Interest Groups Flashcards
-An interest group is a private organization with control over its membership
-It has a narrow focus
How interest groups differ from political parties
AFL-CIO; Chamber of Commerce
Economic interests
Professional interests
NAACP; Urban League; NOW; AARP
Demographic interests
ACLU; Christian Coalition
Social interests
Audubon Society; Sierra Club; Ducks Unlimited
Environmental interests
-Money (membership dues & contribution)
-Personal time
-A person could be labeled because of membership in a group
Costs of joining an interest group
-Solidary benefits
-Material benefits
-Purposeive benefits
Benefits of joining an interest group
Arises when people enjoy the benefits of group activity without bearing any of the costs
Free-rider problem
-Personal impact is so small as to be unoticable
-You receive the benefit whether you contribute or not
Causes of the Free-Rider problem
-Social movements
-Increasing the perceived impact
-Increase the attractiveness of marital benefits
-Rely on wealthy patrons
How to combat the Free-Rider problem
Hiring paid experts to sway public officials
-Knowledgeable about subject matter
-Knowledgeable about how government works
-Have greater access to public officials than ordinary citizens
-Have greater access to money than oridinary citizens
How Lobbyists are effective
Political Action Committee is a specialized organization for raising and contributing campaign funds
Campaign Contributions
Adevertising campaigns that attempt to influence public opinion on an issue
Issue advocacy