Instruction words (B1) Flashcards
translate into English:
die Anweisungen (Pl.)
the instructions
translate into English:
die Aufgabe
the task, exercise
translate into English:
to mark with a cross
translate into English:
der Antwortbogen
the answer sheet/ paper
translate into English:
die Anzeige
the advertisement, announcement
translate into English:
die Aussage
the statement
translate into English:
die Durchsage
the announcement (radio)
translate into English:
die Einleitung
the introduction, induction
translate into English:
die Folie
the plastic wrap, the (Ppt) slide
translate into English:
das Hilfsmittel
the aids (notes)
translate into English:
das Kommentar
the commentary
translate into English:
to solve
translate into English:
die Lösung
the solution
translate into English:
der Moderator
the presenter
translate into English:
das Modul
the module
translate into English:
die Präsentation
the presentation
translate into English:
der Punkt
the point
translate into English:
die Rückmeldung
the feedback
translate into English:
die Struktur
the structure
translate into English:
der Textaufbau
the text structure
translate into English:
to transfer, apply
translate into English:
to assign (to)
translate into German:
the instructions
die Anweisungen (Pl.)
translate into German:
the task, exercise
die Aufgabe (n)