note : a lot of this lectures info is in PBL1 cards for this week
revise it :)
what are monozygotic twins?
identical twins from a single zygote
what are monochorionic diamniotic twins?
twins share a placenta and therefore a blood supply
what are diachronic diamniotic twins?
each twin has its own chorionic and diamniotic sac
what are monochorionic mono amniotic twins?
share placenta and amniotic fluid
what are the 3 types of monozygotic twins
- dichorionic diamniotic twins
- monochorionic diamniotic twins
- monochorionic monoamniotic twins
why do we get different variations in monozygotic twins?
because it depends when the embryo splitting occurs as this tells us how much of the extra-embryonic membranes will be shared
in monozygotic twins, when does the embryo splitting occur by?
anytime in the first 2 weeks
what are dizygotic twins?
when 2 eggs ar ovulated and so 2 fertilised eggs occur
how many couples require medical assistance for pregnant?
1/7 couples
how many couples under 35 will become pregnant after 1 year of regular unprotected intercourse?
what are the types of assisted reproductive technologies?
In vitro fertilization.
Intrauterine insemination.
Intrafallopian transfer.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
what is intrauterine insemination?
fertilizes the egg inside a woman’s uterus
what is intrafallopian transfer?
fertilizing the egg inside the woman’s fallopian tube
what is an intracytoplasmic sperm injection?
when a mature egg is injected with a single healthy sperm.