Initial SEP Flashcards
Safety and Emergency Procedures Quiz 18/3/24
3 elements to start a fire
Heat, fuel, oxygen
serviceable water fire extinguisher indicated by
unbroken safety wire (lockwire) and seal
discharge range and duration of water fire extinguisher
~20ft for 30-45s
A serviceable Halon extinguisher is indicated by
pointer on green band of pressure gauge and intact locking pin
What is the discharge range and duration of the Halon fire extinguisher?
~2m for 12s
What is Class ‘A’ fire?
involving ordinary (combustible) material such as wood, paper and
What is Class ‘B’ fire?
Fires involving flammable liquid.
What is Class ‘C’ fire?
Fire involving live electrical equipment
After knocking down the flames of a Class ‘A’ fire with a Halon extinguisher, the fire fighter
cool the embers and inspect the adjacent areas.
What is the most effective way of extinguishing a fire?
extinguish flames with Halon and cool embers
How would you extinguish a fire involving a live electrical equipment?
off power supply & extinguish with Halon
The Lavatory Fire Extinguishing System is activated by
heat from fire
The OXYCREW smokehood supplies oxygen for approximately
20 mins
You have returned with a Halon extinguisher and an Oxycrew to fight a lavatory fire. What do
you do if you notice thick smoke when you open the lavatory door?
Close the door, put on the Oxycrew and then enter the lavatory to investigate
When you experience an increase in breathing (respiration) resistance while using the
Oxycrew smokehood you should
take 5 deep breaths to confirm the end of the operation of
the set
You have put on the Oxycrew and pulled the STARTER lanyard but the STARTER does not work.
What should you do?
Take 5 deep breaths to initiate the breathing cycle
What indicates that you are nearing the end of the operation of the OXYCREW?
Inhalation resistance increases, i.e. an increase in breathing resistance
When the red hazard beacon is flashing or rotating, what does it indicate?
That the engines are running or about to be started. DO NOT approach the aircraft
What should cabin crew do if a Pax refuses to stop using a prohibited electronic device
Notify the CMD and follow the CMD’s instructions.
TUC @ 40,000 feet
A person at rest subjected to cabin altitude of 35,000 feet without supplementary oxygen
20s TUC
There may be occasions when Pax may wish to place their cabin baggage laptop bag onto
an adjacent spare empty seat. Which seats should they be placed on?
Only bulk head seats or window seats as an alternative.
There may be occasions when Pax may wish to place their cabin baggage laptop bag onto
an adjacent spare empty seat. Which seats should they be placed on?
Preferred Location are bulkhead seats or window seats. Other alternative seats may be used
(except emergency exit rows) provided the egress of the Pax in the rows are not affected.
What should Crew be reviewing whenever they are seated for take-off and landing?
- Bracing positions
- Brace commands
- Door operations
- Primary & secondary evac routes
aka Silence 30s review (STR)
duration of TURBULENCE can be described as
Occasional, intermittent, continuous
What should crew do when the Emergency Flashlight is unserviceable
Report the discrepancy to the Complex Leader/CIC.
purpose of the emergency lighting system
To illuminate the cabin in an
emergency evacuation when there is a loss of aircraft electrical power.
Cabin-type portable oxygen bottle is used
for first aid purpose and by the cabin crew as
a protective equipment during their walk around after an emergency descent following a
rapid decompression.
In an evacuation, non-ambulatory Pax should evacuate
after the Pax
How do you secure the seat belt for a pregnant Pax?
Ensure that the seat belt is secured over the hips and below the abdomen.
When should infant seat belts be used?
During take-off, landing and whenever the seat belt sign comes on during flight.
Infant lifevest are restricted to infants:
Up to 4 years old and 35 lbs in weight.
Infants should have their life vests inflated:
immediately after donning.
The position for installation of infant safety seat is
Both forward and aft facing.
An approved infant car seat should not be placed:
at an exit seat row and immediately
forward and aft of an exit seat row.
Handicapped Pax and their escorts must be boarded early to allow sufficient time for safety
briefing. What must they be briefed on?
