Institutional and legitimacy theory Flashcards
Vilka tre frågor utgörs institutionell teori av?
- Are organizations rational tools for achieving clear cut purposes?
- Why are organizations so similar (At least structurally)? Typ skola och polis är strukturellt väldigt lika men samtidigt helt olika saker
- Why is it so hard to change organizations?
Vad är en institution?
- Ett mönster för kollektiv handling
- Skapar ordning, stabilitet och förutsägbarhet
- Nykomlingar blir upplära inom “så har saker alltid gjorts här”
- Motsatsen till “vana” som ofta är lokalt förankrat och individuellt
- Institutioner är long-lasting och har en normative explaination
Vilka tre pelare utgör en institution?
Regulative pillar
Normative pillar
Cultural-cognitive pillar
Explain regulative pillar
Rules, laws and their associated sanctions. Society expects that insitutions will live by the “rules”. The rules and laws in society that all insittutions have to deal with
Explain normative pillars
These are the norms and values that permeate through the insitution and give it its ethics, its individuality and personality.
Expectations of the “proper” way to behave and perform are maintained through systems of education, accreditation and professional development.
There is a right way to behave
Explain cultural-cognitive pillar
These are the “taken for granted” ways of getting things done. An institution sits easily in a society when it has absorbed the societys culture and ways of doing things done
Give examples of different instituions
Marriage, the contract, wage labour, the hand shake etc
Some organizations, some cultural and some more structural
Förklara kopplingen mellan institutionsteori och organisationer
Miljön skapas av och skapar i sin tur organisationer.
Org. måste anpassa till strukturen inom deras organisatoriska fält.
Vad är ett organisatoriskt fält?
Organisationer som utbyter råmaterial, varor, kunskap, professionella värden osv.
Det instiutionella konceptet är likt till industrier men större i sin omfattning då det inkluderar leverantörer, kundgrupper, lagstiftare, pressure groups osv (stakeholder theory)
Vilka är de två dimensionerna av inst. teori?
Isomorphism and decoupling
Describe isomorphism
Ismorphism is a constraining process whereby an institution changes to resemble other institutions facing the same environmental conditions.
Isomorphism is a consequense of belonging to a field - you become similar.
Describe decoupling
Where there is a separation from the formal institutional (the one that reflects society’s expectations) and the actual practices
Describe the three types of isomorphism pressure
Coercive pressue: political pressue, legislation, adaption to new technology
Mimetic pressure: uncertainty (from unclear objectives, overload of information). Imitate a more successful org in the field
Normative pressures: comes from professionalization, by hiring professionals one get people with similar education –> homogenization. Professional networks –> enhance homogenization
Organisations change due to societal expectations. Describe this from the three types of isomorphism.
Coercive: The inst. changes its practices because of pressure from dominant stakeholders.
Mimetic: Inst. will adopt the practices of successful inst. Therefore come to resemble them if it leads to greater access to resources and even some strategic advantage.
Normative: Norm groups (pressure groups) will pressure inst. to adopt what they see as normal behaviour. Eg bank and social inst and ESG-investments - no longer invest in mining companies because of the pressure from activist groups and media.
Describe decoupling
Sometimes an insitution seeks all the benefits of appearing to comply with social expectations, while in reality they are “doing their own thing”. Greenwashing of oil companies?
It needs to be appreciated that there are large overlaps with legitimacy and stakeholder theories.