infrahyoid muscles and thyroid gland Flashcards
the thyroid gland begins where?
in floor of pharynx as an invagination at foramen cecum and then descends inferiorly alongside larynx
thyroid gland may be connected to foramen cecum by what?
thyroglossal duct
thyroid gland is divided into?
two lateral lobes connected by an isthmus
follicular cells are derived from?
parafollicular cells are derived from?
ultimobranchial body (4-6 pouch)
where is the thyroid gland ?
between the 5th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae
arterial supply of thyroid
from superior and inferior thyroid arteries
superior thyroid artery
- the first branch to arise from the **external carotid artery
- glandular branches (lateral and anterior)
- thryoid ima artery (from brachiocephalic trunk)
**the inferior thyroid artery is from?
branch of thyrocervical trunk
venous drainage of thyroid
forms a plexus on surface of thyroid gland that drains into superior, middle, and inferior thyroid veins
what innervates the larynx?
superior laryngeal nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve
two branches of vagus nerve
- superior laryngeal – internal laryngeal (sensory) and external laryngeal (motor)
- recurrent larygneal– right: behind the right subclavian artery; left: behind the aortic arch
the recurrent laryngeal nerve ascends between
trachea and esophagus
reccurent laryngeal nerve supplies
- motor innervation to laryngeal muscles (except cricothyroid)
- viscerosensory innervation to the laryngeal mucosa
what leads to ipsilateral palsy of vocal folds?
damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve (due to thyroidectomy)
- prevents abduction of vocal folds, causing hoarseness
- bilateral nerve loss causes asphyxiation
what is the thyroid gland composed of?
- covered by fibrous capsule from which septa extend into parenchyma dividing it into lobules and carrying blood vessels nerves and lymphatics
- lobules consist of colloid-filled epithelial follicles
- each follicle is filled with colloid of a large gelatinous protein called thyroglobulin
lobules are lined by?
cuboidal epithelial cells
follicular cells
synthesize and exocytose thyroglobulin into lumen as a component of colloid
-also concentrate iodine from blood
follicular cells secrete
- tri-iodothyronine (T3)
- tetra-iodothyronine (T4)
overactive follicles
- -reduced colloid content
- -smaller because they release more T3 and T4
underactive follicles
- -increased amount of colloid
- -huge because they store more colloid
parafollicular cells or C cells
- release calcitonin
- individually or in groups between follicular cells or in connective tissue
what triggers release of calcitonin?
triggered by elevated blood Ca levels
inhibits osteoclast activity
what does the microvasculature of the parathyoid gland arise from?
inferior thyroid arteries
superior parathyroid gland is from?
4th pharyngeal pouch
inferior parathyroid gland is from?
3rd pharyngeal pouch
parathyroid glands
- secrete parathyroid hormone
- stimulated by a decrease in blood calcium levels
- PTH is synthesized by chief cells (principal cells)
- oxyphil cells (aged chief cells – no longer secrete PTH)
PTH function
- osteoblasts respond to PTH by making RANKL which increases osteoclasts
- resulting resorption–> release of Ca –> increases Ca concentration in circulation, which suppresses PTH production
- distal convoluted tubules–PTH stimulates Ca reaborption (and inhibits phos reabs in proximal tubules)
- indirectly increases Ca absorption in small intestine by stimulating vitamin D activation
effect of PTH on blood levels of Ca is opposite of?
infrahyoid muscles
- two superficial (omohyoid and sternohyoid)
- two deep (sternothyoid and thyrohyoid)
nerve supply of infrahyoid
ansa cervicalis except the thyrohyoid (C1)
- superior and inferior belly
- inferior originates from superior border of scapula
- runs anteriorly and medially across the posterior triangle of neck and narrows down to intermediate tendon
- superior belly passes deep to sternocleidomastoid muscle, emerges into anterior triangle, and inserts into body of hyoid bone
actions of omohyoid muscle
- depresses hyoid; draws larynx and hyoid down for phonation and terminal phases of swallowing
- nerve supply: ansa cervicalis
- arises from posterior aspect of manubirum of sternum and head of clavicle
- fibers pass upward, over anterior aspect of trachea and larynx and insert into body of hyoid bone above
action of sternohyoid
- depresses hyoid
- draws larynx and hyoid down for phonation and terminal stages of swallowing
- nerve supply: ansa cervicalis
sternothyroid muscle
- deep to sternohyoid
- origin from posterior aspect of manubrium of sternum
- inserts above into oblique line of thyroid cartilage
action of sternothyroid
- depresses hyoid
- draws larynx and hyoid down for phonation and swallowing terminally
- nerve supply: ansa cervicalis
thyrohyoid muscle
- originates from oblique line of thyroid cartilage
- passes upward to insert into body of hyoid bone
action of thyrohyoid
- depresses hyoid
- raises larynx during swallowing
- nerve supply: C1 via CN XII **