homeostasis: Hormonal coordination in humans Flashcards
what does the endocrine system consist of?
the endocrine system consist of:
* glands which secretes chemicals called hormones directly into the blood stream
what is a hormone?
a hormone is a chemical messenger secreted by the gland and it travles in the blood to a target organ where it causes a response
compare the endocrine system to the Ceneteral nervouse system?
- the endocrine system uses chemical called hormones hwich are carried into the blood stream and the centeral nervouse system uses electricsl signals which travel through nuerons
- CNS produces fast effect, endocrine is very slow but is more long lasting.
what is the pitutary gland?
the master gland which secretes several hormones into the blood in resposnse to the bodys conditions
where is the pitutary gland based?
in the brain
why is the pituatary gland called the master gland?
this is because the hormones which it secretes act on other glands to stimualte other hormones to be releases to bring effect.
what is the role of the pitautary gland?
- controls human growth
- stimulates the thyroid gland
- stimualtes the ovulation
what is the role of the pancrease?
seceretes hormone insulin and controls blood glucose level
what is the role of the throid gland?
it secretes the hormone thyroxine, controls the metabolism, heart rate and body temp
what si the role of the adrenal gland?
secretes adrenaline, controls the bodys flight or fight response
what is the role of the ovaries?
secretes oestregon, which coordinates the mentral cylcle and devolpment of the female secondary sexual characteristics
what is the role of the testes?
secretes testosterone, which coordinates the prodcution of the sperm and the devoplemt of the male secondary charateristics
on this diagram label everything
which organ monitors the blood glucose concentration?
the pancrease
how does insulin control the blood gluscose level in the body?
high blood glucose level
- the pancrease produces hormone called insulin
- insulin causes the glucose to move from the blood into the cells
- insulin triggers the live and muscle cells to store excess glucose
excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored for storage
how does the body handle low blood glucose level?
- glucagon is secreted by the pancrease
- glucagon triggers and makes the liver cells turn glycogen into glucose
- glucose released into the blood by liver
- blood glucose level increased
glucagon and glycogen are different wordss
what is type 1 diabetes?
type one diabtets is a disorder when the pancrease fails to produce sufficieint insulin?
why is type 1 diabetes bad?
this is bevcause insuffinent insulin leveles leads to uncontrollable high blood glucose levels
how do your treate type 1 diabetes?
with insulin injections
describe type 2 diabetes?
type 2 diabtetes is when the body cells no longer reposnd to the insulin produced by the pancrease.
what is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes?
how can type 2 diabtetes be dealt with?
a carbohydrated controlled diet with and exercise routine
comepare type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
what are 3 ways our body can lose water?
- lose water through lungs when we exhale
- water, ions and urea are lost from the kin through sweat
- excess water, ions and urea are removed through the kidney in the urine
why can our body not control how much water is lost by ions, urea, skin or lungs?
this is because sweating is part of our bodys temeprature control system.
how can osmosis affect our cells in a negative way?
if our cells lose or gain too much water they will not fucntion efficiently?
how does the kidney remove urea?
- the blood enters the kidney through an artery
- kidney removes urea and excess ions and water
- this leaves the urine to be stored into the bladder
- the blood leaves through the veins
what is the funtion of the kidney
removes excess water,ions and urea and adjusting the levels of water and ions in the blood
how are excess amino acids excreted from the body?
- in the liver the amino acids are deaminated to form ammonia
- ammonia is toxic so it is converted to urea for safe excretion by the kidney
what does deamination mean?
whne the liver breaks down the excess amino acids and produces the chemical ammonia