Intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0 Flashcards
Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI 5.0), the flagship routine immunization campaign of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will conclude all 3 rounds on 14th October 2023. IMI 5.0 ensures that routine immunization services reach the missed-out and dropped out children and pregnant women across the country. This year, for the first time the campaign is being conducted across all the districts in the country and includes children up to 5 years of age (Previous campaigns included children up to 2 years of age).
IMI 5.0 campaign aims to enhance immunization coverage for all vaccines provided under the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) as per the National Immunization Schedule (NIS). Special focus is on improvement of Measles and Rubella vaccination coverage with the aim of Measles & Rubella elimination by 2023 and use of U-WIN digital platform for Routine Immunization in pilot mode across all districts in the country.
IMI 5.0 is being conducted in three rounds i.e., 7 -12 August, 11-16 September, and 9-14 October 2023 i.e., 6 days in a month with the inclusion of a Routine Immunization Day. All States/UTs except Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Punjab would conclude all the three rounds of IMI 5.0 campaign by 14th October 2023. These four states could not start the IMI 5.0 campaign in August due to some inevitable circumstances. These states have concluded 1st round and are currently conducting the 2nd round. They plan to conduct the 3rd round of IMI 5.0 campaign in the month of November 2023.
As on 30th September 2023, over 34,69,705 children and 6,55,480 pregnant women were administered vaccine doses during the first 2 rounds of IMI 5.0 campaign across the country.
Preparedness Assessment for IMI 5.0 was conducted by National Monitors between 19th July and 23rd July 2023. They carried out extensive preparedness assessments across 154 High-priority districts in 27 States/UTs. The findings of the preparedness assessment along with the recommendations were shared all the States/UTs.
A National Workshop on IMI 5.0 was conducted by on 23rd June 2023 at National Capital to orient all States/UTs about the campaign.
Operational Guidelines along with Communication Strategy was shared with all States/ UTs. The communication strategy included 360 -degree communication approach with strategies to include advocacy, addressing vaccine hesitancy and engaging local influencers and leaders. Various IEC materials were shared with all States/UTs for adaptation in local languages and effectively reach out to masses with key messages.
IMI 5.0 saw participation from Jan pratinidhis and Social Media Influencers have come forward in large numbers across all States/UTs to appeal to public to visit nearest vaccination centres and take any missed doses for children and pregnant women in the family and community.
Since 2014, 11 phases of Mission Indradhanush have been completed across the country. 12th phase is currently ongoing, a total of 5.06 crore children and 1.25 crore pregnant women have been cumulatively vaccinated till date under the campaign.
Key Point
The Intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0 campaign will be conducted in three phases (August 7 to 12, September 11 to 16 and October 9 to 14, 2023) in the state.
In the intensive Mission Indradhanush 5.0 campaign, children between the age group of 0 to 5 years and pregnant women who have been left out in vaccination are to be vaccinated.
The Additional Chief Secretary, Health instructed to get 100% vaccination done by activating all the vaccinators.
He said that the U-WIN portal digital platform is being used for the first time in the state. All abandoned children and pregnant women of the state should be identified and vaccinated by microplanning.
The ACS directed that all the ANM cadre identified for vaccination at the institutional delivery point should be guided for the success of IMI. ANMs as vaccinators will provide vaccination services in 6 working days of advance three phases.