insulin Flashcards
insulin MOA
○ Regulation of carbs (CHO), fat, aa
○ Glucose: facilitate uptake of glucose in muscle and adipose tissue
§ Inhibit hepatic glucose output (glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis)
○ Fat: enhance fat storage (lipogenesis)
§ Inhibit mobilisation of fat for energy in adipose tissue (lipolysis, FFA oxidation)
○ Protein: incr protein synthesis
§ Inhibit proteolysis in muscle tissue
○ Acts on liver, pancreas muscle, adipocytes
benefits of insulin
MOST EFFECTIVE HbA1c: 2.5% lowering
* Indication
○ All types of DM
* Choice of therapy: PREG with DM
PD of insulin
○ Response to insulin is highly variable between individuals and within indiv
○ ROA rapid and shorter for: IV> IM > SC
PK of insulin
○ A: activity after SC admin from inj site rate limiting step
§ SC depot formed
○ D: enter bloodstream after SC depot directly
○ M/E:
§ Exogenous: by kidney
§ Endogenous: by liver
injection factors
needle length
gauge size
syringe size
insulin vial size
stability of insulin
Needle length
Pen: 4mm ~ 12.7 mm
Syringes: 6mm ~ 12.7 mm (account for vial stopper)
○ Average skin thickness of 2.4mm (not based on BMI, race, age)
○ No need long needle (may enter IM instead, affect absorption)
○No need > 8mm
Gauge size
- 28,29,30,31,32 guages
○ Higher, more fine needle
○ Less pain
○ More weak needles – break
○Decr speed of inj
Syringe size:
- 1 - 100 units
- 1/2 - 50 units
- 3/10 - 30 units
Med safety: use smallest synringe possible for dose invovled
site of injection
- Absorption speed (fastest is)
○ Abdomen > outer upper arms > top/ outer thighs > buttocks - Reduce lipohypertrophy by rotating sites
insulin vial size, amt
- U100 = 100 units/ 1mL of insulin
- 1 vial = 10mL
○ Each vial contains 1,000 units of insulin
~round up number of vials needed
Stability of insulin (shelf life vs expiration date)
- Shelf life = unopened
○ Fridge = expiration date
○ Not fridge = 28 days - Opened insulin vials
○ Fridge/ no fridge = 28 days
Other devices, pens, refills vary (package insert)
Injection technique
1) Pinch area to be injected
2) Insert needle 90* angle at center of pinched area
1. 45* if small children/ cachexic adults/ frail elderly
3) Release pinch/ continue to pinch
4) Press plunger to inject insulin
5) Hold syringe/ device at area for 5-10s
1. Insulin depot, not leak out
6) Remove syringe/ device
special considerations when inejcting
Angle of injection
* 45* if small children/ cachexic adults/ frail elderly
* If use 6,8,12.7 mm
○ Don’t need pinch skinfold for meds to reach intended site
* 4-5mm needle
○ Don’t need pinch skinfold
○ Unless less SC fat (use arm, thighs for inj)
Factors affecting insulin absorption
- Temp = Incr ab with HEAT
- Massage = Incr ab
- Exercise = Incr ab
- Jet injectors
- Incr ab via pressure (not use needles)
- Lipodystrophy
inj sites
lipoatrophy vs lipohypertrophy
○ Incr ab
○ Concavity/ pitting of adipose tissue due to immune resp to porcine/ bovine insulin - lipoHYPERTROPHY
○ Decr ab
○Bulging of adipose tissue, from not rotating
Ultra-short acting
Rapid acting
onset: 5-10min
duration of action: 3-5hr
One inj per meal (15min before)
Short acting
regular — PPG
2-4 hr
One inj per meal (30min before)
onset: 1-2hr //6-12hr
duration of action: 10-16hr
2 inj for 24hcoverage
Long acting
Detemir —- FPG
Onset: 0.8-2hr
12hrs for 0.2units/kg
20-24hrs for 0.4units/kg
2inj for 24hr coverage
Glargine U-100
1 inj for 24hr
Ultra long acting
Degludec —— FPG
Duration of 42hr
Anytime of the day OD, sc inj
Glargine (U-300) ——FPG
OD, same time daily
stable mixed
- Regular + NPH
- Rapid + NPH
- Rapid + degludec
- Prior to admin
unstable mixes to avoid
- Glargine + other
○ Incompatible pH - Glulisine + (not NPH)
○ Incompatible - Detemir + other
○ Not recc
- Novomix 30
- 30% aspart
- 70% aspart protamine
- Humalog mix 75/25
- 25% lispro
- 75% lispro protamine
- Mixtard 70/30
- 30% regular
- 70% NPH
- Mixtard 50/50
- 50% regular
- 50% NPH
benefits of pre-mixed products
- Covers for meal/snack & BASAL
- Beneficial for pt difficulty measuring and mixing insulin
○ Retains indiv PD profile - Less inj
- Expect multiple peaks (rapid + intermediate)
- Challenging to titrate, adjust dose
- Basal + prandial adjusted tgt
○ Need pt to SMBG: optimise drug therapy
continue PO metformin?
continue TZD?
discontinue when initiate insulin
reduce TZD dose
TZDL insulin sensitiser, incr risk of hypoglycemia
continue SU
discontinue. reduce SU dose by 50% when BASAl insulin (pt risk of hypogly)
discontinue is mealtime insulin (PPG added)
- effectiveness of SU will wear off over time
SU: targets PPG
continue SGLT2i?
