pysphonia
- Classic findings: heliotrope rash (eyelids), cloak-like/cape rash on neck shoulders and chest, Gottron’s papules (scaly purple thick knuckle skin)
- Treatment
- steroids
What common medication can cause gout
- diuretics: loop or thiazide
- decrease rate excretion
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- overview
- chronic, inflammatory
- autoimmune
- symmetric destructive polyarthropathy
- incidence inc 25-55 years
- F>M
Rheumatoid Arthritis
- clinical
- Pain worse in am, better with activity
- insidious onset
- swelling
- usu peripheral joints
- polyartricuar
- ulnar deviation
- flexor tenosynovitis
- boutonniere deformity and swan-neck deformity
- MC lab finding
What medication helps with drymouth
- medical treatment
- Prostaglandins
- vasodilators
Infections that MC cause reactive arthritis
- enteric: c. jejune and shigella dysenteriae
- GI: chlamydia
Cholchicine toxicity
severe GI distress first 24 hours
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- clinical
- symmetrical aching and stiffness
- shoulders, hip, neck, torso
- worse in AM
- > 50
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- tx
Major ADR of long term use of hydroxychloroquine
retinal toxicity
- ophthalmologic exam q 6-12 months
What med can be used for gout if colchicine and NSAIDs are CI
Esophageal cancer
- types
- Squamous cell
2. adenocarcinoma
Esophageal cancer
- squamous cell RF
Esophageal cancer
- adenocarcinoma
- Barrett’s metaplasia (chronic untreated GERD)
Esophageal cancer
- presentation
- progressive dysphagia
- weight loss common
Esophageal cancer
- dx
- location of each type
- EGD w/ bx
- SCC: middle thoracic esophagus
- Adeno: distal esophagus and GE junction
Schatzki Ring
- MC esophageal structural abnl
- fibrous esophageal ring leads to esophageal stenosis
- dysphagia
- overview
- MC dysmotility disorder
- dysphagia
- often pt <50
- pathophys
- loss of Auerbach’s plexus in esophagus
- narrowing of lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
- “bird beak” appearance
- clinical
- dysphagia to solids and liquids. Liquids often most problematic
- difficulty belching
- chest pain
- regurg undigested food
- dyspepsia
- aspiration
- Dx
- barium esophagram = birds beak
- confirm with esophageal manometry
- mgmg
- balloon dilation of LES
- myotomy with fundoplication
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- pathophys
- laceration to gastric cardia due to forceful vomiting
- often also have hiatal hernia
- longitudinal mucosal lacerations
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- RF
- forceful vomiting or other causes of intra-abdominal pressure increase: cough, strain, etc.
- Etoh
- bulimia
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- Dx
- upper GI bleed with hx of vomiting or retching
- Upper endoscopy to confirm
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
- mgmg
- supportive
- endoscopic treatment if active bleeding
- Acid suppression if no active bleeding
Esophageal varices
- cause
- cirrhosis > portal hypertension > varices
Esophageal varices
- acute mgmg
- hemodynamic resuscitation
- octreotide
- banding/sclerotherapy
- prophylactic abx
Esophageal varices
- chronic mgmt
- BB
- endoscopic variceal ligation
Esophageal varices
- Dx
- upper endoscopy: dilated submucosal gastric veins
Gastric cancer
- Overview
- MC adenocarcinoma
- mean age dx 70
- M>F
Gastric cancer
- RF
- nitrates
- h. pylori
- tobacco use
Gastric cancer
- clinical
- upper abd pain: vague or severe
- postprandial fullness
- early satiety
- nausea
- weight loss
- recurrent vomiting
Gastric cancer
- PE
- palpable enlarged stomach
- enlarged liver
Gastric cancer
- mgmt
- chemo
- resection
- radiation
Gastric cancer
- dx
Benign esophageal stricture
- Causes
- Chronic reflux esophagitis
- medications
- Radiation
- Eosinophilic esophagitis
Benign esophageal stricture
- Sx
- MC: progressive solid food dysphagia
- liquid dypshagia
- heartburn
- odynophagia
- weight loss
- chest pain
- et.
