inheritance: b6 inheritance and genetics Flashcards
what is DNA?
DNA is a polymer made from four different neucleotides
what does each neucleotide consist of?
each neucleotide consist phostape group, sugar, one of the four bases attached to the sugar
what are the four bases of DNA?
what is the structure of DNA ?
a polymer made up of 2 strnds foriming a double helix and contained in structures called chromosomes.
what is a gene
small section of DNA on a chromosome and each genes codes for a particular sequnece of amino acids to make a specific protien.
what is a genome of an organism?
the Genome of a organism is the entire genetic material of that organism
what is the human genome?
the entire genetic material that makes a human
what is the benefits of understanding the human genome?
- will help us to search for genese that are linked to a disease
- will help us to underdtand and treat inherited disorders e.g cystic fibrosis
- to trace human migration patters from past to discover their ancestry
which ones are the gamates in human and which one is for a flowering plant?
human= sperm and egg
flowering plant= pollen and cells
how are gamates made?
from a type of cell division called meiosis
what kind of cells identical or non identical does mitosis produce and which one does meiosis produce?
meiosis= non identical
mitosis= identical
sexual reproduction involves…….. fusion..?
involves the fusion of male and female gamates which is called fertilistaion.
what leads to variation in an offspring?
sexual reproduction there is a kixing of genetic information as all gamates are different so their is a variety
what does asexual reproduction involve?
include how many are involved? what type of cell divison?
- involve one parent
- no fusion of gamates
- no mixing of genetic information so lead to identical offsprings
- mitosis is involved
how does meiosis halve the number of chromosome in the gamates?
- before cell divides it duplicates its genetic information
- first division chromosomes pairs line up in the middle
pair are pulled aaprt, each new cell has one copy chromosme each
* second division chromsome line up again in the centre, pulled apart - four gamates each with only a single set of chromosome each and each is genetically different
cells in reproductive organs divide by what? to form gamates
cells in reproductive organs divide by meiosis to form gamates
what happenes to gamates at fertilisation?
they join to resotre the normla number of chrmososmes
where does meiosis take place?
only in the repoductive organ the testes and ovaries
what happens after fertilisation of gamates?
the new cell divdies by mitosos, the number of cells increase as identical cells are made called embryo.
what happen when embryo devolps?
cells differenticate making different cell types e.g nerve cells, muscle cells
what are the advantages in sexual reproduction?
- produces varaiation in the offspring
- if the enviroemt changes the varaition gives a survival advanatage by natural selection
- natural selection can be speeded up by humans in selective breeding to increase food production.
advanategs of asexaul reproduction?
- only one parent needed
- more time and energy effeicent as do not need to find a mate
- faster than sexual reproduction
many identical offsprings can be prodcued when conditions are favoruable