C Words (B1-B2) Flashcards
translate into English:
das Café
the café
translate into English:
die Cafeteria
the cafeteria
translate into English:
(das) Camping
translate into English:
die Chance
the chance
translate into English:
to chat (internet)
translate into English:
der Chef
the head, boss
translate into English:
die Chemie
translate into English:
chic / schick
chic, smart
translate into English:
approximately, about
translate into English:
der Club
the club
translate into English:
der Coiffeur (CH)
the hairdresser
translate into English:
die Couch
the couch
translate into English:
der Cousin
the cousin (male)
translate into English:
die Cousine
the cousin (female)
translate into English:
der Computer
the computer
translate into English:
die Creme
the cream
translate into German:
the café
das Café (s)
translate into German:
the cafeteria
die Cafeteria (s)
translate into German:
the chance
die Chance (n)
translate into German:
the head, boss
der Chef (s)
translate into German:
chic, smart
chic / schick
translate into German:
the hairdresser (CH)
der Coiffeur (e)
translate into German:
the couch
die Couch (s)
translate into German:
the cream
die Creme (n/s)
translate into German:
the cousin (male)
der Cousin (s)
translate into German:
the cousin (female)
die Cousine (n)
translate into German:
translate into English:
(das) Camping
translate into German:
approximately, about
translate into English:
translate into English:
die Chemie
to chat (internet)
translate into English:
the club
translate into English:
der Club (s)
the computer
translate into English:
der Computer (-)