Intensive Recap Flashcards
Pathologic cause of red urine: (3)
Hemoglobin, myoglobin, and porphyrin
A brown black pigment in acid urine can be caused by:
Excreted by renal tubules in small quantities:
Tamm-Horsfall protein
What test is least affected by standing of improperly stored urine:
Protein (⬆️ pH; ⬇️ Glucose, Bilirubin)
Hemoglobin in urine can be differentiated from myglobin using:
80% ammonium sulfate to precipitate hemoglobin
The ova of which parasite may be found in the urinary sediment?
Schistosoma haematobium
In renal tubular acidosis (metabolic acidosis), the pH of the urine is:
Consistently alkaline
A sediment with moderate hematuria and RBC casts mos glikelh results from:
Acute glomerulonephritis
Urine sediment characterized by pyuria with bacteria and WBC casts indicates:
Chronic pyelonephritis
Oval fat bodies are derived from:
Renal tubular epithelium
This test is based on the inverse Ehrlich’s rxn (i.e. maintaining an acid solution by adding small urine volume to a relatively large reagent volume) eliminating the problem of urobilinogen rxn:
All of the ff. may produce false-negative reaction for urine reagent strip test for blood, EXCEPT:
Vegetable and bacterial peroxidases
Regarding CSF, all of the ff. are indication of a traumatic tap, EXCEPT:
Presence of a clot in the sample
Pronounced reduction of CSF glucose can be seen in the following conditions, EXCEPT:
Viral meningitis (N glucose + lactate)
A transudative effusion is usually caused by all of the ff., EXCEPT:
Useful adjunct test for tuberculous pericarditis in cases with negative stains when tuberculosis is suspected:
Adenosine deaminase activity
What test is best for determining the status if the fetoplacental unit?
Serum free estriol
The best available guide in the assessment of gestational age is the amniotic fluid determination of:
In the APT test, maternal hemoglobin will produce:
Yellow-brown supenatant after standing for 2 minutes
Due to variability in bowel habbits, the most representative timed fecal samole is:
3-day collection
A reflection of the concentrating and diluting power of the renal tubules:
Specific gravity
If a kidney can’t concentrate or dilute, we would expect that the urine sample will always be:
Turbidity due to this may be removed by warming:
Ideal preservative for urine tested for VMA:
HCl (VMA: pheochromocytoma; adrenal)