INFS1000 Lec 9 Process Improvement Flashcards
What are the 3 ways you can improve your business process model?
- OUTPUT related improvements
- ACTIVITY related improvements
- RESOURCE related improvements
Define (1) Output rate, (2) Throughput / flow rate.
- Output rate: amount of P/S produced by a BUSINESS PROCESS per unit of time.
- Throughput rate / Flow rate: rate at which units flow through a SPECIFIC ACTIVITY in the business process.
Define (3) Process capacity, (4) Capacity utilisation.
- Process capacity: max possible output rate of business process per unit of time.
- Capacity utilisation: % of process capacity that is actually used. (Output rate / Process capacity).
Define (5) Lead time, (6) Activity time, (7) Activity resource requirement.
- Lead time: AVE time required for a BUSINESS PROCESS from start to end. (e.g. regardless if they wanted coffee / cookie.
- Activity time: AVE time required for a SPECIFIC ACTIVITY in the business process. (e.g. time to make coffee only)
- Activity resource requirements: AVE units of resources required for SPECIFIC ACTIVITY in the business process. (e.g. man hours, costs).
What are the 3 additional pieces of info to facilitate analysis?
- Probability of eXclusive gateways
- Activity times
- Activity resource requirements
What are the 4 ways for OUTCOME related improvements?
Outcomes: Not just the final outputs of the process but the outputs of intermediate activities as well (e.g. an order, an invoice, semi-finished products).
- ELIMINATION of unnecessary outcomes (zero-based start method - justifcations have to be made to be reincorporated).
- SUBSTITUTION with more effective / efficient ones.
- DIGITISATION (e.g. electronic receipts cheaper / quicker to store copy distribute).
- HARMONISATION of outcomes
What is HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL harmonisation?
Horizontal: standardising docs / products along same business process. (E.g. structuring quotes / invoices same way).
Vertical: standardising and integrating processes that take place in PARALLEL for ECONOMIES OF SCALE. (e.g. integrating processes from multiple channels (online/offline) or different product lines.)
What are the 7 ways for ACTIVITY related improvements?
- Elimination of NON-VALUE-ADDING activities (lean management).
- Move from PUSH to PULL principle. (Rationale: processes following pull principle have no bottleneck).
- Elimination of BOTTLENECKS by increasing throughput rate.
- AUTOMATION (e.g. substituting manual activities with IT apps).
- PARALLEL ROUTING for activities that are not interdependent of each other.
- SUBSTITUTION MEHTODS: replace time-consuming activities (e.g. serve raw food instead of cooking). Include complementary pre-process tasks that reduce LEAD TIME (e.g. pre-cooking).
- Increase PROBABILITY of more efficient pathways.
What are the 2 ways for RESOURCE related improvements?
- INTEGRATION of activities to make your resources “do more”. (i.e. Job enlargement - same difficulty e.g. sorting + distributing mail, and job enrichment - more challenging, e.g. production + quality control).
- ASSIGNMENT of resources more specifically because practice increases efficiency. (i.e. specialisation).