- Location of 2 nearest exits
- Oxygen equipment
- Evacuation procedures.
- Lifevest (for over water
PRMD and their safety assistants/attendants should be boarded early to allow sufficient time
for safety briefing. They must be briefed on lifevest (for over water flights) and:
- Location of 2 nearest exits
- Oxygen equipment
- Evacuation procedures.
Pax at self-help exits must be briefed on:
emergency operation of the door as per the Safety
Information Card and that he ⁄ she may have to open the door in an emergency.
When carrying out preparations for an emergency landing, crew should assign willing
“buddies” for the following types of Pax:
- unaccompanied children
- elderly
- handicapped
A “Safety Assistant” is a person responsible for:
Assisting a PRMD evacuate the aircraft
PRMDs can be seated:
close to emergency exits.
During refuelling with Pax on board crew should ensure that:
Pax have their seat belts
unfastened and that they observe the “No Smoking” sign.
Cabin Crew must ensure that emergency exit row seats are not occupied by:
elderly or frail
Pax or young Pax under 15 years old.
Prior to a planned ditching, the crew will demonstrate/show the following items to Pax:
- Lifevest
- Brace positions
- Nearest exits
- Safety information card
Prior to a planned emergency landing on land, the crew will demonstrate/show the following
items to Pax:
- Lifevest
- Brace positions
- Nearest exits
- Safety information card
What equipment should crew evacuate with after a ditching?
- Megaphone
- Flashlight
- EFA-70 kit (Emergency First-Aid Kit)
- ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter)
- SSK (Supplementary Survival Kit)
What equipment should crew evacuate with after a crash landing?
- Megaphone
- Flashlight
- EFA-70 kit (Emergency First-Aid Kit)
- ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter)
- SSK (Supplementary Survival Kit)
To operate the RESCU-406SE portable emergency transmitter on land
- Select area to transmit
- Erect the antenna
- Select the switch to the “XMT” position
To operate the RESCU-406SE portable emergency transmitter on land:
- Select area to transmit
- Erect the antenna
- Immerse the battery casing in the plastic bag filled with water-based fluid
To operate the RESCU-406SE portable emergency transmitter in water, secure the end of the
lanyard cord to a tethering point near the raft sea anchor point and:
- Ensure the transmitter is
in “ARM” mode - Put the transmitter into the water.
Where on the raft do you secure the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) during ditching?
Close to the sea anchor point.
In order to remove an incapacitated pilot from his seat, crew should:
- Move the seat aft with
the electrical switch or manual lever - Recline the backrest
- Unfasten the seat belt and
harness - Carry him out of his seat.
How should cabin crew serve food and drinks to the pilots?
On a deep tray from the outboard side of the pilot’s seat.
The CMD will make the PA “Attention Cabin Crew At Stations”, while the aircraft is on the
ground, when:
the cabin crew have to be at their respective door standing by for further
instructions, e.g. evacuation.
What is the purpose of the PA “Attention Cabin Crew At Stations” made by the CMD while the
aircraft is on the ground?
The call is a signal to alert the cabin crew to prepare them for an
eventuality, e.g. Evacuation.
over the P.A. system:
in the event of a cockpit crew incapacitation.
what must the cabin crewmember do?
Proceed to the cockpit immediately and carry out the Pilot Incapacitation drills.
If an emergency evacuation is not required following an emergency landing or rejected
takeoff, the Captain will announce over the P.A. system, “Ladies and Gentlemen,….”:
Please remain seated, we are now proceeding to the gate!”
Both the “FASTEN SEAT BELT” and “NO SMOKING” signs are on during flight. Which sign would
the technical crew cycle twice to indicate that Cabin crew should suspend service and return
to their seats?
When the P.A. system is unserviceable, the alternate means for the Technical crew to order
the brace for impact is by:
Cycling the “FASTEN SEAT BELT” sign.
When the P.A. system is unserviceable, an example of an alternate means for the Technical
crew to order the brace for impact is by:
cycling the “FASTEN SEAT BELT” sign.