Benign esophageal stricture
- Dx
- Barium esophagram
- endoscopy
- esophageal manometry
- 24 hour ph monitoring
Benign esophageal stricture
- MC initial treatment
- balloon dilation
Trousseau’s syndrome
- associated with what
- describe
- pancreatic cancer
- migratory thrombophlebitis
Courvousier’s sign
- associated with what
- describe
- pancreatic cancer
- palpable, contender gallbladder
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- overview
- MCC autoimmune adrenalitis
- loss of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, adrenal androgens
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- clinical
- hyperpigmentation
- fatigue
- anorexia
- orthostasis
- n/v/d
- abdominal pain
- muscle and joint pain
- salt craving
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- dx
- serum morning cortisol level first
- confirm with ACTH stimulation test
- ACTH to differentiate between causes
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- mgmt
- hydrocortisone
- supportive
Primary adrenal insufficiency
- labs
- reduce sodium and glucose
- increased potassium
Thyroid storm
- RF
- sx
- trauma
- infectin
- acute iodide load
- parturition
Thyroid storm
- clinical
- tachycardia >140
- HF
- Hypotension
- Dysrhythmia (a. fib)
- Hyperpyrexia
- Agitation
- Psychosis, stupor
- Coma
Thyroid Storm
- Labs
- Low TSH
- High FT3,4
Thyroid STorm
- Mgmg
- BB: propranolol
- Thionamides (PTU)
- Iodine (after thionamide)
- Steroids
- Bile acid sequestrants
- diagnostic criteria
- Sx + random glucose >200
- Fasting >126 on two occasions
- Plasma glucose >200 2 hours after 75 glucose load OGTT
- A1C > 6.5% (adults)
Hashimotos’ thyroiditis
- ab
- anti-thyroid peroxidase ab
- anti-thyroglobulin ab
Diabetes insipidus
- overview
- disorder of ADH fn
- central: production
- nephrogenic: action at the kidney
Diabetes insipidus
- clinical
- polyuria
- polydipsia
Diabetes insipidus
- labs
- UA without glucose or protein
- UA with low specific gravity, low osmolality, dilute color
- Increased serum osmolality
Diabetes insipidus
- dx
- UA
- desmopressin stimulation test to determine type
Diabetes insipidus
- mgmt
- central: DDAVP
- Nephrogenic: hctz, amiloride, indomethacin
- clinical
- insidious onset
- enlarged supraorbital ridges, mandible
- widened nose
- arthralgia, fatigue, hA
- increased ring/shoe size, visual field defects
- weight gain
- bone growth
- glucose intolerance
- pathophys
- growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma
- dx
- Initial: serum IGF-1
- GH blood test
- MRI to confirm
- mgmt
transsphenoidal sx to remove adenoma
- which medication best during pregnancy
- PTU 1st and 2nd trimester
- Methimazole 3rd trimester
What medication blocks the release of stored thyroid hormone
Major ADR of GLP-1 medication
- medication mgmt
also clopidogrel and combo therapy
- overview
- acute immune-mediated polyneuropathy
- related to what infection
Campylobacter jejuni
- clinical
- progressive, ascending, symmetric muscle weakness
- absent or depressed DTR
- Dx
- clinical
- Lumbar puncture: albuminocytologic dissociation: elevated protein with normal/mild pleocytosis
- mgmt
- supportive
- measure vital capacity and negative inspiratory force
- plasmapheresis
What anticonvulsant is highly teratogenic?
