True or False
One of the major setbacks of the Industrial Revolution was skilled workers were set aside because operation of new machines were used.
Most significant development in S&T?
It is known as the first writing system of the Sumerian Civilization.
Who invented the motor wagon?
Karl Benz
Functions are the following:
- to turn and break up soil
- to bury crop residues
- to help control weed growth
Heavy plough
Egyptian major accomplishment that was used for record-keeping and communication. An upgrade from using clay tablets.
Paper or Papyrus
invented the electric telegraph in 1837
Samuel F.B. Morse
It is used to remember places they had been to, document their trades, and establish their identities.
It was discovered accidentally in creating an elixir that causes immortality but was used for weaponry and fireworks.
Black powder
It is used to pump from a well to process grains.
Water and windmills
It is widely used in Roman civilizations for documenting historical events and newly legislated laws.
Bound Books or Codex
It was developed during Middle Ages that was used to propel bullets, rockets, and grenades.
It is naturally produced by silkworms to produce paper and clothing.
Attributed to the invention of paper during the Han dynasty
Cai Lun
Who invented touch-sensitive devices?
Samuel G. Hurst
It was used to harness the power of the wind to generate useful energy for humans
Considered to be one of the creative periods in the history of humans and said to be the start of the first industrial revolution
Medieval Period
Who invented the first visible LED light (color red) in 1962?
Nick Holonyak
It is considered one of the world’s most beneficial engineering works.
Irrigation and Dikes
Period time of history of new systems, warfare, education, and religious conflicts
Medieval or Middle age
It is considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia
Chinese civilization
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
One of the greatest achievements during this period was the technology of printing books and other documents
Renaissance Period
It is defined as a systematized body of knowledge based on facts, observation, and experimentation.
True or False
Science is concerned with the supernatural world
Inventor of the World Wide Web?
Tim Berners Lee
This invention does not need many human resources and is essential in transportation and trading.
It is the first modern vehicle because the previous automobiles are slow and can easily overheat
It is considered cleaner than natural hair that is used to protect the shaved heads of wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun.
It was used as a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account during the 7th century AD in China
Paper money
What does the Latin word Scientia mean?
It is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet
World Wide Web
Who invented the bionic arm?
David Gow
Who invented the bicycle?
Comte de Several
What does the acronym LED mean?
light-emitting diode
It is the radiologic way of forming images of the anatomy and physiological processes of the human body in both health and disease.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner (MRI)
It is an invention in the Mesopotamian period where it was used to supply water to the city; also used for transportation.
Irrigation and Dikes
It was created in 3000 BCE (Mesopotamian Period) and used for farming.
True or False
Science subjects any matter of study to experimentation.
What was the very first printed book that Gutenberg made?
Its first usage was for making pottery, then it was used for transportation.
Its purpose turn digital files containing three-dimensional data into physical objects
3D Printing
Its purpose is to give a replacement arm to those who lost their arm from an accident, disease, or war
Inventor of Transatlantic Telegram?
Guglielmo Marconi
It refers to the period of rebirth as age of preparation for the 17th century scientific development and achievements.
“renaissance” or Renaissance Period
Increase further knowledge and early detection of cancer cells
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner (MRI)
True or False
The scientific revolution challenged man’s belief in the Bible.
A semiconductor device made up of galium arsenide phosphide that emits visible light when an electric current passes through it
LED light
It is a system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge instruments.
Who invented 3D printing?
Charles W. Hull
It is commonly used in the agricultural process like milling grains for food processing
Water Mill
It allows you to borrow cash and was discovered while the inventor was having dinner at a restaurant in New York City.
Credit card
One of the major contributions of Romans
True or False
Technology is a means to fulfill a human purpose
It is known as the birthplace of Western philosophy and mathematics.
Greek Civilization
It is a technology that uses radio waves to provide network connectivity.
Accumulation of knowledge and passing it from generation to generation from the hominid ancestors.
Ancient Period
It is used both for health and aesthetic reason; protection from evil and a sign of holiness.
True or False
Do science and technology make complicated tasks a lot easier allowing people to do tasks with little effort and time?
showed that a magnet can produce electricity and invented the dynamo
Michael Faraday
Most commonly seen in pyramids where Egyptians believed that this writing system was provided by their Gods.
This prototype helped students to compute in a few hours what otherwise had taken days to accomplish
Touch-sensitive devices
Many historians prefer to think that this period is primarily an intellectual and cultural movement rather than a historical period.
Renaissance Period
It is worn for health and wellness rather than aesthetic purposes.
This development started when people need to produce their needs while having a high number of nations resulting in high demand for food and necessities.
Mass Production
True or False
Science and technology in itself would exist without the society.
A system of acquiring knowledge by following the scientific method.
He is a major Renaissance scientist, who improved the telescope, discovered new celestial bodies, and found support for a heliocentric solar system.
Galileo Galilei
It is the application of scientific knowledge.
Witnessed the rise of modern industry, from agriculture to industrial manufacturing and technology-intensive services
19th century
It was invented by combining soot from wood smoke and animal fat, thickened with gelatin from skins of different chemicals. It must withstand the elements of nature and be tamper-proof.
It is a device used to determine the cardinal points of the Earth, namely North, South, East, and West
Similar to a newspaper that contains announcements of the Roman Empire to the people.
This development pertains to the conservation of life by discovering cures and prevention for illnesses.
This development utilizes the use of weapons and armor to prevent common conflicts. (considered as a major achievement)
Security and Protection
One of the greatest technological advancements during this period was the creation of the personal computer
20th century
It is important in trading for a better understanding of each other and to prevent possible conflicts.
One of the breakthroughs during the century was the invention of Artificial Intelligence that has the capacity for a computer to perform humanlike intellectual process.
20th century
It functions to improve the vision of the people invented between 1280s A.D. and 1300 A.D. in Italy.
This development focuses on the construction of transportation and establishment, as well as different infrastructures.
This pertains to the explanation or the study about our physical world.
Who invented the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner (MRI)?
Raymond Vahan Damadian
It is a machine by which text and images are transferred to paper or other media by means of using ink
Printing press
It served as hubs for exchanging ideas and conducting business in the Middle Ages
Coffee Houses
True or False
LED light increases the need for reflectors and diffusers that can trap light
True or False
All scientific idea is said to be reliable because before it could get scientific acceptance, first it has to be supported with a number of evidence.
What is the development that assisted humans in their journeys?
It helped improve communications between people at a distance
It is used four water vessels lined up vertically that produce sound. It was utilized by Plato to signal the start of his lecture.
Alarm Clock
What does the Greek word techne mean?
art or skill
Quarantine was derived from the Latin word…
quaranta giorni, means 40 days
It was first developed by the Sumerians. In Mesopotamian Period, it was developed with the same technology that they used in making the sun-baked bricks that they laid on the grounds.
It was considered to be the age of machine tools
19th century
It is a device that converts sound and electrical waves into audible relays and is used for communication
It is a swift walker with wooden wheels and you push it with your feet; you also stop it with your feet. This helped people get around faster and not have to use horses.
One of the most visual contributions of the ancient Roman Empire.
Roman Architecture
It is the first long-distance wireless communication and it is a wireless radio which is named the start of broadcasting.
Transatlantic Telegram
Who invented the credit card?
Frank McNamara
It utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to the other.
Water Clock or Clepsydra