Intelligence 2 Flashcards
What are the two research types of emotional intelligence?
- trait emotional intelligence (Goleman’s EI, Bar-On’s EQ-I; Schutte’s self-report scale)
- performance- based emotional intelligence (The Mayer- Salovey- Caruso Emotional Intelligence Scale).
What are characteristics of Trait EI?
- self-report
- high correlations with personality
- quick, easy, vastly out number ability models
- psychometrically sound
- can be faked easiloy
What are characteristics of Ability EI?
- expensive. time consuming
- few tests
- ability scales: right/wrong answers
- tend not to correlated with personality measures
- depends on knowledge so can’t be faked.
What does Bar- On’ test measure?
- intra-personal abilitieis
- inter-personal abilities
- adaptation
- stress- management
- general mood
(all self-report)
How does Daniel Goleman test emotional competence?
- four clusters: (on self other) self awareness, self - management, social awareness, social skills
What is a problem with emotional intelligence in relation to prior empirical evidence?
- items overlap with neuroticism and extraversion (high correlations)
What are the factors of the Mayer- Salovey- Caruso model?
Branch 1: emotion perception (understand others)
Branch 2: emotion assimilation(use emotions to faciliate thought)
Branch 3: emotional understanding (label emotion)
Branch 4: emotion management
What are some problems with EI ability testing?
- the problem of the correct answer
- all correlations with G
How are ability tests scored?
- consensus scoring (depends on the group)
- expert scoring
- target scoring (whoever wrote the test scores)
What are some other approaches to Emotional intelligence?
- Paul Ekman’s Work on FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
- Klaus Scherer’s Work on acoustics of emotional expression (Vocal Affect Recognition)
What is the relationship between PERSONALITY and abilities measurement of EI?
- ppl who are AGREEABLE tend to be better in EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT
What is the relationship between abilities measurement and Gf/Gc
- strongest relationship is between UNDERSTANDING and crystallized intelligence (MEDIUM TO LARGE)
- but all are positive manifolds
What did Lynn & Irving find in their meta-analysis on differences between men and women in intelligence?
- no differences for < 15 years but gradually men >females into adulthood.
- effect size d=0.3 (i.e. small advantage to males)
What are the sex differences in intelligence from a historical perspective?
- Terman & Wechsler girls > boys
- Spearman & Cattell:no sex differences
- Court, Jensen, MacKintosh: no sex differences (Raven’s)
- Lynn & Irwing: males>females
Describe IQ differences in female and males
- males> females: 5 IQ points in Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Flyn & Irving, 2004) (03.SD)
What is a reason for IQ differences?
- Progressive Matrices largely measures spatial abilities which men are superior in
- also convenience samples (e.g. men)
What are evolutionary perspectives on sex differences?
- “male- foraging” hypothesis
- the “range” hypothesis: seek out polygamous relations, larger environmental range- higher spatial abilities
- warfare
What are some explanations for sex differences as a cause of testosterone?
- route learning: testosterone levels in males (not females) positively correlated with male-biased route-learning strategies
- testosterone levels in males predicted performance in mental rotation tasks (i.e. spatial abilities)
What is the brain functioning hypothesis explanation for sex differences?
- tasks are solved more efficiently when solved in one section of the brain
- lateralisation (i.e. men use less glucose than women, more efficiently)
What is a problem with IQ and stereotypes?
- toy choice (early development of stereotypes)
- self-reported abilities (men tend to report higher intelligence than women)
- stereotype threat
What are some environmental explanations of IQ differences?
- toy choice
- subject choice
- males can explore more freely (different activities)
What are two specific differences in male/female abilities?
- males> females: ‘g’ factor, spatial ability
- females> males: spelling and lanugage (moderate)
Two sources of evidence that sex differences are environmental in origin
- toy choice (boys play with trucks: mechanical rotation; females: dolls- conversational)
- subject choice (less likely to chose maths/science bc masculine)
- activities (men can explore more freely)
What did Morton say about differences in intelligence across groups?
- research on ohysical measurements and intelligence suppoted norms of the time
- based on craniology
- large methodological flaws, which biases results (i.e. all Caucasians male, most Ethiopians female).