valproic acid
Trigeminal neuralgia
- medication
- Acute exacerbation
- Triptans
- Ergots
- Acetaminophen
- Antiemetics
- prophylaxis
- Propranolol
- verapamil
- Amytriptyline
- Valproic acid, topiramate
- Botox
Intracranial neoplasm
- other common casues
- metastases (lung, breast)
- Meningioma MC primary
- Glioma MC malignant
HA from brain tumor are classically worse during what time of day
morning - intracranial pressure highest after night of recumbent posture
Huntington’s Disease
- genetics
- autosomal dominant
- CAG trinucleotide repeats
Huntington’s Disease
- pathology
- neuronal loss
- astrogliosis
- atrophy of caudate nucleus and pitman (basal ganglia) and cerebral cortex
Huntington’s Disease
- 3 main sx
- movement disorder: chorea, ballism, dystonia, parkinsonian features
- cognitive: dementia
- mood/behavior: depression, bipolar, psychosis, personality, sex/sleep disturbance
- excessive, spontaneous and abrupt movements or irregular frequency and random distribution
- Ex: restlessness, fidgeting, gesture and facial expression alterations and dancelike gait
slow distal writhing movements
- milder form chorea
gross, proximal, flinging movements of the extremities
contorted, twisting movements
Huntington’s Disease
- Mgmt
- benzos
- dopamine-depleting meds
- dopamine-antagonist meds
Subdural hemorrhage
- chronic vs. acute
- acute within 3 days of presentation
- chronic: >3 weeks old
Chronic Subdural hemorrhage
- who is at elevated risk
- elderly
- alcoholic
Chronic Subdural hemorrhage
- clinical presentation
- insidious onset HA
- cog impairment
- somnolence
- occasional seizures
Chronic Subdural hemorrhage
- imaging
- CT: hypodense (dark) crescent (isodense compared to cerebrospinal fluid)
Epidural vs. subdural hematoma
- artery (middle meningeal): rapid expansion
- skull fracture
- dura pushed inward (convex)
- bridging veins: slow expansion
- does not cross falx, tentorium bc dura attached to the skull
Epidural vs. subdural hematoma
- artery (middle meningeal): rapid expansion
- skull fracture
- dura pushed inward (convex)
- bridging veins: slow expansion
- does not cross falx, tentorium bc dura attached to the skull
Caloric testing
- tests oculovestibular reflex of eye
- intact brain stem will = nystagmus
- truly comatose = no response
- COWS: cold opposite (fast portion will beat towards opposite ear) and warm same
Increased intracranial pressure
- triad of sx
Cushing Triad:
- bradycardia
- irregular breathing
- sign of impending brain herniation…
Parkinson’s Disease
- MC medication
L-dopa: carbidopa/levodopa
- Levodopa converted to dopamine in brain
- carbidopa prevents conversion in peripheral circulation
- Con: increased dose required over time, does not slow dz progress, causes tardive dyskinesia
Parkinson’s Disease
- med for motor abnl
dopamine agonists
- bromocriptine
- pramipexole
- ropinirole
- less benefit but less side effects than L-dopa
Parkinson’s Disease
- med for motor abnl
dopamine agonists
- bromocriptine
- pramipexole
- ropinirole
- less benefit but less side effects than L-dopa
Parkinson’s Disease
- pathophys
- lewy bodies (intracellular cytoplasmic inclusions)
- dopaminergic neuron loss in substantia nigra
- depigmentation
- MCC for all ages
- 2nd MCC
- Streptococcus pneumonia
- Neisseria meningitidis: older children/young adults (dorm, military)
Which infectious org is most commonly associated with meningitis with petechiae?
N. meningitidis
- empiric treatment
- Ceftriaxone + vancomycin
- add ampicillin if >50 or etoh (listeria)
- empiric treatment
- Ceftriaxone + vancomycin
- add ampicillin if >50 or etoh (listeria)
Classic triad of bacterial meningitis
- fever
- nuchal rigidity
- Brudzinski
- Kernig
- Neck flexion = hip/knee flexion
- Flex hip and knee to 90, pain if extend the knee
Dystonic reaction
- medication to tx
- benztropine
- diphenhydramine
Alzheimer Disease
- memory loss
- remote memory preserved better than recent memory
Alzheimer Disease
- progression
- ST memory loss
- Language difficulty, disorientation, mood swing, loss motivation, self care
- withdrawal
- loss bodily fn
- death
Glasgow Coma Scale
- Eye
4 spontaneous
3 opens to verbal
2 opens to pain
1 none
Glasgow Coma Scale
- Verbal
5 oriented 4 confused 3 inappropriate response, discernible words 2 incomprehensible 1 none
Glasgow Coma Scale
- motor
6 obeys commands 5 purposeful movement from pain 4 withdraws from pain 3 flexion/decorticate 2 extension/decerebrate 1 none
Glasgow Coma Scale
- motor
6 obeys commands 5 purposeful movement from pain 4 withdraws from pain 3 flexion/decorticate 2 extension/decerebrate 1 none
Acute myasthenic crisis
- cause
- clinical
- mgmt
- infection, medication
