Internal Audit Flashcards
How are audits carried out?
Through :
1. Interviews of employees ( sometimes both past and present , some interested parties in some case)
2. Observation ( taking an observational tour )
3. Documents ( requesting and reviewing of documents some beforehand to prepare and some on site)
True or false: you must always audit according to something ( be it ISO14001, EMAS , Global compact )
There are two types of audits , what are they?
Internal audits and third party audits(external audits)
What can you say about internal audits?
Flexible frequency about 1-2 times in a year .
Internal auditor with a couple of days of education
What can you say about external audits ?
1-2 times a year but a mandatory 3 year cycle.
Year 0 : certification audit
Years 1+2 : surveillance audits
Year 3 : comprehensive recertification audit
What are he characteristics of a good audit ?
- Have a well defined scope
- Have a specific objective
- Be carried out by a sufficient and competent audit team
- Be well planned
- Be prepared for in advance
- Must lead to a report
- Must be followed up on
- Must be done according to ISO19011 /EMAS
What can you say about the planning in an audit ?
There should be an overall plan for a year or longer if necessary. This plan should include :
By whom
Specific objectives
The scope of each audit
What can you say about the objectives of an audit ?
The objective must comply with ISO14001/EMAS chap 4-10
Must comply with decided procedure and processes
Must comply with legislation and other requirements (compliance obligations)
Must test the efficiency of the system
Must have Enough resources
What can you say about the scope of an audit ?
This is where you define the boundaries of an audit . Like which parts of the company’s activities will be audited ? What are the conditions of the audit ? How long of a time will be spent on the audit
What can you say about forming a team for an Audit?
The auditors in the team are dependent on the C/O site-specific competences needed ( do you need someone with expertise in biochemistry..etc…). The number of auditors also has to be determined . Who does what
What can you say about preparing for an on-site audit ?
Always ask the C/O for all some relevant documents to read beforehand . Examples of these documents are :
1. A good description of the activities and personnel
2. All documentation of the EMS .
3. All permits /control programs and all other correspondence with legal documents.
4. Yearly environmental reports if available.
After receiving the relevant documents from C/O what next
You form an appropriate team
Go through received documents
Prepare checklist for observation tour
Prepare questions for each interview
Have forms/templates to fill in non conformities
Have an audit time schedule (which can be edited or fine tuned )
What are some on-site audit activities that are conducted ?
- Opening meeting
- Interviews
- Observation tour
- Document check
- Preparing audit conclusions
- Closing meeting
What are some good audit practices?
Follow tracks and loops
Keep on track with audit object and scope
Be ethical
Take notes
Try to be on good speaking terms with C/O and employees
Be clear with nonconformities ( reformulate if necessary )
What are some tips for conducting good interview’s?
- Interviews should be held with individuals within the appropriate levels and functions in the C/O as required within the scope of the audit .
- Interview should be conducted during normal working hours and if possible at the place of work of the person being interviewed
- Reason for interview and any not taken should be well communicated and explained to the interviewee
- Type of questions should be carefully selected ( closed , open etc.)
- Make attempts to put interviewee at ease before interview begins
- Interview may begin by asking the individual to describe their activities
- Interview notes and point should be summarized to the interviewee at the end of the interview
- Always thank the interviewed individual for their cooperation
What can you say about an audit report?
An audit report is usually written by the audit team Leader . This a complete clear, concise record of the audit program
What should an audit normally include ?
- The audit objective
- The scope
- Identification of the audit client
- The audit criteria and conditions
- Identification of the audit team memebers and auditee participants .
- The audit findings and related documents
- Dates and locations of all audit conducted activities
- Any unresolved diverging opinions between auditors and audit clients
- A statement on the degree to which the audit criteria was followed .
True or false: audits by nature are a sampling exercise as such there is a possibility that audit evidence is not representative.
What can you say about the distribution of the audit report ?
- The audit report should be issued within an agreed upon specified period of time. If there is a delay then that should be communicated with audit client and audit programme managers.
- Should be dated , reviewed and accepted as appropriate in accordance with audit plan.
- Should be distributed to interested parties as described in the audit plan . During distribution there should be measures taken to ensure confidentiality
What can you say about the follow up ?
This is done by the company to find out root cause of nonconformity , initiate corrective actions and preventative measures.
Competence of an auditor what can be said here ?
Competence can come in two main ways : education and experience .
The auditors should know :
How to perform an audit
The standards to perform an audit by
Environmental issues
Legislation in general
Site specific legislation
Site specific environmental issues/technical aspects and processes
Language of the audit company ( where necessary)
What are some personal characteristics an auditor should have ?
Good listener
Good judgement
Should be diplomatic ( to be able to tell the difference between genuine employees and disgruntled ones )
Good leadership
An ability to write unambiguous nonconformity
Good writing skills
Eager to help the company