Instructional Strategies Flashcards
Color Coding
Printing out handouts in different colors so students can follow along easier when the teacher is presenting each page
Gallery Walk
Putting up pictures/ projects around the classroom and having students walk around to view one another’s assignments
$10,000 Pyramid
A way for students to review key words or concepts from a unit and make connections between them
100 Squares
Class-wide motivation system that is a combination of tic-tac-toe and bingo. As the class exhibits positive behaviors, they draw a number and fill in the chart one square at a time
A structure for students to record their own comprehension and summarize their learning
Assess students’ background knowledge or their level of understanding. Asking students to determine the most important concepts, facts and points is a valuable skill
A to Z Chart
Brainstorming activity encourages students to come up with a variety of words related to a particular topic
Accountable Discussions
Empowers students to draw up arguments based on evidence. Students learn how to respect the views of their peers while strengthening their communication skills
Used to create a positive and supportive environment by teaching students to be supportive of one another.
Anticipation Guide
Activates students’ prior knowledge, builds curiosity about a new topic before learning about it, and then checks for understanding after the topic is presented
Attention Signal
This classroom management tool is a signal that teachers use to obtain students’ attention
Back and Forth
This technique allows students to explain a concept or idea and share thoughts with a partner
Buddy Journal
A written correspondence between two classmates, gives students a purpose for their writing
Card Sort
Gives students the opportunity to work with vocabulary, terms, and concepts. Students sort cards with the terms and concepts into categories based on meaning
Classroom Contract
Students and teacher work together to design an agreement for classroom norms, rules and consequences