Informed Consent Flashcards
Remove wrong perceptions in counseling
Affects the client’s Mental, Emotional, and Social functioning
Respect the client’s rights and responsibilities
Client must understand the
Counseling process
2 aspects
Disclosure, Free Consent
Free consent is
Decision to engage in an activity without coercion or pressure
Release info the client needs to whether to start counseling
Client has SoC in CP
Sense of Control, Counseling process
Underlying ethical principle
Respect for autonomy
Don’t treat client like a child
Legal Risks
Failure to obtain/docu informed con Failure to control dangerous client Multiple rel Misdiagnosis Marked departure from established therapeutic practice Practicing beyond scope of competency Client abandonment Repressed/false mems
Purpose for clients
Make autonomous voluntary decisions regarding participation
To be informed about therapy
Understand alternatives to therapy
U benef and risk to tratment/assess
PAP code for incapable of informed con
Consider person’s preferences/best interest
Obtain approp permission from a legally authorized person
Provide app expl
Seek indiv’s assent
When consent is not permitted/required by law
Take reasonable steps to protect individual’s rights and welfare
If court ordered
Inform client of nature of anticipated services ( if s is court ordered/mandated)
Limits of confi
Appropriately document!!
Written or oral
Consent, assent, permission
PAP IC in therap
Seek frely given, adequately ic for psychother
Respect client’s rights to commit or withdraw from therapy
Discuss rights and responsibilities in working relationship
When providing techniques procedures not yet established
Nature of treatment Developing nature Risks Alternatives Consent for volun parti
When therapist is still undergoing training
Discuss matter and assure adequate supervision will be provided
Gather IC prior assessment EXCEPT
Mandated by law
Implied such as in routine educational, institutional and organizational activity
Purpose of ass is to DETERMINE indiv’s decisional capacity
When 3rd party interpreter is needed
Confi and secu of test results must he ensured
Limitations of obtained data must be discussed in results conc recc
Capacity for IC
Client Cap
Client cap
To make informed deci
Provide clear info and check client’s understanding
Client is consenting freely and are free to withdraw
If substi consent not available
Therapist must take reasonable steps to protect indiv’s rights and welfare
On IC educ
Encourage qs and provide opportunities to raise qs about tx, imcl expectations
Sharing power w client
Collaborative relationship
Written IC provides
Standardization of IC content
Ease of administering IC
Consistent docum of IC
16 cl
Voluntary particip Limits of conf Confi Fees Risk ass w tx Insurance reimb Cred Cancellation polic Affili w other prof Supervisory rel Ethical and professional gls Contact perm Disputes and complaints C sig Ther sig
Therapist role
Therapist orientation
Anticipated length of tx
Recognized tech and proced
Therap avail
Brief expl of therapy type employed
A recognized procedure has
Empirical evidence documenting usefulness
Desc alternative tx
Desc limits of availab
Other emergency number
Provide office numbers and expectation of returned calls
Emergency numb
Voluntarily agrees to tx, can teeminate w/o penalty
Impact CUrr rel
Imv psychiatric consultation
May not lead to IMPROV or desired res
Wmotionally painful
Provate, our legal duty to protect and safeguard
Lim of C
Abuse Threat to kill or inj self Others tarasoff Client signs release for 3rd party payer, if involved in litigation Notes, records subject to subpoena C, F , G work provide limits Consultation w collgs Under 18 Disguised use of client material for teaching lurposes
Fees for serv
Status, superv if trainee
Notice and fee req
Superv rel
Describe any superv rela
Superv na,e and cred
Comtact perm
Names numbers if fam and friends icoe
Agreement, opportuni to ask qs, satisfact answ
Ther sig
Diag and treatment plan with client
Assurance of mental capacity for consent
Strategies for IC
Client info brochure
C qs list
2 IC apps
More interactive non-written form
Permanent part of c’s record, accomp by docu
In crisis
Good clinical judg
Protect best interest and life
Sign to be tactful, compass, cautious
Temporary delay in pursuing fully IC
Cs must be alert to non-v signs of confusion or resistance bc
Reluctant to ask qs or disagree with cslor bc they r authority figs/experts
On minors: closer to age of maturity
More likely to exhibit comprehension
Ability to choose
Dim Capac
Go through consent proced w substi