insulin dosing conversions
Most insulin conversion 1: 1unit
□ Reduce dose 10-20% if pt high risk of hypoglycemia
□ BD NPH –> OD glargine/ detemir
* Reduce dose by 20%
□ U300 glargine --> basal insulin (U-100 glargine/ detemir) * Decr dose by 20%
mixtard 30 (BD) —> glargine +aspart
Mixtard (70% NPH, 30% regular)
30units BD = 60 units
NPH = 0.70 x 60 = 42.0 —- FBG
42 x 0.80 = 33.6 (34) decr dose
Regular = 0.3 x 60 = 18.0 —- PPG
= 34units of glargine OD + 18/3 =6units aspart TDS during meals
ADR of insulin
hypoglycemia (<4mmol/L)
Weight gain
Lipodystrophy (lipoatrophy, lipohypertrophy)
local allergic rxn
systemic allergic rxn (rare)
insulin resistance (rate)
Management: 15-15-15 rule
15g fast acting carb
wait 15mins
check BG, still <4.0mmol/L, add another 15f of fasting cards
Individual therapeutic interventions
- First line = metformin
a. Continued as long as possible, start early also
b. Combi can be considered if HbA1c really quite elevatedc. If history of: 1) ASCVD: GLP1 agonist/ SGLT2i 2) HF: SGLT2i 3) CKD: SGLT2i
after adding metformin still above target…
a. Need minimise hypoglycemia (elderly) = AVOID: SU, Insulin
b. Need promote weight loss = GLP1, SGLT2i
c. Financial difficulties = SU > TZDs > DPP4
If need greater glucose lowering (despite PO drugs)
a. GLP1 agonist INJ
b. Insulin
□ Only first line INJ if:
Catabolism (weight loss)/ symp of Hypergly, A1c > 10%, BGL > 16.7 mmol/L
how start insulin
a. Initiate with BASAL, FPG
□ Contributes most to HbA1c readings
□ 10 units or 0.1IU/Kg
□ Or glargine/ determir/ degludec ($$$$$)
A1c still uncontrolled with basal = STRAT TITRATE
- Incr insulin 2 units every 3 days (until FPG goal)
- Incr 4 units every 3 days (if FPG consistently >10 mmol/L)
◊ Must be out of control for 3 days then u titrate
*Decr insulin by 10-20% if hypogly with no reason
Target FPG 5-7mmol/L
- Higher end if pt needs
Start prandial insulin when:
A1c still high, but
1) basal>0.5 IU/kg
2) FPG alr at goal
- Change to pre-mixed insulin/ self-mixed to decr number of injections (Prandial + NPH)
why cannot just keep incr basal
◊ Basal insulin at ceiling effective dose
◊ Incr dose, less proportional decr FBG
=Lead to weight gain, hypogly, Postpradial hypergly
start prandial insulin by (2 methods)
- Add Prandial coverage (rapid / regular insulin)
- Initiate 1 dose with largest meal
- 4IU/ 10% of basal dose
◊ STOP SU (glipizide)
-Decr BASAL by 4IU/ 10%
◊ If A1c <8%
- (or) Split dose of bedtime NPH
- 2/3 for morning
- 1/3 for evening
- 2/3 for morning
insulin dosing when pt have multiple inj dose
1) full basal-bolus regimen
* 1 inj (basal, glargine)
+ 3 inj (regular/ rapid for each meal)
2) or twice daily pre-mix regimen
*BD NPH+regular/ rapid insulin = 2inj
(basal consist >50% of total daily dose) – premix
Diabetic emergencies;
Ketones are byproducts of fat metabolism
Type1 > type2
- Absolute insulin deficiency
Lipolysis + metabolism of FFA
□ Form ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetic acid, acetone) in liver - Stress
Stimulates insulin counter regulatory hormones
(glucagon, catecholamines, glucocorticoids, growth hormone)
□ Excess glucagon: incr gluconeogenesis, decr peripheral ketone ultilisation
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Ketones formed
○ Found in blood, urine
○ Fruity breath odor
○ Acidosis - Still alert
- BG > 14mmol/L
DKA labs
pH low Bicar low
Acetoacetate (ketones) high
Osmolarity (conc with blood) not too high
Anion gap (acidosis) HIGH
Sensorium = alert
T2DM emergency = Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state
- Still residual insulin, usually no ketones
○ No acidosis - Extremely dehydrated BGL >33 mmol/L
- Stupor
T2DM hypergly labs
Glucose HIGH
pH neutral Bicar high
Acetoacetate (ketones) ABSENT
Osmolarity (conc with blood) HIGH
Anion gap (acidosis) NO <12
Sensorium = COMA
Somogyi effect
- BG drop at night
- Too much insulin/ no snack
- Body respond by release glucagon
- Incr BGL
= SMBG at 3am
at night is high or LOW
Dawn phenomenon
Release of cortisol in waking hrs causes BGL rise sharply
=SMBG at 3am
at night is normal
Prevention and management of comorbidities
Aspirin admin// clopidogrel (if allergic to aspirin)
2nd prevention strategy if DM, ASCVD
1st prevention strategy if DM + incr risk of CV
risk of CV (for aspirin therapy)
□ LDL cholesterol >2.6mmol/L
□ High BP
□ Smoke
□ Albuminuria
□ Fam hist/ premature ASCVD
no need aspirin in
Not needed — Incr risk for bleeding events
□ Low/ no risk of ASCVD
□ Young <40 yrs
□ Old > 70 yrs
limitations of HbA1c
- fail to correlate with macro complications
- pop A1c diff among race, ethnic grps
- fail to reflect harms of hypogly
- fails tp reflect glycemic variability
- represent a target without providing guidance as to how to achieve