Internal Improvments Unit Flashcards
What was James Monroe’s presidency known as?
The Era of Good Feelings
Who was elected in 1816 and what political party were they?
James Monroe
What were the first toll roads called?
What was the first toll road built by the national government?
National Road (Cumberland Road)
What type of boat could only go down river? What happened to it when it got there?
It was taken apart and sold as lumber
What type of boat could return upstream but very slowly?
What type of boat is powered by a steam engine?
Who popularized the steam boat?
Robert Fulton and the Clermont (1807)
Man made trenches that connected waterways.
What was the most famous canal?
The Erie Canal
What was the American system?
A plan to make the US more economically self-sufficient.
Henry Clay
A sectional leader from Kentucky/West
What is significant about the cotton gin?
It increased slavery in the US. US became largest cotton producer and increased wealth
Who invented the cotton gin and when?
Eli Whitney
Name three ways slaves could undermine the system.
- Work slowly/pretend to be sick
- Used theft/destruction
- Ran away
Gabriel Prosser
Led a rebellion in VA in 1800 storm broke it up.
Denmark Vesey
Led rebellion in SC in 1822 -executed
Nat Turner
Led a rebellion in Va in 1832. Bloodiest and terrified whites.
How many free blacks were there?
335,000/half in south
Who was reelected in 1820?
James Monroe
Hand over/give up
Added territory
Oregon country
England/Russia/US all claimed it. Russia gave up claim in 1824. US/England agreed to split it to today’s boundaries
Monroe Doctrine
US would stay out of European affairs/ Europe was to stay out of Western Hemisphere.
How came up with the Missouri compromise?
Henry Clay
What were the parts of the Missouri Compromise?
- Maine as a free state/ Missouri as a slave state
2. No slavery above 36/30 parallel
Who argued on behalf of slavery?
John C Calhoun
Who argued against slavery?
Daniel Webster