Anglicisms (B1) Flashcards
translate into English:
die Anglizismen (Pl.)
the anglicisms
translate into English:
das Baby
the baby
translate into English:
der Babysitter
the baby sitter (male)
translate into English:
die Babysitterin
the baby sitter (female)
translate into English:
die Band
the band
translate into English:
die Bar
the bar
translate into English:
der Bikini
the bikini
translate into English:
der Blog
the blog
translate into English:
to blog
translate into English:
das Camp
the camp
translate into English:
to camp
translate into English:
die Castingshow
the casting
translate into English:
der CD-Player
the CD player
translate into English:
der Chatroom
the chatroom
translate into English:
to chat (internet)
translate into English:
der Chip
the chip
translate into English:
die City
the city
translate into English:
der Club
the club
translate into English:
die / das Cola
the cola
translate into English:
der / das Comic
the comic (magazine)
translate into English:
der Computer
the computer
translate into English:
translate into English:
das E-Bike
the electric bike
translate into English:
das E-Book
the e book
translate into English:
der Fan
the fan (sport, etc.)
translate into English:
das Fax
the fax
translate into English:
to fax
translate into English:
das Festival
the festival
translate into English:
fit, healthy
translate into English:
die Fitness
the fitness
translate into English:
translate into English:
to google
translate into English:
der Hamburger
the hamburger
translate into English:
der Hit
the hit (song, etc.)
translate into English:
die Homepage
the homepage
translate into English:
das Internet
the internet
translate into English:
der Jazz
the jazz
translate into English:
der Job
the job
translate into English:
to work, have a job
translate into English:
to jog
translate into English:
der Ketchup
the ketchup
translate into English:
der Killer
the killer
translate into English:
der Laptop
the laptop
translate into English:
der Link
the link (hyper)
translate into English:
live (show, stream, etc.)
translate into English:
die (E-)Mail
the e mail
translate into English:
die Mailbox
the mailbox (phone)
translate into English:
to mail (email)
translate into English:
der Manager
the manager
translate into English:
das Mountainbike
the mountainbike
translate into English:
translate into English:
translate into English:
die Plattform
the platform, basis
translate into English:
das Poster
the poster
translate into English:
das Puzzle
the puzzle
translate into English:
das Sandwich
the sandwich
translate into English:
die Show
the show
translate into English:
das Smartphone
the smart phone