intelligence part 1 Flashcards
what is human intelligence
- understood as the capacity that allows us to flexibly exploit the constraints of our environment to solve problems.
- APA def: ability to derive info, learn from experience, adapt to env and understand thought.
outline Charles Spearmans 2 factor theory
- he postulated 2 types of intelligence to account for test scores
- they were general intelligence or specific intelligence
- specific intelligence is a set of skills and knowledge needed to answer questions on a specific test
outline crystallised intelligence (Cattell 1963)
- represents cumulative learning and experience, education and experience and develops with age.
outline fluid intelligence (cattell 1963)
- deals wit abstract relations, represents the ability to deal with problems that arise where prior knowledge is not helpful.
what is Gardners theory of multiple intelligences
- there are 8 distinct types
- IQ tests only measure 3 -> linguistic, logical-mathematical and spatial
- this theory was particularly applied to education
- limitations are vagueness and little empirical info.
what are 4 tests of intelligence
- ravens 2 progressive matrices clinical editions (2019)
- cognitive abilities test (CAT-4)
- Wechsler adult intelligence test (WAIS-IV)
- Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC-V)
outline the cognitive ability test CAT
- used in UK and ireland
- designed for children and adolescents, in both primary and secondary education
- comes in a digital and hard copy, 3 tests, 45 mins
- includes verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and spatial reasoning.
discuss WAIS-IV four factor model, regarding verbal comprehension and perceptual reasoning.
- vocab
- abstract verbal reasoning
- general info
- visual puzzles - spatial
- block design
- matrix reasoning
outline visual puzzles (spatial reasoning) in WAIS-IV
- has a specified time limit
- view a completed puzzle and select 3 response option that when combined reconstruct the puzzle
outline block design in WAIS-IV
- specified time limit
- view a model and picture OR picture only.
- use red and white blocks to recreate it
outline matrix reasoning (WAIS-IV)
- ppt views an incomplete matrix and selects the response that will complete the matrix series
outline three working memory factors
(digit span, arithmetic, letter-number sequencing)
- attention, conc, mental control
- conc while manipulating mental mathematical problems
- attention, conc and mental control
outline what symbol search and coding require use of in processing speed
symbol search -> visual perception analysis, scanning speed
- time limit, scan search group and indicate whether symbols in target group match
coding -> visual motor co-ord, motor speed, visual working memory
- use a key, copy symbols that are paired with numbers.