Integumentary system Roots Flashcards
Fat - Adipose - pertaining to fat
White - Albinism - a group of inherited disorders characterized by little or no melanin production
Life - Biopsy
Carcin / o
Cancer Carcinoma - malignent tumor of epithelial cells
Caut / o
burn cauterization - technique of burning a part of the body to remove or close off part of it.
Drug chemotherapy - treatment with drugs
cry /o
Cryotherapy - destruction of unwanted tissue by freezing with liquid
Crypt / o
hidden cryptorchism - a condition in which one or both of the testes fail to decent from abdomin into the scrotum.
cutane / o
cutaneous pertaining to the skin
cyan / o
blue cyanosis - condition that causes bluish discoloration of the skin
Derm/ a
skin dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
skin - hypodermic= pertaining to below the skin
dermatologist - dr who specialized in the study of the skin
Erythem / o
red erythematous - pertaining to redness of the skin
Erythr /o
Erythrocyte - a red blood cell