- respiratory failure
- mechanical ventilation
- plasma exchange, IVIG
MCC acute onset altered consciousness in pediatric population
toxic ingestion
- classic signs
- Sudden onset worst HA of life
- n/v
- impaired consciousness > coma
- RF
- recent head trauma
- tobacco
- heavy Etoh
- females of advanced age greatest risk
- dx
- CT w/o contrast
- LP if suspect but negative CT
- LP findins
- red
- yellow (xanthochromia)
- mgmt
- admission
- cerebral angiography
- Sx clipping/endovascular tx
Cryptococcus meningoencephalitis
- opportunist infection, usually CD4 <100
- progressive hA< nausea, malaise, fever (can be subtle)
- CT > LP (elevated WBC with lymphcytosis, dec glucose, mild elevated protein)
- IV amphotericin B
Vascular dementia
- RF
- hyperlipidemia
- DM
Vascular dementia
- clinical
- patchy cog impairment
- focal neuro s/sx
- abrupt or stepwise onset
Vascular dementia
- mgmt
- prevent further strokes: antiplatelet drugs, control RF
Herpes simplex encephalitis
- Clinical
- rapid onset fever
- HA
- seizure
- focal neuro sx
- impaired consciousness
- personality change
Herpes simplex encephalitis
- LP
- lymphocytic pleocytosis
- inc RBC
- inc protein
- normal glucose
Herpes simplex encephalitis
- Mgmt
- IV acyclovir
Common side effect topiramate
- paresthesias**
- nervousness
- fatigue
- ataxia
- drowsy
- dizzy, confusion
Common side effect topiramate
- paresthesias**
- nervousness
- fatigue
- ataxia
- drowsy
- dizzy, confusion
Brain herniation
- Cause
- MC type
- presenation
- uncle transtentorial
- compression of parasympathetic fibers running with CN III = fixed and dilated pupil (unopposed sympathetic tone)
Brain herniation
- Cause
- MC type
- presenation
- uncle transtentorial
- compression of parasympathetic fibers running with CN III = fixed and dilated pupil (unopposed sympathetic tone)
Putamen hemorrhage
- signs
Rapid progression: - hemiplegia - n/v - HA Then: - ipsilateral deviation of eyes, stupor, coma, mydriatic pupils
Thalamic hemorrhage
- signs
- complete hemisensory loss
- aphasia and hemiparesis also common
Thalamic hemorrhage
- signs
- complete hemisensory loss
- aphasia and hemiparesis also common
What level does spinal cord terminate in adults
Median nerve
- test motor
- test sensation
- opposition of thumb and pinky
- tip of index finger
Radial nerve
- test motor
- test sensation
- wrist/finger extension
- sensation of first webspace dorsum
Ulnar nerve
- test motor
- test sensation
- 5th finger abduction
- 5th finger sensation
Carotid artery dissection
- how common
- common ischemic stroke in young patients
- may have underlying connective tissue disorder
Carotid artery dissection
- clinical
- abrupt severe neck, facial, retroorbital pain
- Partial horner: mitosis and ptosis
- carotid bruit
What test should be done on a patient who presents with stroke sx such as acute onset focal weakness?
finger stick glucose to rule out hypoglycemia
Myasthenia gravis
- overview
- autoimmune: ab vs. acetylcholine receptors
- muscle weakness and fatigue, worse with use
Myasthenia Gravis
- clinical
- ptosis
- diplopia
- blurred vision
Myasthenia gravis
- what improves the sx
cooling - “ice test” for ptosis
Myasthenia Gravis
- clinical
- ptosis
- diplopia
- blurred vision
- normal DTR
Fell asleep on chair after night of drinking is what nerve
Radial: wrist drop
“Sat night palsy”
MCC spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
- HTN vasculopathy
Lidocaine OD
- sx
- dizzy
- HA
- tingling
- tinnitus
- sedation
- tremor
- seizure
- bradycardia
- Heart block
- dysrhythmias
Lidocaine OD
- sx
- dizzy
- HA
- tingling
- tinnitus
- sedation
- tremor
- seizure
- bradycardia
- Heart block
- dysrhythmias
Optic neuritis
- acute monocular loss of vision
- dt focal demyelination of optic nerve
- usually normal fundoscpic exam
- pain with movement, afferent pupillary defect, loss of color vision (red)
- related to MS
Optic neuritis
- acute monocular loss of vision
- dt focal demyelination of optic nerve
- usually normal fundoscpic exam
- pain with movement, afferent pupillary defect, loss of color vision (red)
- related to MS
Testicular cancer
- dx tests
- definitive diagnosis
- scrotal US, CT scan
- Radical inguinal orchiectomy
MC type testicular cancer
95% germ cell
Testicular cancer
- tumor marker
Serum alpha-fetoprotein
- clinical
- fever, chills, perineal/back pain, dysuria, urinary retention
- warm, exquisitely tender and boggy prostate
- Mgmt
< 35: ceftriaxone and doxy
> 35: cipro or bactrim
- Mgmt
< 35: ceftriaxone and doxy
> 35: cipro or bactrim
**4-6 weeks treatment
Prostate cancer
- Dx
- transrectal US guided bx
Prostate cancer
- screening
> 50 with life expectancy >10 years:
- serum PSA
