Int Macro Final Flashcards
Types of variables that move with the economy:
- Procyclical- rise as the economy rises
- Countercyclical- fall as the economy improves
- Acyclical- does not move with the economy
Types of economic indicators:
o Leading- they change before the overall economy changes
o Lagging- they change after the overall economy changes
o Coincident- change at the same time as the economy changes
What shifts the IS curve?
o “animal spirits”- irrational unexpected optimism or pessimism
o Events that encourage consumers or businesses to spend more or less
o Changes in G or T
What is the Theory of Liquidity Preference
How much money people want to hold based on the interest rate
o States that the interest rate adjusts to balance the supply and demand for money
What shifts the LM curve?
o Changes in the money supply
-Increasing the money supply shifts LM to the right
o Changes in money demanded, other than a change due to Y, More D shifts LM left, less shifts it right.
o Changes in liquidity preferences
Spending multiplier:
Tax Multiplier:
In the Dynamic AD model what shifts AD and AS
AD:M (adjusts) and V (reverses)
Short Run Aggregate Supply Curve
-A short run relationship between inflation and economic growth
Adjusts up or down based on inflation after AD has changed.
Phillips Curve
a short run empirical relationship between inflation and unemployment
Ricardian Equivalence:
when government tries to stimulate demand by using debt-financed government spending, demand remains unchanged
This is because the public will save its excess money in order to pay for future tax increases that will be initiated to pay off the debt
Problems with activist monetary policy
o Zero lower bound- the conundrum faced when interest rates are at, or near zero which leaves the Fed unable to effectively lower interest rates to promote expansionary policy
Liquidity trap- when interest rates are low and savings rates are high
Problems with monetary and fiscal policy:
o Forecasting is difficult
o Lags
o Lucas critique
Taylor Rule-
monetary policy rule that stipulates how much the central bank should change the nominal interest rate in response to changes in inflation, output, and other economic conditions
Marxian Business Cycle Theory
Commodities are exchanged for money, but that money is not always immediately spent, instead some is saved
Some exchanges or contracts take place over time
o In the future, prices may have shifted such that one party has difficulty completing its side of the contract
o If there is a network of contracts, this harm propagates to other contracts
o Creates systematic risk
Austrian Business Cycle Theory
Central banks cause business cycles by pushing down interest rates
o This leads to an expansion of credit which in turn leads to overinvestment
Firms overinvest in long term projects as a result of unnaturally low interest rates and money illusion
o Production shifts from consumption goods to investment goods
Firms eventually realize that these investment were mistakes