interactionist approach Flashcards
diathesis stress model
-both vulnerability to sz n stress trigger r necessary in order to develop the disorder. 1 or more underlying factors make a person particularly vulnerable to developing sz but onset of condition=triggered by stress
-diathesis= biological vulnerability. stress=enviromental
-tested by family studies
psychological triggers
-meehls model 1962: sz=entirely genetic by schizogene so if person doesnt have this gene then no amount of stress would lead to it.
-but those w gene chronic stress through childhood+adolescence eg sz mother or family dysfunctions could lead to sz
-Varese (2012) found that children who experienced severe trauma before the age of 16 were 3 times more likely to develop sz
twin studies
-identical twin of sz sufferer foudn to be at much greater risk of dev sz themselkves compared to normal siblings or dz twins
-adoptive relatives also found to be lower risk than biological (tienri et al 2004)
-In 50% of cases where an identical twin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, the other twin never meets the diagnostic criteria to be diagnosed with sz themselves.
-fact identical twins who share same genetic dna do not share disorder shows strong case for enviromental factors playing role
interactionist treatment
-combines meds w psychological therpies such as cbt to relieve symps
-effectiveness=depends on costs, relapse rates, degree of side effects+symp reduction
-also depend on indivual circumstances ef fam therpy not appropriate for all=fd
-uk standard to do cbt+meds but USA theres conflict between psycholigical+biological models +may led to slower apotion of interactionist approach
supporyt for vulnerability + triggers
-large scale study of tienari et al 2004 investigated impact of both genetic vulnerability+psychological trigger
-19,000 finish kids whose bio mum had been diagnosed w sz
-in adulthood compared w control group of adoptees w out family history of sz
-adoptive parents had been assesed for child rearing style+found ^ levels of criticism, hostility+low empathy associated w dev of sz but only in high genetic risk group
research support
-walkers 1997 study reported how sz were found w ^ levels of cortisol then non sz+^ levels=related to more severe symps
-stress related increases in coristol heightens genetically influenced abnormalities in dop transmission triggering onset of sz
-shows the interaction between bio+enviromental factors in dev of sz supports DSM
ao3 counterpoint?
research against it
-verdoux et al 1998 found evidence to suggest brain damage caused by enviromental factors alone can ^ likelihood of dev sz
-individuals who experineced an obstetric complication at birth (prolonged labour which can cause o2 deprivation) were 4 times more likely to dev sz than those who didnt
-alsohammen 1992 argued it was stressors earlier in life that set up maladaptive coping methods so the individual is then less able to cope with stress in later life
=may not be genetics that determine vulnerabilty that triggers sz but lack of resilience to stress
a03 +
differential susceptibility hypothesis
-extends DSM to incl positve on top of negative enviroments
-a bio vulnerability for disorder combo w stressor can cause sz but the same indivual exposed to positive enviroment such as caring may see pos outcomes+reduce chances of dev the disorder
=raises implications for possible treatment as geentic vulnerabilities may not be controlled but enviroemntal factors that triggers this=addressed instead
=forms basis for family intervention therapies which provide evidence of reduced relapse rates supporting IA as having validty
indivual differences
-stressors that contribute to sz incl bio, enviromental, psychological+social factors
-but a problem is detemring precisely how these risk factors contribute to DS interaction for any single person bc everyones diff
-makes it difficult to validate this expl fully as studies often lack internal validity+struggle to measyre what dependent variable and cause is