Prostate cancer
- screening
> 50 with life expectancy >10 years:
- serum PSA
- stone composition
- calcium oxalate (MC)
- uric acid
- cystine
- struvite
- dx
- poss leukocytosis
- UA: hematuria, culture to r/o infection
- CT without contrast
- IV pyelogram: rare
- clinical
- hesitancy
- Intermittence, incontinence
- frequency, fullness
- urgency
- nocturia
- mgmt obstruction
- Foley cath
- suprapubic cath if foley placement fails
MC type prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
- tx after prostatectomy
Bladder cancer
- most definitive test
Bladder cancer
- clinical
- dysuria
- frequency, hesitancy
- hematuria
- sx of obstruction
Bladder cancer
- RF
- cigs
- industrial dye
Acute pyelonephritis
- Outpatient treatment
- Cipro, levo
- Bactrim
Acute pyelonephritis
- inpt treatment
- ceftriaxone
- cipro/levo
- aztreonam
Severe: - cefepime
- pipercillin-tazobactam
- meropenem
- clinical
- dull, unilateral scrotal pain
- red, painful, swollen scrotum
- relief with elevation
- cause <35 and >35
<35 chlamydia and gonorrhea
>35 e. coli
- mgmg
< 35: ceftriaxone and doxy
> 35: bactrim, FQ
- dx
- clinical signs
- increased flow on doppler US
- medical mgmt
- alpha blockers (prazosin and tamsulosin) to relax bladder neck and improve urination
- 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: block conversion testosterone, decreases size of prostate
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- incidence
- Assoc with what
- Bimodal: 20s and >50s, MC males
- Epstein-Barre virus
Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Clinical
- Painless lymphadenopathy
- alcohol may induce lymph node pain
- Advanced: night sweats, weight loss, cyclical fever
Hodgkin lymphoma
- Dx
- Reed Sternberg cells (owl eyes) large cells with bilobed or multi lobar nucleus
- mediastinal lymphadenopathy (PET/CT)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Overview
- Risk factors
- lymphocyte neoplasm
- MC >50 yo
- ** peripheral lymph nodes
- RF: age, immunosuppression (HIV)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- clinical manifestations
- subtype name and sx
- Local painless lymphadenopathy (Gi, skin, CNS MC)
- Burkitt lymphoma: abd pain, jaw involvement, starry sky histology
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- managment
- unpredictable course
- rituximab
Multiple Myeloma
- pathophys
- proliferation of a single clone of a plasma cell
- monoclonal ab (IgG and IgA MC)
- ab accumulate in bone marrow, interrupt nl cell production
Multiple Myeloma
- Risk Factors
- > 65 yo
- AA
- Men
Multiple Myeloma
- Clinical manifestations
- Bone pain (MC spine and ribs): osteolytic, destructive lesions
- Recurrent infection dt leukopenia
- Elevated calcium
- Anemia
- Kidney failure
Multiple Myeloma
- Dx
- Serum protein electrophoresis: monoclonal protein spike**
- Urine protein electrophoresis: Bence-Jones proteins**
- CBC: Rouleaux formation, increased ESR
- Skull xray: punched out lesions
- Bone marrow bx: plasmacytosis
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
- pathophys
- distribution
- RF
- malignancy of lymphoid stem cells
- MC childhood (3-7 yo)
- RF down syndrome
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
- clinical
- Pancytopenia –> Fever (MC)
- CNS: HA, stiff neck, vision
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
- PE
- DX
- hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
- Bone marrow: hyper cellular >20% blasts
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
- Tx
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
- pathophys
- Clinical
- B cell clonal malignancy
- Most asx, incidental finding on CBC, fatigue MC
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
- Dx
- well differentiated lymphocytes with “smudge cells”
- Pancytopenia
Acute Myeloid leukemia (AML)
- common population
MC acute leukemia in adults (>50)
Acute Myeloid leukemia (AML)
- Clinical
- pancytopenia: anemia, splenomegaly, gingival hyperplasia
- Leukostasis: WBC>100,000
Acute Myeloid leukemia (AML)
- Dx
Bone marrow bx:
- Auer Rods
- > 20% blasts
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
- pathophys
- age
- clinical
- granulocyte proliferation
- Usu >50 yo
- most asx until blastic crisis, splenomegaly
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
- Dx
- Philadelphia chromosome (tx with imatinib)
- Very high WBC counts
- classic pentad
- fever
- thrombocytopenia
- renal failure
- neuro findings
- anemia: microangiopathic, hemolytic
- types
- infant MC: floppy baby
- Food-borne
- Wound
- clinical
- descending, symmetric, flaccid paralysis
- decreased DTR
- normal sensation
- CN deficits: diplopia, ptosis, pupillary dilation, etc.
