Inhalant Anesthetics Flashcards
goal of inhalant anesthetics
- antinociception
- muscle relaxation
- unconsciousness
modern inhalants
organic compounds
- hydrocarbons
- ethers (iso, sev, des)
- inorganic compound (N2O)
addition of Cl, Br, or F
- decreases reactivity and increases potency
- makes inhalants non-flammable
- Br & Cl: increase potency
- F: improves stability, but rreduces potency and solubility
physcial characteristics of inhalants
- determine how inhalants are administered
- vapor pressure
- boiling point
- liquid density/SG
- determine how inhalants travel around body
- solubility
- blood:gas partition co-efficient
- states of matter: gas, liquid, solid
- agent that exists in gaseous form at room temp and atmospheric pressure
- nitrous oxide
- gaseous state of an agent that exists as liquid at room temp and atmospheric pressure
- isoflurance, sevoflurane, desflurane
- still have same physical properties as gas when in gaseous form
vapor pressure
- pressure vapor molecules exert when the liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium
- measure of a substance’s ability to evaporate
- directly related to temperature of liquid
- as temp increases, vaporization of liquid increases
- as temp decreases, vaporization decreases
- unaffected by surrounding atmospheric pressure
partial pressure
- pressure an individual gas exterts on walls of a closed container
dalton’s law of partial pressure
- total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to sum of partial pressure of all gaseous substances present
three ways to quantify inhalants
- pressure (mmHg)
- concentration (%)
- mass (g or mg)
most often reported as concentration
- X% of agent A in relation to whole gas mixture
relationship of partial pressure of inhalant and atmospheric pressure
partial pressure of inhalant (mmHg) = fractional anesthetic concentration (%) x total ambient pressure (mmHg)
- partial pressure will be the same, but volume percent will change with changes in ambient pressure
inhalant concentration (%)
- changes relative to concentration of whole gas mixture
- changes with changes in atmospheric pressure
- may be different in various body compartments
saturated vapor pressure of liquid
- maximum concentration of molecules in the vapor state that exists for a given liquid at a given temp
- pressure exerted on sides of a container from escaped molecules from liquid
- determines highest attainable anesthetic concentration
critical temperature
temperature above which the substance is in its gaseous form and cannot be liquefied by compression
boiling point
- temperature at which vapor pressure = atmospheric temperature
- decreases with increasing altitude
- desflurane: boiling point close to room temp, requires heated vaporizer
- total number of gas molecules dissolved into a solvent
- amount of gas dissolved depends on
- partial presure gradient between gas & solvent
- chemical nature of gas (MW)
- chemical nature of solvent
- changes with temperature
- expressed as partition coefficient
blood:gas partition coefficient
- can help predict speed of anesthetic induction, recovery, and change in depth
- lower: faster onset and recovery
which anesthetic agent has the fastest onset time at similar conditions?
nitrous oxide
blood: gas partition coefficent = 0.41
iso-1.4, sevo-0.68, des-0.45
MOA of inhalants
- not fully known
- several theories
- protein receptor hypothesis
- neurotransmitter availability
- Meyer-Overton theory
- principal sites of action: brain, spinal cord
- partial pressure of anesthetic in brain/spinal cord produces anesthesia
oil:gas partition coefficient
- solubility characteristic
- describes ratio of concentration of anesthetic in olive oil vs. gas phase at equilibrium
- inversely related to MAC & proportional to potency
uptake of inhalant
- removed from alveoli by pulmonary blood
- influenced by:
- solubility of anesthetic
- patient’s CO
- alveolar-venous anesthetic partial pressure difference
- increase in any of these will increase uptake
solubility of anesthetic agent in body
- whether or not agent will remain in blood
- less soluble: readily leaves blood to reach equilibrium with gas and tissues
- more soluble: more “reluctant” to leave blood
inhalants with low solubility or low blood:gas partition coefficient are associated with:
- more rapid induction of anesthesia
- more precise control of anesthetic depth
- more rapid elimination of anesthetic and recovery
inhalant anesthetics and CO
- amount of blood flow to lungs and tissues influences uptake
- increased CO: greater amount of blood carrying inhalant away from alveoli to tissue
- decreased CO: less blood flow through lungs with less anesthetic removed
venous blood and inhalant anesthetics
- venous blood returning to lungs for reoxygenation will retain some inhalant
- PA-PV: partial pressrue difference between alveolar and venous blood
- PA-PV gradient must exist for uptake to occur
- highly perfused tissues equilibrate faster with PA
elimination of inhalant anesthesia
decrease alveolar partial pressure in the breathing circuit
- decreasing inspired inhalant partial P which reverses gradient from blood to alveoli
- affected by:
- inhalant solubility
- cardiac output
- duration of anesthesia
inhalant A is highly soluble in blood (high blood:gas partition coefficient), and inhalant B is not.
