Integumentary system Flashcards
Functions of the Integumentary System
Protection, Heat Regulation, Secretion and Excretion, Sensation, Absorption, Synthesis of Vitamin D
is the outermost layer of the skin
The Stratum Lucidum
is a very thin, nearly invisible layer of clear cells
The Stratum Granulosum
consists of cells that look like granules. These cells are almost dead and undergo a change into cells of the more superficial layer.
makes up about 70 percent of the dry weight of the skin and gives it strength, form and flexibility
Reticulum Fiber
form a fine branching pattern in connective tissue that helps link the bundles of collagen fibers
is a protein that has elastic properties and helps give the skin resiliency
is a layer of the skin containing papillae, the cone-like projections made of fine strands of elastic tissue that extend upward into the epidermis. Some of the papillae contain looped capillaries; others contain terminations of sensory nerve fibers called touch receptors.
is a layer of skin contains fat cells, blood and lymph vessels, sweat and oil glands, hair follicles, and nerve endings
Subcutaneous Tissue
is regarded as a continuation of the dermis, super fascia, which connects the skin with the underlying structures.
Free Nerve Endings
These are the most prevalent and numerous receptors that are sensitive to temperature differences both hot and cold, light touch, and light pressure.
Merkel Disc
these are sensitive to light touch and are highly concentrated in the fingertips, lips, and external genitalia
Ruffini Corpuscles
These are sensitive to deep pressure and tissue distortion
Athlete’s Foot
thrive in moist environments but respond well to antifungal preparations
is a sensitivity that certain persons develop to normally harmless substances
is an inflammatory condition of the skin. The lesions come in various of forms, such as scales, vesicles, and papules.
is a congenital absence of melanin pigment in the body that affects the color of skin, hair and eyes.
Arrector Pili
when the body temperature drops, smooth muscle that attaches to each hair is, arrector Pili, forcing the hair to stand up
Sudoriferous Glands
emerge from deep in the skin to the surface directly though tubes. Sweat
Sebaceous Glands
are glands that connect to the hair, and produce oil (sebum)
are a type of sensory receptor that detects the sensation of pain
Meissner’s Corpuscles
are sensory receptors that are very superficial in the skin, and detect light pressure
Pacinian Corpuscles
are sensory receptors that are very deep in the skin, and detect deep pressure