inspector calls flashcards
sharp ring at the doorbell
once a happy introduction would equal an expose
alliance/ lower costs and higher prices
selfishness of captialism
honours list/ knighthood
a middle upper class buisiness man
the Germans don’t want war
unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
a rather cold woman and her husband’s social superior
was born into wealth
girls of that class
class discrimination
i accept no blame for it at all
she is cold and has no remorse
go and look for the father of the child. it’s his responsibility
a sight taste of disapproval
i don’t believe it. i won’t believe it
not admitting to anything
(triumphantly) didn’t i tell you? didn’t i say
easy well-bred, young man about town
she was young and pretty and warm hearted and intensely grateful
a spoiled woman
you were the wonderful fairy prince
a way of saying he was a womaniser
everything’s alright now sheila. (holds up the ring). what about this ring
still trying to make it up
but these girls aren’t cheap labour they’re people
a sense of equality in her eyes
(miserably) so i’m really responsible
guilt kicks in
between us we killed her
she feels guilty and understands the consequences of their actions
i remember what he said, how he looked and what he made me feel. fire blood and anguish
a mouthpiece for j.b priestley
you’re just the beginning to pretend all over again
a repeat of events
(bitterly) i suppose we’re all nice people now
she is sarcastic
i was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty
he was drunk and forced himself on eva smith/daisy renton
she didn’t want me to marry her. said i didn’t love her/…she refused to take any more
she wants Eric’s reputation to be safe
you’re not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble
he knew he messed up and if he told his father, he would scold him and ruin his reputation
need not to be a big man but he creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness
he doesn’t want a big image
if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire blood and anguish. good night
a warning about if you don’t change, you’ll r
learn it in the fires of hell