(T or F) On the perspective of Socrates,
there should be a boundary between right or wrong because if not, we won’t know what must be
done and must not be done
(T or F) To be happy with what we have,
we must follow reasons, not
emotions in decision-making.
artificial satellites were built and linked the world in Second Modern Information Revolution
Sergci Korolev
is the different ways in which we are doing the
things we do to reach our goal
Golden Mean
Another theory about the evolution of man that is
based from the Bible
Creation of Man
defined as the act or process of using words,
sounds, signs, or behaviors that express
ideas, thoughts, feelings, and exchange
Evolution of Man
Charles Darwin
He proposed that the sun is in the middle of the universe, and the Earth and other planets revolve around it
(T or F) Socrates believed there was an absolute right or
occurs by means of natural selection
invented a telescope and his findings
supported the theory of Nicolaus Copernicus
Galileo Galilei
believed that there is an absolute
right or wrong.
Around 1980’s
Third Modern Information Revolution
(T or F) Sophists developed the art of public speaking and debate
The fact that the Earth is not the center of the solar system is one of the outcomes of scientific revolution
Copernican Revolution
labeled as “knowledge revolution”
Third Modern Information Revolution
drives a man to follow the rules and resolve the conflict between the ego and the id.
made observations on diversity of organisms, fossils, comparison to South American organisms, comparison among the organisms in the Galapagos Islands and adaptation enabling him to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection
Charles Robert Darwin
organisms that survived are more likely reproduce which transfer their characteristics to their offspring
Competition and selection
its main goal is to make unconscious conscious
he proved the feasibility of radio communications, i.e. sending and receiving of radio signals
Guglielmo Marconi
Happened around Mid - 20th century
Second Modern Information Revolution
some species produce many offspring but not all of these young will survive
Overproduction and variation
(T or F) Using reason and being stable is superior as
it leads to fewer bad times
He was a critic of the Sophists
Infant achieves gratification through oral
activities such as feeding, thumb sucking,
and babbling.
Oral (0-2)
The child learns to realize the differences
between males and females and becomes
aware of sexuality.
Phallic (3-7)
is only about the development of communication-related technologies that improved society
Third Modern Information Revolution
the greatest tool in accessing the World Wide Web
(T or F) Darwin’s theory does not only focuses on the
evolution of man but also on the Origin of Species.
quantified information and measured it in bits during Second Modern Information Revolution
Claude E. Shannon
The child learns to respond to some of the
demands of society (such as bowel and
bladder control).
Anal (2-3)
Sigmund Freud
has produced his manuscript on
his book describing his theory of heliocentrism.
Nicolaus Copernicus
(T or F) The importance of their public speaking can
be seen today in political debates between
drives a socially acceptable way to satisfy the
demands of id as it operates the conscious and
unconscious mind