Injection Flashcards
Intradermal site
Inner forearm Tb shot
Intradermal gauges
25, 27, 29
Intradermal length of the needle
1/4–1/2 inch
Intradermal angle
Intradermal volume
0.1–0.2 mL
Intradermal miscellaneous
Should form a belb
Intradermal skin position
The bevel has to be up pull the skin taut
Intradermal aspiration
Intradermal massage after injection
Subcutaneous site
Upper outer posterior arm
Abdomen 2 inches from the umbilicus
Anterior and lateral aspect of the thigh
Subcutaneous gauges
Subcutaneous length
27- 1/2 and 3/8
Subcutaneous angle
If two of the skin can be grasp
45° if one of the skin could be grasp
Subcutaneous volume
0.05–1 mL
Subcutaneous miscellaneous
Pointer the spot of intended injection
Look at instructor for approval of site selection
3 inches from the umbilicus
Keep skin pinched during injection
Wait 10 seconds before removing the needle from the skin
Subcutaneous skin position
Average size or obese patient pinch skin
Subcutaneous aspiration
No aspiration with insulin
Subcutaneous massage after injection
No with insulin
Intramuscular site
Vastus laterails
Intramuscular gauge
20 -23
20 - 21 more viscous med
Intramuscular Length
Adults 1–3 inches
Shorter needles for thin patient
Intramuscular angle
Intramuscular volume
Small muscle deltoid
No more than 1 mL
Intramuscular Miscellaneous
Z track
Displace skin to the side
Wait 10 seconds do not massage z track
Intramuscular skin position
Spread skin with thumb and index finger
Intramuscular aspiration
No aspiration is not supported by evidence-based practice unless giving injection in dorsal gluteal site per manufacture insert
Intramuscular massage after injection