Advanced Rust Developer Interview Questions And Answers Flashcards
What is a match experession?
A match expression is a control flow construct that enables you to compare a specific value across a collection of patterns and execute the code related to the 1st matching pattern
How is match expression used in Rust?
Match expressions are used in Rust to compare a value against a series of patterns and execute the code associated with the first matching pattern.
What is the difference between the function and closure calls?
The function and closure calls are both used to execute a piece of code, but the main difference between them lies in how they capture and use variables.
A function call is used to call a named function with defined parameters and return type.
What is the difference between a trait bound and a where clause?
The trait bounds and where clauses are used to add constraints to functions and types, ensuring that they adhere to the specific requirements or conditions.
Trait bounds are used to constrain a type parameter to implement a certain trait.
On the other hand, where clauses are used to specify additional requirements on types or functions.
What is a closure capture?
In Rust, a closure is a type that represents an anonymous function that can capture variables from its enclosing environment.
What are the types of closure capture in Rust?
Move capture: When a closure moves a variable from its enclosing environment into the closure, it is said to perform a “move capture.” This means that the closure takes ownership of the variable and can modify it, but the original variable in the enclosing environment is no longer accessible.
Borrow capture: When a closure borrows a variable from its enclosing environment, it is said to perform a “borrow capture.” This means that the closure can access and modify the variable, but the original variable in the enclosing environment remains accessible.
What is the difference between a mutable and an immutable closure in Rust?
An immutable closure captures variables through reference, which means it can read variables but not modify them. This type of closure is represented by the Fn trait.
A mutable closure captures variables by mutable reference, meaning it can read and modify the captured variables. This type of closure is represented by the FnMut trait.
Explain static dispatch
A static dispatch occurs at compile time, where the compiler determines which function to call based on the static type of a variable or expression.
Explain dynamic dispatch
Dynamic dispatch in Rust refers to the process of determining which implementation of a method to call at runtime based on the type of object the method is called on.
When do you use a dynamic dispatch?
Dynamic dispatch is useful when you need to write code that can work with objects of different types that implement a common trait.
What is a type alias in Rust
In Rust, a type alias is a way to give a new name to an existing type. It is created using the type keyword, followed by the new name and the existing type.
Explain monomorphization in Rust
Monomorphization is a tech nique utilized by the compiler to optimize the code, but they have different objectives. Monomorphization involves the compiler generating specialized code for every concrete type used in the structs or generic functions during compilation
What is specialization in Rust?
Specialization is a technique where the compiler creates a more specific generic function implementation based on the traits implemented for a given type.
What is a range?
In Rust, a range is a sequence of values created using range operators “..” or “…”.
The two dots “..” operator creates a range that excludes the upper bound, while the three dots “…”
How is a range used in Rust?
The range can be used for various purposes, including iterating over a sequence of values, creating slices, and generating random numbers within a range.
let range = 1..5;
This will create a range that includes 1 and 2 but excludes 5.
Similarly, you can create a range that includes the upper bound by using the “…” operator:
let range = 1…5;
This will create a range of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
What is the difference between a trait and an interface?
In Rust, traits and interfaces define a set of methods a type must implement. However, the two have a few key differences:
Syntax: A trait is defined using the trait keyword in Rust, while an interface is defined using the interface keyword.
Implementation: Traits in Rust can have default method implementations, while interfaces typically do not.
Inheritance: In Rust, traits can be inherited by other traits using the impl Trait1 for Trait2 {} syntax, while other interfaces can extend interfaces in other languages like Java and TypeScript.
Type bounds: In Rust, you can use traits as type bounds to specify that a generic type parameter must implement a particular set of methods. This is not possible with interfaces in other languages.
How is type parameter used?
The type parameters can be used within functions, traits, structs, and enums.
Explain destructor in Rust.
In Rust, the concept of a destructor is implemented through the Drop trait. This trait provides a drop method that gets called automatically when a value goes out of scope, allowing you to clean up resources or perform other actions before the value is deallocated.
How is destructor implemented in Rust?
In Rust, the destructor is called a drop(), and it is implemented as follows:\
What is lifetime elison
Lifetime elision is a Rust feature that allows the compiler to implicitly infer lifetimes in specific cases, so you don’t have to explicitly annotate them in your code.