homeostasis: homeostasis+ human nervous system Flashcards
what is the definition of homeostasis?
the regulatuion of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions for functions in response to internal or external change.
basically making sure your inside is good for exmaple glucose level so t
homeostasis maintains optimal conditions for enzyme actions and all cell funtions
homeostasis maintain conditions of which enzyme and cell funtions?
- blood glucose concent
- body tempertaure
- water levels
what do control systmes include?
- receptors
- corrdination centres
- effectors
- stimulus
- response
what are receptors?
cells called receptors detect a stimuli [changes in the enviroment ]
changes in the enviorment could mean chnages in your bodys internal cond
what are coordination centres?
coordination centres receivce and process informtion from recpetors { this could include the brain, spinal cord, pancrease}
what are effectors?
an effector carries out the response to restore optimum levels this is the job of a muscle or **gland **
what does the nervouse system do?
the nervouse system enables humans to react to their surrounding and coordinate their behavior
what is the centeral nervouse system?
this is the brain and spinal cord connected to the body thouigh thr sensory neurons and motor neurons
what is the reflex arc if you touch fire?
just an example but most reflex arcs are the same
- stimulus is detected by a recptor
- electrical impules pass down from the recpetor to sensory neuron to ceneteral nervouse system
- at end of sensory neruon is synapse which release a chemical which diffuse to the relay neuron to the centeral nervouse system
- electricla impluses reach another synapse that release a chemical –>trigers electrical impulse in motor neuron
- then passes onto an effector, the muslce which contracts = response
stimulus=fire, receptor= skin cells
stimulus–> receptor–> coordinator-> effector–> response
what is a basic description of a reflex arc?
Information from receptors passes along cells (neurones) as electrical
impulses to the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is the** brain** and
spinal cord. The CNS coordinates the response of effectors which may
be muscles contracting or glands secreting hormones
what is a sensory neurons fucntion?
carry information as electrical impulses from the recpetor to the Ceneteral nervous system
what is the motor neurons fucntion?
neurons that carry electrical impuleses from the ceneteral nervouse system to effectors
what is the synapses fucntion?
connection between 2 neurones where the nerve signal is transfered by it releasing chemicals which diffuse to other neurons and **triggers **the new electrical signals
why are reflex actions important?
they are rapid and automatic and respond to certaint stimuli that dont involve the conscious part of the brain and reduce the chances of being injured
what does the brain do?
the brain control complex behaviors
what is the brain made out of?
billion of interconnected neurons that have different regions which carry out different funtions
identify the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and
medulla on a diagram of the brain
what is the function of the cerbral cortex and what is it?
cerbral cortex is the highly folded outer part of the brain
funtion include langauge memory and consciousness
what is the cerebellum and what is its funtion?
cerebellum control our balance and co-oridinates our movement