Intermediate Rust Developer Interview Questions and Answer Flashcards
What is the difference between a struct and an enum in Rust
A struct is a data structure that groups together related data of different types into a single unit.
An enum is a data type used to represent a set of named values. Each named value in the enum is called a variant.
How do you handle errors in Rust?
Result type: Rust provides a built-in Result type that enables functions to either return a value or an error. In case of an error, the function will provide information about the error.
Option type: The Option type is similar to the Result type but is used for cases where a value may or may not be present.
Panic! macro: If the program faces a fatal error, then the panic! macro mechanism helps in stopping the execution of the program and providing the relevant error message.
Rust also has several error-handling libraries, such as the standard library’s Error trait and the popular crates like thiserror, anyhow, and failure, which provide more advanced features for error handling, such as custom error types, backtraces, and error chaining.
What is the role of the standard library in Rust?
The standard library in Rust contains a collection of modules offering the core functionalities of the language.
The standard library is packaged with every installation of Rust, and it provides a wide array of features such as I/O operations, data types, networking capabilities, concurrency protocols, etc.
Explain asynchronous programming in Rust?
Asynchronous programming in Rust involves writing code that can execute non-blocking operations without blocking the main thread.
Explain the concurrency model
The concurrency model in Rust is primarily based on the ownership and borrowing concepts ensuring memory safety and preventing usual concurrency errors like deadlocks and data races.
How do you perform I/O in Rust?
The std::io module belonging to the standard library in Rust is used to perform the input/output I/O operations.
What is the testing framework used for?
The testing framework in Rust provides an efficient alternative to manual testing. It comes with an in-built framework, known as rustc_test, that offers a collection of tools for testing the Rust code.
What is the documentation system in Rust?
In Rust, documentation is an important part of writing code. Rust has a built-in documentation system called Rustdoc that allows developers to document their code with comments and generate HTML documentation that can be viewed in a web browser.
Rustdoc uses a syntax for documenting code called “Rustdoc comments.”
How is multithreading handled in Rust?
Rust provides built-in support for multi-threading via the standard library. Rust provides threads in the form of lightweight units of execution with the capability of running concurrently within a program.
What is a mutex in Rust?
Mutex is a mutual exclusion primitive that is incredibly helpful in the protection of shared data. It enables safe access to shared data across several execution threads by blocking threads waiting for the lock to become available.
What is atomic in Rust?
In Rust, “atomic” refers to types that provide atomic operations, which means that these operations are guaranteed to be indivisible and thus not susceptible to race conditions or data corruption when accessed concurrently by multiple threads.
What is a mutable reference?
A mutable reference is a reference to the variable that allows it to be modified. It is represented by “&mut” syntax.
How do you work with Rust’s standard collections(Vec, HashMap, etc)?
Rust’s standard collections, such as Vec, HashMap, and HashSet, are commonly used in Rust programs for managing and manipulating data collections.
Vec: A Vec (“vector”) is Rust’s built-in dynamic array.
HashMap: A HashMap is Rust’s built-in hash table implementation. It allows you to store key-value pairs, where each key is unique.
HashSet: A HashSet is similar to a HashMap but only stores unique keys without any associated values.
What is the trait system in Rust?
The trait system covers a collection of methods defined for a specific type. The trait system enables generic programming and code reusability.
What is the syntax for pattern matching?