Inguinal Canal Flashcards
What is the entrance to the inguinal canal?
-deep inguinal ring = beginning of invagination of peritoneum into transversalis fascia
Where is the deep inguinal ring in relation to other anatomical structures?
- superior to inguinal ligament
- lateral to inferior epigastric A.
What structures pass through the inguinal canal in males vs. females?
- males: vas deferens, gonadal neurovasculature
- females: round ligament of the uterus
What is the exit from the inguinal canal?
- superficial inguinal ring = a split in the external oblique M. aponeurosis
- where the spermatic cord (male) or round ligament of the uterus (female) exit
What comprises the roof of the inguinal canal?
- transversalis fascia
- transversus abdominis
- internal oblique
What comprises the floor of the inguinal canal?
- inguinal ligament
- lacunar ligament
What comprises the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
-transversalis fascia
What comprises the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
- external oblique
- internal oblique
Where in the embryo do gonads form?
T10 axial level
How are the embryonic gonads connected in males vs. females?
- by the gubernaculum
- males: connected to future scrotal swellings
- females: become connected to uterus
What is the mechanism of testicular descent?
- the gubernaculum shortens
- outpocketing of peritoneal cavity (processus vaginalis)
- connection to peritoneum closes
What is the adult derivative of the processus vaginalis?
-tunica vaginalis
What layers of the abdominal wall are carried by the descent of the testes?
- transversalis fascia
- internal oblique
- external oblique
In regards to the testes, what does the external oblique become?
-external spermatic fascia
In regards to the testes, what does the internal oblique become?
cremaster M.