Causes Of The Civil War Unit Flashcards
Who was elected in 1840 and what political party did they belong to?
William Henry Harrison
Who was elected in 1836 and what political party did they belong to?
Martin Van Buren
Who replaced William Henry Harrison in office?
John Tyler
Who was elected in 1844 and what political party did they belong to?
James K Polk
What was James K Polk known as?
Dark horse candidate
An amendment to a bill
Explain the Wilmot proviso
David Wilmot proposed no slavery in land gained from Mexico
Mexican session
Land ceded to the US during Mexican war
Political party formed solely against slavery in Mexican session
Who initially proposed the Compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay
Who finished the Compromise of 1850?
Stephen Douglas
What were the four parts of the Compromise of 1850?
- California as a free state (N)
- Popular sovereignty in the Mexican session (S)
- Slave trade band in DC (N)
- Stricter fugitive slave law (S)
Popular sovereignty
Voters decide whether or not to allow slavery in the territory.
Those attempting to abolish slavery
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Fictional anti-slavery book
Who wrote uncle Tom’s cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was elected in 1848 and what political party today belong to?
Zachary Taylor
Who replaces Zachary Taylor in office?
Millard Fillmore
Who was elected in 1852 and what political party did they belong to?
Franklin Pierce
Who was known as the little giant?
Stephen Douglas
Who proposed the Kansas Nebraska act?
Stephen Douglas
Political party against Roman Catholics and immigrants.
Political party representing the north and against the spread of slavery
John Brown
A militant abolitionist who believed God told him to wage war on slavery.
Killed five proslavery settlers
Bleeding Kansas
Vote on slavery in Kansas was tainted violence and massacres occurred on both side
Who was attacked for a speech against slavery?
Charles Sumner
Who attacked Charles Sumner?
Presten Brooks
Who was elected in 1856 and what political party did they belong to?
James Buchanan
What were the three parts of the Dred Scott case?
- Court ruled in Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
- Court ruled slaves aren’t citizens
- Made popular sovereignty a joke
What did John Brown do at Harpers Ferry Virginia?
He seized weapons at the federal army hoping to arm slaves.
Expected slaves to join him didn’t
Brown hanged
Who was elected in 1860 and what political party did they belong to?
Abraham Lincoln
What was the first state to secede?
South Carolina
Who was the president of the Confederate states of America?
Jefferson Davis
Where was the first capital of the Confederate states of America?
Montgomery, Alabama
Where was the second capital of the Confederate states of America?
Richmond, Virginia
Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?
Fort Sumter