- parasympathetic blockade: dec salvation, GI ileus, urinary retention
- mgmt
- Supportive
- respiratory support
- antitoxin if >1
- IV botulism Ig if <1
- abx for wounds
- mc org
- transmission
- s/sx
- mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid fast bacilli)
- aerosolized droplets
- fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats, productive cough
- CXR: caseating granuloma formation, pulmonary opacities (MC apical)
PPD results
- induration >15 mm and no risk factors
- induration >10 mm and high risk (high prevalence area, homeless, immigrant in 5 years, prisoner, health care, nursing home, contact, etoh, DM)
- induration >5 mm and very high risk (HIV, steroid, organ transplant, TB contact, CXR with cavitation)
TB treatment
- latent
(negative CXR, sputum, or both)
9 months INH
TB Treatment
- active
- droplet precautions until sputum negative AFB
- 2 months 4 drug RIFE tx then 4 months INH and rifampin
- if isolate is INH and rifampin sensitive, can use 2 drug regimen
- treat 3 months past negative culture
- clinical
- descending paralysis
- Muscle rigidity starts in jaw and facial muscles and descends to limbs
- opisthotonos (bridge back)
- risus sardonicus (facial expression)
- trismus
- dysphagia
- diaphoresis, HTN, tachycardia
- mgmt
- supportive: benzo, opioids
- low stimulation
- clean wound
- metronidazole
- tetanus IVIG
SIRS criteria
- HR >90
- Resp >20
- Temp >100.4 (38)
- WBC >12k or <4k or >10% bands
Sepsis criteria
SIRS + suspected or present infection
Severe sepsis
Sepsis + lactic acidosis or low bp (<90 or drop >40)
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Org
- clinical presentation
- Tx
- rickettsie rickettsii
- Tick bite (dog or wood ticks)
- abrupt onset sx
- Fever, HA, myalgias, Rash (palms and soles to trunk)
- Petechiae formation after blood pressure cuff inflation
- Doxy
Rheumatic fever
- Major jones criteria
- carditis
- erythema marginatum
- subcutaneous nodules
- chorea
- polyarthritis
*JONES: joints, oh my carditis, nodules, erythema marginatum, sydenham chorea
Rheumatic fever
- minor jones criteria
- fever
- polyarthralgias
- reversible prolonged PR interval
- rapid ESR
Rheumatic fever
- management
- bed rest
- IM penicillin (erythromycin if PCN allergic)
- antipyretics and steroids to reduce joint sx
- sx
- lab
- mgmt
- complications
- fever, bloody/mucoid diarrhea, seizures
- fecal RBC and WBC
- azithromycin or cipro
- HUS, reactive arthritis
Abx vs. MRSA
- Bactrim
- Rifampin
- Clindamycin (GI ADR)
- Tetracyclines
- LInezolid
- mgmt
- fluid resuscitation
- doxy, cipro
- azithromycin for kids/preggo
- dx
thick and thin smear
- mgmt
- chloroquine
- atovaquone-proguanil
- Quinine + doxy/tetra/clinda
- others
Syphilis tx if allergic to PCN
oral doxy
What drug is used to treat Lyme disease in kid <8 yo
- MC anatomical structure affected
- parotid glands
What is a common chronic medication for angina
beta blocker
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- meds to use with caution
- Digoxin, nitrates, diuretics
- dig: up contractility
- nitrates/diuretics: reduce LV volume
- meds taht decrease mortality
- BB
- Nitrate/hydralazine
- spironolactone
- ICD if EF < 35%
Loop diuretics
- volume depletion
- hypo K, Na, Ca
- Hyper lycemia and hyperuremia
- role of digoxin
use when HF and A.fib
- no mortality benefit