This means that:
inhalant B will cause a faster induction (less soluble)
goal of inhalant anesthetics
- antinociception
- muscle relaxation
- unconsciousness
how does duration of anesthesia influence elimination of inhalant anesthesia?
elimination of highly soluble agents is slower
- more time for agent to diffuse into tissues (acts as stored deposits)
- during recovery, large amount of agent must be removed from these deposits and delivered to alveoli
- high O2 flow rates and emptying reservoir bag can help hasten recovery
volatile anesthetic agents _________ cerebral metabolic rate, which __________ the brain
helps protect
Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
- minimum alveolar concentration of anesthetic which prevents gross, purposeful mov’t in 50% of patients exposed to noxious stimuli
inversely proportional to potency of inhalant anesthetics
- low potency: high MAC value
- MAC is additive among multiple inhalants
- can be influence by several factors
- hyperthermia-increase, pre-meds-decrease
partial pressure in alveoli
- balance between input into alveoli (delivery) and loss from the alveoli (uptake by blood/body tissues)
inhalant metabolism
- minimole role in removal of inhalant from body
toxic metabolites can still be produced
- can affect metabolism of other drugs
pharmacodynamics of inhalants
- effect of a drug on the body
- desirable and undesirable effects
- desirable:
- reversible, dose dependent general anesthesia
- non-addictive
- decrease cerebral metabolic rate
- not dependent on hepatic and renal function
inhalants and electroencephalogric wave (EEG)
- EEG gives info about brain electrical activity
- as depth of anesthesia becomes greater, EEG becomes desynchronized
- can provide info about abnormal brain function (seizures)
inhalants __________ cerebral blood flow
- decrease ventilation -> increase CO2 -> vasodilation
- decrease systemic vascular resistance -> vasodilation of intracranial vessels
- related to inhalant dose
- detrimental if ICP is elevated
inhalants _________ ICP
- parallels increase in CBF
- space within calvarium is fixed
- pre-existing intracranial disease or mass
- cerebral damage
- herniation of brain
inhalants and CV effects
- largely impacted by inhalants
all inhalants reduce CO
- negative inotropic effect
- decrease peripheral vascular resistance
- dose dependent
- enhanced CV compromise
inhalants and pulmonary system
dose related decrease in ventilation
- blunt response to increased CO2
- can acty as a safety mechanism
- as inhalant dose increases
- depressed spontaneous ventilation and tidal volume followed by resp. frequency
- increased arterial CO2
- medullary stimulation of respiration due to hypercapnea is reduced
- respiratory arrest occurs at 1.5-3 MAC
apneic index
- ratio of the end tidal concentration of a drug at which apnea occurs to the MAC value
- sevoflurane is highest
inhalants and liver
- minimal hepatic metabolism of inhalants
prolongation of drug metabolism
- decreased CO -> decreased hepatic BF
- isofluorance most likely to maintain hepatic BF
- can impact hepatic metabolism of co-administered drugs
malignant hyperthermia
- most commonly seen in swine
- myopathy secondary to inhalant exposure
increase in core body temp, secondary to muscle contracture
- decreased O2 supply and increased CO2
- circulatory collapse and death
- tx
- discontinue inhalants
- dantrolene sodium (skeletal muscle relaxant)
- inhalant general anesthetic
- rapid induction and recovery
- minimal cardiac depression
- low solubility
- MAC 1.5% (lowest, most potent)
- best for maintaining hepatic BF
- precise vaporizer needed
- inhalant general anesthesic
- MAC: 2.3%
- may cause seizures
- high apneic index
- good for geriatric/debilitated patients
- inhalant general anesthesic
- MAC: 7.2% (highest, least potent)
- respiratory irritant
nitrous oxide
- cannot be used along to provide anesthesia due to high MAC (200%)
- usually give concurrently to lower MAC of other agents