autonomic nervous system of head Flashcards
autonomic is divided into:
T1-L2 is the _____ NS
CN III, VII, IX, X and S2-24 are the ______ NS
parasympathetic (cranio saccral)
what are the autonomic plexuses?
cardiac pulmonary esophageal celiac mesenteric hypogastric
the autonomic nervous system is a _____ neuron system
2 neuron
has presynaptic and postsynaptic and they synapse with autonomic ganglion
outflow name of parasympathetic
cranial sacral
outflow name of sympathetic
preganglionic cell body location of parasympathetic
brainstem nuclei and intermediolateral horn of S2-4
preganglionic cell body location of sympathetic
intermediolateral horn of T1-L2 only
preganlionic axon of parasympathetic
relatively long
uses 4 pairs of cranial nerves and 3 pairs of sacral spinal nerves
preganglionic axon of sympathetic
relatively short: white communicating rami
does not use cranial nerves
14 pairs of thoracolumbar nerves
postganglionic cell body of parasympathetic
mostly in target tissues including pelvic splanchnics
postganglionic cell body in symp
mostly sympathetic ganglia
splanchnics in prevert ganglia
postganglionic axons in parasymp
relatively short and contained within target tissue
postganglionic axons in sympathetic
relatively long due to distance from ganglia to target
greay communicating rami
primary target of parasymp
mostly viscera
never skin
primary target of symp
mostly skin
viscera secondary
function of parasymp
resting/digesting decrease heart rate and blood pressure increase GI tract activity constrict pupils and bronchi salivation bladder contraction
function of sympathetic
fight/flight increase HR and BP decrease GI tract activity dilate pupils inhibits saliva dilates bronchi gly to glu adrenaline inhibits bladder contraction
all preganglionic cell bodies are ______ in sympathetic/parasymp
norepinephrine goes to _____ in _____ nervous system
smooth muscle
cardiac muscle
gland cells
sweat glands
acetylcholine goes to _____ in _____ NS
smooth muscle
cardiac muscle
gland cells
in parasympathetic
sympathetic nervous system targets ____
what neurons are in the sympathetic chain?
postganglionic sympathetic neurons
–ascend sympathetic chain and then go to target tissue
cervical ganglia
superior: C1-C4
middle: C5 & C6
inferior: C7 & C8
what is the distribution of sympathteic in head?
preganglionic–> superior cervical ganglia–> hitch a ride on the carotid–> cephalic arterial ramus–> carotid perarterial plexus–> blood vessels of visceral structures, blood vessels, sweat, arrector muscles of hair–> eyeball
what is the sympathetic fiber distribution via the ICA?
- preganglionic ascend to superior cervical ganglia
- postganglionic go through internal carotid
- deep petrosal nerve (symp)
- nerve (vidian) of pterygoid canal
- maxillary nerve (V2) entering foramen rotundum
- pterygopalatine ganglion in pterygopalatine fossa
- maxillary sinus
*outflow of CN III
nucleus: edinger-westphal (midbrain)
preganglionic axon: CN III
ganglion (postganglionic cell bodies): ciliary ganglion
postganglionic axon synapses: sphincter pupillae and ciliary body
*outflow of CN VII
nucleus: lacrimal (pons) and superior salivatory
preganglionic axon: CN VII
ganglion (postganglionic cell bodies): pterygopalatine and submandibular
postganglionic axon synapses: lacrimal/nasal glands & submandibular/sublingual glands
*outflow of CN IX
nucleus: inferior salivatory (medulla)
preganglionic axon: CN IX
ganglion (postganglionic cell bodies): otic
postganglionic axon synapses: parotid gland
CN X outflow
nucleus: dorsal motor N of X and nucleus ambiguus (medulla)
preganglionic axon (nerve): CN X
ganglion (postganglionic cell bodies): terminal ganglia and cardiac ganglia
postganglionic axon synapses: gut to left colic flexure and lungs and cardiac muscle
sacral outflow
nucleus: intermediolateral horn (spinal cord)
preganglionic axon: S2, 3, 4, pelvic splanchnics
ganglion (postganglionic cell bodies): pelvic plexus ganglia
postganglionic axon synapses: gut below left colic flexure and urogenital organs
superior salivatory nucleus is in the ___
inferior salivatory nucleus is in the ____
list the autonomic motor nuclei
edinger-westphal nucleus (III)
lacrimal nuclei
salivatory nuclei
dorsal motor nucleus of X
CN III goes to —
ciliary ganglion which innervates the eyes
CN VII goes to –
pterygopalatine ganglion and submandibular ganglion
which innervates lacrimal, nasal, palatine, and pharyngeal glands and submand and sublingual glands
CN IX goes to –
otic ganglion which innervates the parotid
what are the three things that happen to eye with the parasympathetic nervous system
- thickens lens
- constricts pupil
- convergence of eyes
parasympathetic path to eye
- accessory oculomotor (edinger-westphal) nucleus
- oculomotor nerve (III)
- ciliary ganglion
parasympathetic path to submandibular and sublingual glands
- superior salivatory nucleus
- VII and pterygopalatine ganglion
- tympanic cavity
- chorda tympani
- lingual nerve
- submandibular ganglia (postganglionic)
- sublingual
parasympathetic innervation of CN IX
- inferior salivatory nucleus
- glossopharyngeal nerve
- tympanic cavity and plexus
- lesser petrosal nerve
- otic ganglion
- auriculotemporal nerve
- parotid gland
what happens with a CN III lesion? (parasymp)
loss of accommodation reflex (pupillary constriction and thickening of lens)
what happens with a CN VII and IX lesion? (parasymp)
affects lacrimal and salivary secretions
T1 lesion affects what only? (sympathetic)
eye only
T1-T3 lesion in sympathetic division affects?
eye and head and neck
sympathetic chain (superior cervical ganglia) lesion leads to?
horner’s syndrome