- mgmt
- lasix
- morphine
- nitrates
- O2
- position - upright
- valves
- MC mitral valve
- exception: IVDU, then tricuspid valve
- blood culture
must get 3, 1 hour apart
Endocarditis treatment
- empiric
- native valve: vanc +/- cefazolin
- Ill with HF: gentamicin + cefepime + vanc
- Valve replacement if refractory or abscess
- criteria for dx name
- criteria
- Duke Criteria
- 2 major, 1 major and 1 minor, 5 minor
Major criteria
- two + blood cultures with typical org
- echo with new valvular regurgitation
minor criteria
- predisposing factor
- Fever >100.4 (38)
- vascular phenomena (embolic dz or pulmonary infarct)
- Immunologic phenomena (glomerulonephritis, osler node, roth spot)
- blood culture not meeting major criteria
- diffuse ST elevations
- PR depressions
- heart sounds
- acute/restrictive: friction rub
- constrictive: pericardial knock
HTN goals
< 60: 140/90
> 60: 150/90
First line HTN med
- non AA
- AA
- Gout
- thiazide, ACE/ARB, CCB
- thiazide, CCB
- alpha-blocker
- CCB, losartan
Hypertensive urgency
- mgmt
- reduce MAP 25% 24-48 hours
- ORAL agents
- Clonidine, captopril, furosemide, labetolol, nicardipine
Hypertensive emergency
- mgmt
- usu >180/120
- reduce BP 25% first HOUR
- reduce BP 5-15% next 23 hours
- IV agents
1st line med to tx:
- triglycerides
- statins
- fibrates
- niacin
Niacin medication
- main effect
- vitamin B3
- increase HDL
- flushing, HA, warm sensation, itching
- hyperuricemia (gout)
- hyperglycemia
- aka
- main effect
- HMGcoA reductase inhibitors
- inhibits rate-limiting step in hepatic cholesterol synthesis and increases LDL receptors so more LDL removed from blood
- when to give
- myositis, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis
- Hepatitis: LFTs first 3 mo
- bedtime
- myositis, myalgias
- esp with concomitant statin us
- gallstones
- inhibits cholesterol absorption in intestine
- lowers LDL
- increased LFTs, esp with statin use
What is the only lipid lowering agent that is safe in pregnancy
bile acid sequestrants
MCC bronchitis
- mgmt
- fluid
- rest
- bronchodilators
- antitussive
- *abx: elderly, COP, immunocompromised, cough >7-10 days
- PFTs
- obstructive
- obstructive
- restrictive
- obstructive: reduced ratio dt reduced FEV1
- restrictive: normal ratio with reduced FEV1 and FVC
classic presentation of sarcoidosis
young patient with respiratory and constitutional sx, blurred vision, erythema nodosum
pulmonary nodule
- size
<3 cm
Non-small cell carcinoma
85% lung cancer
- MC adenocarcinoma: peripheral
- Squamous cell: central
- large cell: very aggressive
Non-small cell carcinoma
- Squamous cell
- Centrally located
- Cavitary lesion
- hyperCalcemia
- panCoast syndrome
Small cell carcinoma
- very aggressive
- usually met early
- centrally located
- shoulder pain
- Horner’s syndrome
- hand/arm atrophy
pulmonary HTN
- MCC secondary
pulmonary HTN
- heart sounds
- fixed, paradoxically split S2
- accentuated S2 (bc P2)
Cor pulmonale
RV failure due to pulmonary HTN (MCC COPD)
Dysphagia to both solid and liquid
Dysphagia to solids and then fluids
esophageal neoplasm
Diffuse esophageal spasm
- stabbing chest pain worse with hot/cold food/liquid
- corkscrew esophogram
- CCB or nitrates
Nutcracker esophagus
- excessive contractions during peristalsis
- dysphagia and chest pain
- CCB, nitrates, botox, sildenafil