Innervation Flashcards
Where are the lower preganglionic sympathetic neurons?
In the intermediolateral cell column between T1 and L2
Route of preganglionic sympathetic neuron leaving spinal cord
Ventral root => spinal nerve (ventral ramus) => white ramus => sympathetic chain ganglion
How does the postganglionic sympathetic neuron return to the spinal nerve from the sympathetic chain ganglion?
Gray ramus
How do GVE sympathetic fibers reach the head and lower parts of the body?
Preganglionic axons ascend to the cervical extension or descend to the sacral extension and synapse at a different vertebral level. The postganglionic neuron then takes the gray ramus to the spinal nerve.
Cervical ganglia
Superior, middle, and inferior
Splanchnic nerve- spinal levels and destination
T1-T4; Travel to heart via the coronary plexus to the cardiac plexus (deep and superficial), sending some fibers also to the pulmonary plexus
Parasympathetic innervation to the heart
Vagus nerves via superior and inferior cardiac nerves
Explain referred pain to the arm due to heart attack
Splanchic nerve to heart originates at T1-T4. T2 gives intercostobrachial nerve
Greater splanchnic nerve level(s)
T5-T9 (varies by source)
Lesser splanchnic nerve level(s)
T10-T11 (varies by source)
Least splanchnic nerve level(s)
T12 (varies by source)
How do the greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nerves reach the abdomen
Enter from the thorax behind crura of diaphragm
Do the thoracic splanchnic nerves synapse in the sympathetic chain ganglia?
Do the abdominal splanchnic nerves synapse in the sympathetic chain ganglia?
No (but they do pass through. Therefore, they are PREganglionic fibers)
Where does the greater splanchnic nerve synapse?
Celiac ganglion