Inorganic Chemistry A1 (Chapter's 8, 9 and 10) Flashcards
What block are the transition metals in?
Are P3 elements very reactive?
What P3 element has the highest bp and why?
Giant structure
What does the atomic radii of a P3 element do across the period
Also what does atomic radii generally do down a group
Down a group - increase
Across a period - decrease
What two P3 elements show a drop in first ionisation energy from their previous elements
Aluminium and Sulfur
Reactivity trends with water down group 2
Group 2 element reaction with water (l) - Use magnesium as an example
M (s) + 2H20 —-> M(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)
Group 2 element reaction with water (g) - Use magnesium as an example
M (s) + H20 —-> MgO (s) + H2 (g)
Difference between reacting a group 2 element with water (l) and water (g)
Reacts very slowly with cold water - forms a hydroxide and H2 gas
Reacts rapidly with steam - forms an alkaline oxide and H2 gas
What is milk of magnesia, and what is it used for?
Neutralising excess stomach acid that can cause indigestion
Solubility of group 2 hydroxides going down the group
What do you observe when looking at group two hydroxides?
White precipitates
Solubility of group 2 sulfates going down the group
Barium sulfate is completely insoluble
What can barium sulfate be used for and why?
It is insoluble
Can be eaten so it outlines the gut in medical x-rays
Even though it is highly toxic, it’s insolubility means it is not dangerous
Removing sulfate or carbonate ions in solution, and how do you distinguish which one you have removed?
Ba 2+ (aq) + SO4 2- (aq) —-> BaSO4 (s)
Ba 2+ (aq) + CO3 2- (aq) —-> BaCO3 (s)
They are both white precipitates, so you can’t
Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine apperances at room temp
Fluroine - Pale yellow gas
Chlorine - Greenish gas
Bromine - Red-brown liquid
Iodine - Black solid
What is group 7?
The halogens
What is group 2?
The alkaline earth metals
What reagent would you use to remove SO4 2- or CO3 2- ions
Barium chloride